
Displaying items 3,141 to 3,160 of 7,748
  1. Refugees in France

    Paramount Newsreel, Issue 74, Released May 1941 “Preview of Despair” Voice: Gilbert Martyn "First authentic films of refugee camps in conquered France - the first real hint of what's going on throughout a Europe in Nazi chains." Refugees work in unidentified internment camp; French flag; man digging with one arm. Wounded refugees. Women walk into women’s barracks (probably Rivesaltes). INT of barracks, fixes bunks, luggage on shelf, scrubs clothes. INT, wounded men in hospital (matches photo from Récébédou), nurses. “1938” Refugees trek over mountain in snow, warm a boy’s feet at fire (acco...

  2. Wasservogel Wellerson families collection

    Collection of documents, photographs, and correspondence relating to Dorrit Wasservogel Wellerson (donor’s late wife), born in Vienna, Austria in 1923, and her parents Marcel and Klara Wasservogel. The Wasservogel family left Austria on August 20, 1939 for India. On September 1, 1939 the war broke out and they were trapped in Naples, Italy not being able to proceed. They later moved to Rome, but in 1940 they were placed in internment camp in Atripalda in Forino, Italy, not far from Naples. From October 1943 Forino was under Allied control. In July 1944 the Wasservogel family joined approxim...

  3. Anti-Polish propaganda just prior to outbreak of war

    Excerpts from the last newsreel before the outbreak of war. Women and children who have allegedly suffered at the hands of the Poles are interviewed in a German refugee camp. A weeping woman tells her story. The ship Schleswig-Holstein arrives in Danzig harbor. Joyous civilians and members of the Kriegsmarine wave to the the ship from the shore. Men in formal navy dress uniforms leave the ship and review sailors lined up on the dock. A banner reads "Wilkommen Schleswig-Holstein". German draftees, still wearing civilian clothes, stand at attention at roll call, then are issued shoes and unif...

  4. 92. "Diversi dal 1 giugno 1944" poi "Angelo Donati"

    1. Lelio Vittorio Valobra
    2. Delasem Svizzera. Sostegno ai rifugiati e corrispondenza con enti e collaboratori

    Corrispondenza di Lelio Vittorio Valobra con Angelo Donati a Montreux. Si tratta di corrispondenza avente come oggetto, tra l'altro: le relazioni con l'ambasciatore USA in Svizzera e con il rappresentante del War Refugee Board Roswell McClelland, relativa al sostegno economico ai rifugiati; con l'on. Magistrati, Ministro d'Italia, a Berna (26 luglio 1944) per il patrocinio dell'attività della Delasem di ricerca e sostegno di deportati e sul campo di concentramento di Bolzano; di contatti con il Governo russo, francese, rumeno e con altre organizzazioni internazionali (American Joint, Croce ...

  5. Miriam Davenport Ebel collection

    Collection includes a hatbox, which Miriam Davenport Ebel (the donor) took to France with her in June 1938. At one point, she lived for five months using only what was packed in the box. Steamer sticker on box is that of the Companie Generale Transatlantique's SS Champlain. In addition, the collection includes a musical score written by Hans Sahl, 1938, Zurich, Switzerland and purchased by Miriam Davenport circa 1940 in Marseilles, France, as well as a book she purchased, also in Zurich. The collection also includes artwork and papers. The Miriam Davenport Ebel papers consist of corresponde...

  6. Refugees in Italy

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 17, No. 287, Part 3. Release date, 04/20/1944. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: "Italian Refugee Problem" The Allied Control Commission humanely handles the thousands of pathetic refuges who require clothing, food, and bivouac until the tides of war roll by. Italian refugees mill around courtyard/piazza with duffel bags. Little kids are dressed. Children and adults are fed. Mostly CUs. MLS courtyard/square. People stand around with bundles. CU kids with bandages and scarves wrapped around head. Baby bounced. CU little girl. MS people enter building, ...

  7. Herbert E. Kronfeld papers

    1. Arnold Kronfeld collection

    Collection consists of seven folders containing extensive documents concerning Herbert E. Kronfeld's efforts to get his extended family out of Germany to the United States. Includes extensive correspondence regarding his attempts to assist with the immigration of his elderly aunt, Nanette Scheuffele, who was interned in the Gurs concentration camp in France. The attempt, which was ultimately successful, involved correspondence and coordination with the State Department, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Pastor Adolf Freudenberg (in Switzerland), the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HI...

  8. Abe Morgenstern photographs

    1. Abe Morgenstern collection

    The collection consists of photographs of Abraham Morgenstern (Abe), originally of Czortków, Poland (Chortkiv, Ukraine), and his friend Jack Honig in displaced persons camps in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, and Bari, Italy after the Holocaust.

  9. Oral history interview with Murray Berger

    1. Fruma Gulkowitz Berger collection
  10. Malah (Malach) family photographs

    1. Malah (Malach) family collection

    Consists of 35 pre-war, wartime, and post-war photographs of the families of Zigmund (Zishe) Malah (Malach) and Maria (Manya) Adlerfliegel Malah, both originally of Bedzin, Poland. Includes photographs of Zishe Malah while he was serving in the Polish Army as well as portraits of family members who did not survive the war and photographs of Zishe and Maria Malah (and their children) after the war.