
Displaying items 21 to 40 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Nuremberg Trial war criminals on plane; Landsberg Hangings

    21:28:40 (Munich 187) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 24, 1946. War criminal von Burgdorff seated in truck on Furth airfield and guarded by MPs. Col. Muszkat, Chief of the Polish Mission for Prosecution of War Crimes at Frankfurt, signing receipt for prisoners. Prisoners are put aboard plane. INTs showing prisoners seated in plane. 21:34:01 (Munich 191) Hangings at Landsberg, Germany, May 28, 1946. Military hangings of two German civilians.

  2. Nazi, Mauthausen, Belsen, and Auschwitz war criminals tried

    World in Film. Issue no. 43 (1948) 03:30:14 "NUREMBERG AND MAUTHAUSEN." Mauthausen trial: March -- May 1947. Title: "Zwei Prozesse: Nuernberg und Mauthausen." LS, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H Jackson speaking. Pan, prisoners box showing Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, at first trial. German voice over Jackson's, as he details how "a thousand Kaltenbrunners," "a thousand Saukels," etc - were at work within the Nazi organizations. MCUs, Gruber, Grand, Green, SS men standing trial. Pan of Mauthausen criminals. Seated in court, they are compelled to remove shoe laces, etc. to prevent suicide atte...

  3. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Correspondence regarding various Nazi criminals, 1949-1969

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Correspondence regarding various Nazi criminals, 1949-1969 In the file: Correspondence with jurists, attorneys at law and courts in Germany regarding various Nazi criminals, including Hans Speidel, Rudolf Hess, Hans Globke, Jakob Winteler, Hans Sohns, Hermann Krumey, Otto Hunsche and Von Neurath, including a declaration by the International Committee for Investigation of Renewal of Employment of Nazi Jurists in Germany, 17 December 1962; - Surveys regarding the closed meeting of jurists, held in Koenigstein, 01-03 April 1966, dealing with trying Nazi criminals a...

  4. Letters written to the Forverts editorial board concerning war criminals

    1. O.22- The Mecker Collection: Letters and newspaper clippings from the "Forverts" newspaper published in New York regarding the search for relatives, 1940-1951

    Letters written to the Forverts editorial board concerning war criminals The file also includes a report from the War Crimes department of the Central Jewish Committee in Munich that mentions war criminals who operated in various areas in Europe

  5. Trials against Nazi and collaborationist criminals of war in Yugoslavia

    1. Државна комисија за утврђивање злочина окупатора и њихових помагача

    The files contain SCICOS prosecutions against Nazi officers and collaborationists accused of war crimes committed on the Yugoslav territory during WWII. Among them, generals Franz Bohme, Heinrich Danckelmann, officers of the 64 Police Reserve Battalion, Serbian general Milan Nedić and others involved in the Holocaust in Serbia. The files contain statements and interrogatories, reports, sometimes original documents in Serbian or German language. Particularly attention during the trials is dedicated to the extermination of the Serbian Jews. After WWII Yugoslav authorities asked for the extrad...

  6. Trials against Nazi criminals of war in Yugoslavia (Serbia)

    1. Државна комисија за утврђивање злочина окупатора и њихових помагача

    The files contain SCICOS prosecutions against high-ranked Nazi officers accused of war crimes committed on the Yugoslav territory during WWII, with particularly attention to the Serbian territory under German occupation. The file contains statements and interrogatories, reports, sometimes original documents in Serbian or German language. Particularly attention during the trials is dedicated to the extermination of the Serbian Jews. After WWII Yugoslav authorities asked for the extradition of the Nazi criminals of war who managed to escape to Germany after the liberation of Yugoslavia. Many ...

  7. Trials against Nazi criminals of war in Yugoslavia (Serbia)

    1. Државна комисија за утврђивање злочина окупатора и њихових помагача

    The files contain SCICOS prosecutions against high-ranked Nazi officers accused of war crimes committed on the Yugoslav territory during WWII, with particularly attention to the Serbian territory under German occupation. Among them, SS commander George Kiessel. The file contains statements and interrogatories, reports, sometimes original documents in Serbian or German language. Particularly attention during the trials is dedicated to the extermination of the Serbian Jews. After WWII Yugoslav authorities asked for the extradition of the Nazi criminals of war who managed to escape to Germany ...

  8. Prosecution of Nazi criminals Stíhání nacistických válečných zločinců (325)

    Records from various archives relating to investigation on Nazi crimes. Consists of testimonies of witnesses in trials against the guards of concentration camps: Auschwitz, Theresienstadt, and Sachsenhausen. Also includes photographs of Nazi criminals and their victims, children’s photographs from Lidice, and other photographs of Nazi crimes.

  9. An article and documents relating to war criminals

    Photocopied documents from Harry S. Truman Library, used by Crum in research for article published about Karl Brandt, "Nazi Bioethics and a Doctor's Defense," a copy of which is in this file.

  10. Criminals of War, box 23 f. 5-8

    1. Холокауст

    Materials from trials for war crimes: Adolf Eichmann, Adolf Beckerle, Rademacher, Danneker.

  11. Trials against Nazi criminals of war in Serbia

    1. German Occupying Forces 1941-1945

    Interrogations, statements and prosecutions of Nazi criminals of war responsible for crimes committed in Serbia. The majority of them was arrested by Allied forces in Germany and delivered to Yugoslav authorities in 1946. The prosecutions were issued by the Yugoslav Commission for War Crimes. The interrogations contain important details about the Holocaust (perpetrators, concentration camps, role of the Serbian police etc.). Among the most significant prosecutions: officers of the 64. Reserve Police Battalion, members of the Gestapo in Belgrade, the Einsatzgruppe, and August Meyszner, the H...

  12. Criminals of war, box 23 f.1-4

    1. Холокауст

    Materials from trials and prosecutions of criminals of war: Emin El Husseini, Ustasha criminals of war, German and Hungarian criminals of war responsible for crimes against the Jews in Yugoslavia.

  13. Kriegsverbrecherreferat (War Criminals Department), Central Committee of Liberated Jews - Munich

    In this collection there are files containing much documentation regarding criminals according to the places where they were active, in camps or in ghettos.

  14. Criminels de guerre

    • War criminals
    • CdG

    The fonds War criminals (Criminels de guerre) is divided into different subfonds. These are: - German Civil Administration (Administration civile allemande) - Commissions - Court for war crimes (Cour des crimes de guerre) - Deportation of Jews (Déportation des juifs) - Various - Extraditions - Trial of war criminals (Jugement des criminels de guerre) - German court (Justice allemande) - Offensive «von Rundstedt» - National Office for Research of War Crimes (Office national pour la Recherche des crimes de guerre) - German police (Police allemande) - trial (Procès) - Military war court (Tribu...

  15. Criminal Propaganda poster in Estonian picturing Roosevelt as the friend of US criminals

    1. Jewish paper based ephemera

    Anti-American propaganda poster issued in Estonia after it was annexed by Nazi Germany in September 1941. The poster accuses Roosevelt of being a liar and associate of gangsters such as Al Capone. It calls for the destruction of Jews and this criminal race. In July 1941, Germany invaded Estonia and made it part of the Reich Commissariat Ostland, a German civilian administration. Estonia was under German rule until September 1944, when it was annexed by the Soviet Union.

  16. Pathé Front Page -- Nuremberg trials: verdicts announced; shots of war criminals; prosecutors and local civilians

    Title reads: "Nuremberg" Various shots of sentenced war criminals, Rudolf Hess and Franz Von Papen standing out from the group, chat together and bid farewell in the courtroom, while U.S. military police look on. Various shots of the citizens of Nuremberg buying "Nuremberger" newspapers and reading the result of the trials. American armoured cars patrolling the streets. American soldier inspecting pass of civilian CU of an emblem carved in stone on the outside wall of the Nuremberg Courthouse, showing scales encircled by a laurel wreath. HAS of British team of prosecutors (most in military ...

  17. Portrait of a military courier created during the Trial of German Major War Criminals at Nuremberg

    1. Edward Vebell collection

    Ink drawing of a British military courier created by 24 year-old Edward Vebell, illustrator and US soldier, from the press gallery during the first months of the 1945 Trial of German Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany. Ed sat in the gallery for three days and used field glasses to capture the details of the defendant's faces. He had no water, so he had to use spit to create the halftones that add detail and nuance. Ed did 90% of his drawing in the courtroom, seeking to bring intimacy to the historical proceedings. The sketches were published...