
Displaying items 3,221 to 3,240 of 7,748
  1. Rochelle Weithorn photograph collection

    The collection consists of 28 photographs of David Weithorn, Hella Edelbaum Weithorn, and their children, Rochelle and Victor, in the Gruliasco displaced persons camp in Turin, Italy.

  2. Emissaries Section (S86)

    Contains records of Israeli delegations in various countries of Europe, Asia and the Middle East, including the records of Zionist organizations abroad such as Youth Aliyah and Keren Hayesod. Features reports on the Jewish situation including Jewish refugee and DP camps after the war, negotiations with immigration agencies, cultural material that was prepared and sent around the world, and various other documentation.

  3. Fiedler family collection

    Contains an identification document issued to Oskar Fiedler, a Jewish refugee in Shanghai, China during the war. Also contains a certificate for innoculation and vaccination for Berta Fiedler, in Shanghai, dated 1949.

  4. David Reisfeld papers

    Documents pertaining to the efforts of David Reisfeld of New York City, who working with an American aid organization, the Humane Refugee Aid Society, Inc., sought to facilitate the immigration of several Jewish refugees from Austria to the United States in 1938-1939. Includes documentation about efforts to assist Karl Friedenthal (Vienna), Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hornstein (Vienna), and Hermann Singer (originally of Vienna, writing from Kitchener Camp, England).

  5. Everett Goldstein collection

    The Everett Goldstein collection consists of a 35 page typescript report entitled "Program of general measures of Relief and Rescue of Jews threatened with extermination by the enemy," made by the World Jewish Congress and submitted to the War Refugee Board in 1944 regarding measures and policies that should be enacted in order to help with Jewish refugees and victims of Nazi persecution. Also includes the program to a radio show made in May 9, 1943, entitled "The Truth About Refugees," on which Everett Goldstein was one of the panelists.

  6. The remembrance

    Consists of the transcript for the oral history video "The Remembrance" by Norman Feld. "The Remembrance" concerns the experiences of the Feld family in Poland as they attempted to escape Nazi persecution during the Holocaust. The bulk of the transcript contains information on Feld family genealogy and the emigration of family members to the United States after World War II. The oral history interview was conducted with Norman Feld's father, Stephen Feld, his uncle, Mel Feld, and his aunt, Estelle F. Nadel.

  7. Peter Gersh testimony

    Contains information about Peter Gersh's (Pinchas Gerszonowicz) boyhood in Poland; his impression of antisemitism among the Poles; German invasion of Poland; German occupation of Poland; work for the Luftwaffe at an airbase; life in a concentration camp; escape from a death march; search for relatives after World War II; and emigration to the United States.

  8. Concentration camp from Oct. 1941 to May 1945

    The collection consists of a personal narrative written by Elizabeth Reif describing her deportation from Vienna, Austria, to Łódź, Poland; her occupation as a pharmacist in the Łódź ghetto; conditons inside the ghetto; the deportation of her mother to Terezín, Czechoslovakia (a.k.a. Theresienstadt); her deportation to the camps of Auschwitz and Mittelsteine; her liberation and her return to Vienna.

  9. Henry Holland collection

    Contains United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) child welfare reports, 1946 Jan.-1946 June, relating to psychological evaluations of children and youths at Föhrenwald displaced persons camp. Also includes a 1988 memoir by Henry Holland entitled "Second Chance." The memoir contains information about Holland's childhood in Kusnica (Kushnitsa, Ukraine) and Bergszasz in Hungary; his experience in a Hungarian labor battalion during World War II; his escape from the labor battalion and return to Hungary after the war; his witness to Jewish ghettos while working in Hungar...

  10. Oral history interview with Joseph Ribo

    1. Hadassah Rosensaft oral history collection