
Displaying items 3,841 to 3,860 of 7,748
  1. Renee G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Renee G., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1923. She recalls her happy youth; German invasion; ghettoization; hiding in bunkers; her parents' deportation to Treblinka in 1940; living with her brother and posing as his wife; hiding in a chimney during a round-up; her brother's arrest; joining the underground; arrest with her sister while hiding in a bunker following the Warsaw ghetto uprising; two days on the Umschlagplatz followed by deportation with her sister to Majdanek; slave labor and selections; transport to a HASAG ammunition factory, then to Leipzig at the en...

  2. Lilly M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lilly M., who was born in Most (Most-Brux), Czechoslovakia in 1918. She remembers meeting Jewish children from Germany in 1938 and not believing their stories; attending medical school in Prague; the outbreak of war; anti-Jewish restrictions; deportation to Terezi?n; seeing her parents for the last time before their deportation from Terezi?n; volunteering to work with the elderly; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from her husband (she never saw him again); appells, beatings, and selections; forced labor in Birnbaumel; liberation by Soviet troops; and remaining wit...

  3. Emrich O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Emrich O., who was born in Tiszapüspöki, Hungary in 1925. He recounts his family's move to Törökszentmiklós; their extreme poverty; his father's death after his bar mitzvah; his mother begging relatives for funds so he could attend high school; apprenticeship to a baker; working at a bakery in Budapest; his brother working in leather goods; notice to report to a Hungarian slave labor battalion; visiting his mother and grandmother in Törökszentmiklós (he never saw them again); slave labor in Püspökladány; transfer to Budapest; clearing body parts from the Da...

  4. Shiela Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shiela Z., who was born in Vilna, Poland in 1921. She describes German invasion in 1941; anti-Jewish measures; hiding her brother and father after learning about the mass killings at Ponary; forced labor in a brick factory; hiding during round-ups; an unsuccessful attempted escape from the ghetto; hiding with her parents and brother in the sewers during the ghetto's liquidation; receiving assistance and food from a religious Pole; her father's death from illness; liberation by Soviet troops in July 1944; traveling with her mother and brother to Poland in 1946; living ...

  5. Sabina S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sabina S., who was born in Zawa?ow, Poland (today Zavalov, Ukraine), in 1931. Mrs. S. recalls her family being attacked by Ukrainians; seeing German soldiers who "killed with white gloves on"; ghettoization in Podhajce; hiding during Aktions; and posing as a boy to escape with her parents while digging graves in 1942. She recounts the taking of her younger sister and grandparents (who had remained behind in the ghetto); hiding in the woods with others in bunkers; assistance received from a Ukrainian family; liberation by Soviet troops in 1944; return to Podhajce; esca...

  6. Berta F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Berta F., who was born in Romania to a family of seven children. She recalls her father going to Belgium in 1939; his incarceration as a refugee (she never saw him again); her older brother's forced service in a Hungarian labor battalion; ghettoization in 1944; deportation with her siblings to Auschwitz in May (she never saw her mother again); separation from her siblings upon arrival (she never saw them again); digging ditches; transfer to Mittelsteine in November 1944; forced labor in an airplane factory; becoming a "lager sister" to four other prisoners; assistance...

  7. Eva M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva M., who was born in Sosnowiec, Poland in 1932. She tells of her mother's marriage, against her parents' wishes, to a non-Jew who converted to Judaism; her mother's father living with them after her grandmother's death; a close relationship with her grandfather; her mother and grandfather having to wear the yellow star after German invasion; continuing to attend school as a non-Jew; her grandfather being taken in a round-up (she never saw him again); her mother going into hiding; her mother's deportation in 1943; hiding her cousin in her house; her father threateni...

  8. Reports and other papers pertaining to refugees in Shanghai

    This collection comprises reports about the fate of Jewish refugees in Shanghai during World War Two; eyewitness statements of individual Jewish refugees; personal papers of Ernst Platz, former Jewish refugee in Shanghai; correspondence regarding documents relating to the Shanghai Jewish refugee experience

  9. Reports of the Detachment F1E2, 2nd ECAR of the Seventh U.S. Army in Mannheim, Germany, concerning displaced persons

    1. Albert Hutler collection

    Consists of copies of military documents (approximately 72 pages), principally weekly functional reports sent by Albert Hutler (then a First Lieutenant with U.S. Army occupation forces in the vicinity of Mannheim, Germany) to his commanding officer, then on to Seventh U.S. Army headquarters. Includes information concerning displaced persons camp population statistics, movements of displaced persons by railroad, rationing of food in the displaced persons camps, organization of labor in displaced persons camps, training programs for UNRRA personnel working in the camps, and the repatriation o...

  10. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of Isaac Meir Berman, b. 1906, a trader from Lodz, who describes the beginning of the war and the bombardment of Lodz, as well as the arrival of refugee from the surrounding countryside. He describes how he left Lodz with his family, making his way by car to Jezow, then Warsaw and Minsk Mazowiecki under heavy bombardments, together with other refugees. Many of the bombarded cities suffered casualties. He arrived in Vilnius by train. Protocol No.14 is an extract from a volume of protocols /statements provided by a group of Polish-Jewish refugee writers and journalists who fled to V...

  11. On the Borders - Bulletin No. 3

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    This bulletin was intended to publish the work of the Committee for collecting material about the destruction of the Jews in Poland, describing the conditions around and at the borders. The bulletin collects fragments of testimonies from several cities and towns that found themselves on the border between the German and Russian occupied territories. Among them Sierpc, Ostrów Mazowiecka, Wysokie Mazowieckie and Brok. They bulletin mentions eviction proclamations to Jewish populations living around the border, as well as perilous illegal crossing of the border to the Russian side. Testimonies...

  12. [Correspondence & Reports of Dutch, Jewish Relief Organizations regarding Jewish Refugees]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains correspondence and numerous reports of Jewish refugee relief organizations in the Netherlands pertaining to the situation of Jewish refugees and the contiguous stream of Jewish and political exiles into Holland during the 1930s up until 1940 when the subsequent German occupation of the Netherlands began. The file contains reports in particular by two organizations, the "Comite voor Joodsche Vluchtelingen" as well as the "Comite voor Bijzondere Joodsche Belangen", moreover the High Commisioner for Refugees of the League of Nations as well as the Red Cross pertaining to the ...

  13. Minutes of the meeting held in Paris, on June 13th, 1939

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains minutes of the meeting held in Paris, on June 13th, 1939, released by the 'Liaison committee of the high commissioner for refugees under the protection of the league of Nations'. Representatives of several organizations were participating in the meeting. The agenda was concerning the change of the status of the committee, ratification of the minutes of the last meeting and the admission of new organizations to membership. Besides the participants were dicussing about the situation and the continuing proceeding with Jewish refugees from Czechoslovakia and from Bulgaria. Fur...

  14. Lt. Alexandr Alexandrovich Bystrow

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains two reports written by Paul Anderson about the officer of the 61 Mechanised Rifle Regt of the Tenth Devision (Fourth Mechanised Army of the Soviet Forces, stationed in the Soviet Zone of Germany) Lt. Alexandr Alexandrovich Bystrow. On the 27th of August 1950 he crosses the zonal border and surendered to British military authorities as a political refugee. In the report Anderson explains very briefly the life story of Bystrow and his reasons for his desertion from the Soviet Army Forces. As Anderson argues the motives have little to do with political or ideological reasons,...

  15. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland: Statement No 86]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of Marcus Z., 23 years old compositor from Warsaw. He left Warsaw with some of his young friends and was caught in a refugee camp in Mińsk Mazowiecki, where he describes thousands of refugees living in difficult conditions. He returned to Warsaw where he heard German artillery, and severe bombardment that resulted in fires that killed many and spread for several days due to lack of water. Protocol No. 86 is an extract from a volume of protocols /statements provided by a group of Polish-Jewish refugee writers and journalists who fled to Vilnius, Lithuania. In 1939 they formed a com...

  16. URO News issued by the United Restitution Office

    1. United Restitution Organization (URO): Rundschreiben 1961-1973

    The file contains the issues no. 6, no. 7, and no. 8 of the URO News, the circular of the United Restitution Office (URO), published between June 1949 and September 1949. The issues no. 6 and no. 7 mainly deal with news from the organization itself and with regulations on questions of restitution from the Western zones of Allied-occupied Germany. The issue no. 8 is incomplete. It was published as a special edition with the law texts of both the American restitution law and the restitution law in West-Berlin and the subject index of the URO News no. 1 to no. 7. However, the law texts are not...

  17. Volume I

    1. Organisation internationale des réfugiés
    3. B) Documents provenant des services de l'O.I.R. à l'étranger
    4. Zone française d'Allemagne

    Volume I, chapitres 37 à 44 37/1 - Correspondance diverse concernant l'éducation et l'instruction, juillet 1948 - février 1949 37/2 - Correspondance diverse concernant l'enseignement des enfants et des étudiants, novembre 1948 - novembre 1949 37/3 - Correspondance diverse concernant l'enseignement des langues, novembre 1948 - mai 1950 37/4 - Correspondance diverse concernant la formation professionnelle, octobre 1948 - décembre 1950 37/7 - Correspondance diverse concernant la vérification des qualifications professionnelles, octobre 1948 -mai 1950 38/1 - Correspondance concernant le niveau ...

  18. 596. Italie. Mouvement de réfugiés d'Italie vers la France, juin 1945 - février 1946 603. Italie. Organisations bénévoles "Friends Relief Service" et "Friends Committee for Refugees and Aliens", novembre 1944 - janvier 1947 (2 dossiers) 604. Italie. Organisation bénévole "International Rescue and Relief Committee", août-1944 - mars 1945 605. Italie. Organisation bénévole "Hias-JGA Emigration Association" (H.I.C.E.M.), mai - juillet 1944 606. Italie. Organisation bénévole "Friends Ambulance Unit", mai 1944 - février 1946 607. Italie. Organisation bénévole "American Joint Distribution Committee" (A.J.D.C.), avril - décembre 1944 608. Italie. Organisation bénévole "American Friends Service Committee" (A.F.S.C.), mars 1944 - juillet 1945 697. Italie. Projet n° 2. Pêcherie à Bagni, septembre octobre 1945 803. Italie. Projet n° 3. Boutiques de coiffeurs, octobre 1945 804. Italie. Projet n° 4. Fabrication de savon à Bagni, octobre 1945 703, 864. Italie. Projet n° 5. Enseignement manuel dans la région de Rome, septembre 1945 - février 1946 866 et 867. Italie. Projet n° 6. Assistance aux Juifs dans la région de Florence, novembre - décembre 1945 701, 1797. Opérations du Comité intergouvernemental en Italie. Généralités, juillet - décembre 1945 et février - avril 1947 768. Italie. Maison de convalescents à la villa Sansoni à Rome, août 1944 - juin 1947 797. Italie. Avantages accordés à la délégation du Comité intergouvernemental, juillet 1945 - juin 1947 929. Italie. Eligibilité des réfugiés à l'assistance du Comité intergouvernemental, septembre 1945 - janvier 1947 940. Italie. Réfugiés qui ne sont pas sous le mandat du Comité intergouvernemental, novembre 1945 - juillet 1946 957. Italie. Maisons pour les Juifs âgés à Mantoue, janvier mai 1946 1800. Italie. Octroi de prêts, janvier - février 1947 1994. Italie. Prise de la responsabilité des camps par le Comité intergouvernemental, appel au personnel, mars - mai 1947 2014. Italie. Comité de criblage des réfugiés, mai - juin 1947

  19. Série 304. Réinstallation des spécialistes et des intellectuels 304/5 - Correspondance préparatoire de la conférence de Gwatt (Suisse), mars - avril 1948 304/9 - Publicité relative à la réinstallation des spécialistes et des intellectuels, 1948 Série 305. Missions de sélection des réfugiés 305/1 - Missions de sélection à l'étranger. Généralités, décembre 1947 - août 1950 Série 306. Colonisation 306/1 - Généralités, août 1948 - septembre 1949 Installation d'agriculteurs sur les terres abandonnées en France, août 1948 - août 1949 Série 307. Problèmes particuliers 307/1 - Espagnols réfugiés en France, septembre-octobre 1949 Espagnols réfugiés en Afrique du Nord, janvier - juin 1948 307/2 - Procédure en cas de décès de réfugiés déjà réétablis, mars - mai 1948 Série 308. Emploi des réfugiés 308/3 - Correspondance concernant des demandes d'emploi, août 1947 - mai 1948 Série 310. Voyages officiels du personnel de l'O.I.R. 310/1 - Missions du Major Lane, janvier - juillet 1948 310/2 - Missions de Melle Vermeulen, décembre 1947 - juillet 1948 310/3 - Mission spéciale de MM. Jacobsen et Cordova en Amérique du Sud, mai - août 1948 310/5 - Mission spéciale de M. Boal en Amérique du Sud, janvier - juin 1948 310/7 - Mission spéciale de Vincent Meyer au Chili janvier 1948 310/8 - Mission de M. Cordova à Rome, mars 1948 310/10 - Missions de M. Jacobsen, décembre 1947 - décembre 1949 310/12 - Visites du Brigadier Lush au Siège central de Genève, décembre 1947 - janvier 1948 310/13 - Mission de M. Le Vernoy en zone américaine et française d'Allemagne, janvier 1948 310/15 - Mission spéciale de MM. Jacobsen et Cordova en Argentine, mai - août 1948 310/16 - Mission de M. Minter Wood en Uruguay et au Paraguay, juillet 1948 - janvier 1949 310/17 - Missions de M. Clabon, novembre 1948 - août 1949 310/18 - Mission de M. Tuck en Amérique du Sud, novembre 1948 - avril 1949 310/19 - Mission de M. Cordova en Amérique du Sud, janvier 1949 310/20 - Missions de M. Williamson, mars - novembre 1949 310/21 - Missions de M. Fuller, juillet 1949 - mars 1950

  20. 1 Vol. I, chapitres 30 à 39 30/4 - Demande du chef de mission en Afrique orientale pour que son organisme bénéficie des privilèges diplomatiques applicables à l'O.I.R., 6 avril 1949 31/6 Poles - Sort des réfugiés restés en Afrique orientale, septembre 1950 31/12 - Malades mentaux, janvier - août 1949 31/13 - Etat d'esprit des Polonais au camp de Tengeru au Tanganyika, juillet - août 1949 32/1 - Réétablissement de criminels, mai 1949 - avril 1950 32/3 - Eligibilité d'ex-internés et de couples non mariés, août - novembre 1949 32/5 - Correspondance relative aux décisions du Conseil de Recours, mars 1949 - janvier 1950 33/1 - Correspondance relative au transfert à l'O.I.R. de la responsabilité administrative et financière des réfugiés polonais au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique orientale, novembre - décembre 1949 33/3 - Problème des réfugiés polonais au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique orientale. Questions débattues avec l'U.N.R.R.A., décembre 194 1945 - juin 1947 33/4 - Correspondance relative à la politique de l'O.I.R. au Canada en ce qui concerne la contribution des répondants au transport des réfugiés, décembre 1948 - octobre 1949 34/2 - Entretien des réfugiés dans les centres d'Afrique orientale, juin - septembre 1949 34/5 - Problème polonais en Afrique orientale et au Moyen-Orient, février 1949 - juillet 1950 34/5 Oth - Rapport sur l'opération "Cherry", transfert de Polonais du Kenya en zone française d'Allemagne, juillet 1948 37/2 - Mission de Nairobi. Admission des enfants polonais dans les écoles, juin- juillet 1949 38/3 - Réunion de familles séparées, février 1950 39/1 - Enfants séparés de leur famille. A noter un dossier concernant des enfants polonais séparés de leur famille en Afrique orientale, leur transfert en Italie, les protestations du gouvernement polonais, leur établissement au Canada, janvier - septembre 1949 39/2 - Motifs du gouvernement polonais de fermer le bureau de Varsovie, octobre 1949 39/3 - Tutelle des enfants au Tanganyika, janvier- février 1949