
Displaying items 2,301 to 2,320 of 2,734
  1. Barbie Trial -- Day 10 -- Two witnesses testify

    17:57 The witness, Mr. Stourdze, describes the evacuation of Auschwitz in January 1945 on foot to Gleiwitz, and then by coal train to Mauthausen and Oranienburg; the witness was then sent to Flossenburg, where there were inmates of several concentration camps; they were forced under scalding water for 20 minutes, and then made to stand outside naked in the bitter cold for three hours; the witness stayed for two weeks before being transferred again, to Regensburg, where he worked constructing a runway for a jet engine factory; Hermann Göring arrived and inspected the facility, which was ridd...

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Session 103 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    This tape begins in the middle of Session 103 and the first few minutes are a duplication of the last part of the footage on Tape 2179 in which Eichmann gives a lengthy description of his duties in Hungary, followed by questions and explanations as to how often he met with Lazi Endre, the chief of the Hungarian gendarmerie. Endre is identified as the organizer of the deportations from the Hungarian side. Attorney General Gideon Hausner questions Eichmann about a meeting on 25 May 1944 with Baky (whom Eichmann describes as a Hungarian secretary of state) and the discussion and organization o...

  3. Early Nazi struggles for power; Hitler speech; parade

    Film Title: "The Nazi Plan" 01:00:52 Certificate and Affidavit from E.R. Kellogg, Cmdr, US Naval Reserve 01:02:46 "Part I: The Rise of the NSDAP, 1921-1933." 01:02:54 "Alfred Rosenberg Describes the Early Nazi Struggles for Power" Alfred Rosenberg describes early Nazi struggles for power. 01:06:13 scenes of rallies and riots. "Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1927" Hitler speaks at Nuremberg in 1927. "Deutschland erwache!" Hitler reviews a parade after another speech in 1929. "Julius Streicher" "Auch Die übrigen Führer begrüssen Die Ankommenden" "Kolonne reicht sich an Kolonne" "Deutschlands Freihe...

  4. Eichmann Trial -- Session 75 -- Eichmann's testimony

    The video begins in the middle of Session 75 with Eichmann testifying that there were bureaucratic problems which hindered attempts at mass emigration of the Jews. Eichmann goes on to explain the role of Hinckel, the Reich cultural administrator in the Reich Ministry of Propaganda, in the promotion of Jewish emigration (00:07:27). This entire segment duplicates footage found on Tape 2096 (beginning around 00:28:45). After a cut, the footage resumes with some confusion about the next document to be presented. Defense attorney Dr. Robert Servatius reads from a document (in English) which indi...

  5. Barbie Trial -- Day 12 -- A witness and a civil party testify

    16:07 The next witness, Mrs. Raymonde Guyon, presents herself to the court and is sworn in; the witness describes her participation in the dissemination of clandestine Resistance newspapers during the war, while in high school and then university; her fiancé at that time met law professors who were involved in the Resistance and they both became formally involved through these professors; she describes creating false papers, with which entire families of Jews were able to escape to Switzerland, and outlines the challenges involved in writing, printing, and distributing the newspaper 'Témoig...

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Session 88 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about membership in the Nazi party and antisemitism

    The footage begins near the end of Session 88 during cross-examination of Eichmann by Attorney General Gideon Hausner. Hausner questions the accused about his dismissal from the Austrian Vacuum Oil Company. Eichmann maintains that he was dismissed because of his marital status and not because he joined the Nazi party. A small part of this section is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2123 (at 01:06:39). Hausner then asks about Eichmann's membership in the NSDAP, the SD, whether he joined these organizations of his own free will (00:03:52), and whether he ever tried to leave the Nazi party...

  7. Germany-Italy pact; Inspecting defenses on West

    Title: "Signing of European Axis Pact 22 May 1939" Hitler attends the signing of the pact between Germany and Italy. Title: "Welcome Home of German Legion from Spanish War 6 June 1939" Hitler reviews troops returned from the Spanish Civil War. Title: "Inspection of West Wall Fortifications August 1939" Hitler inspects West Wall defenses.

  8. Hitler comes to power

    "Herbst 1932". Reports on activities and policies of the Nazis in Germany 1921-1933 (poor sound quality, fades in and out). 01:14:02 "1933" "Hitler's First Speech as Chancellor 30 January 1933" Title: "Goering, Named Prussian Minister of Interior by Hitler, Outlines His Program February 1933." Goering seated, speaks to camera, outlines program. Title: "Election Day in Bavaria, 5 March 1933." MCUs of citizens coming in and out of the election booth. Title: "Gewerkschaftshaus." VS of German soldiers and workers milling about the entrance way to a building. Title: "Election Day in Berlin, 5 Ma...

  9. Hitler on annihilation of Jewish race; Occupation of Czechoslovakia; Aircraft launch

    Title: "Goering Launches First Aircraft Carrier 8 December 1938" Goering speaks at the launching of the carrier Graf Zeppelin. Title: "1939" Title: "Hitler Predicts Annihilation of the Jewish Race in Europe if War Occurs 30 January 1939" Hitler speech at Reichstag. Title: "President Hacha of Czechoslovakia Arrives in Berlin as Guest of Hitler 14 March 1939." Hacha walking in street lined with SS officers. CU, flag. Hacha gets into automobile. Title: "Occupation of Remainder of Czechoslovakia 15 March 1939." Various newspaper headlines. Nazi soldiers on village road, on motorcycles and bicyc...

  10. Eichmann Trial -- Session 103 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    A slate indicates the date and the session time. The opening shots show the courtroom before the trial starts, focusing on people in the courtroom. Attorney General Gideon Hausner with his assistants at the prosecution table appear in the opening shot. The defense lawyer, Robert Servatius, enters the courtroom and sits at the desk closest to Eichmann's booth. Adolf Eichmann, carrying a stack of documents, is escorted by two security officers into the bulletproof booth. The people in the courtroom rise as the judges enter (00:05:29) and announce the opening of the 103rd session. Cross-examin...

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Session 82 -- Eichmann's testimony re: Bohemia and Moravia and France

    The footage begins near the opening of Session 82 with Servatius questioning Eichmann on the stand. Servatius presents communications between Himmler and Kaltenbrunner about the deporation of 5,000 elderly Jews from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz. There is some confusion regarding the date of the document. Servatius presents another document, which describes a change in the Jewish leadership of Theresienstadt from one person, a Dr. Edelstein, to a triumvirate consisting of Eppstein, Löwenherz and Edelstein. Servatius asks Eichmann if this was a demotion for Edelstein. Some of the proceedings a...

  12. Archiv Horst von Wächter

    1. Horst von Wächter collection

    Correspondence, letters, postcards, photographs, private documents, diaries and other archival material created by the donor's parents, Otto von Wächter and Charlotte von Wächter (b. Bleckmann), and family members. Otto von Wächter (born July 8, 1901 in Vienna, Austria‐ died July 14, 1949 in Rome, Italy) was an early supporter of the Nazi party and an SS officer who rose to the ranks of the District Governor of Kraków, Poland and later District Governor of Galicia.

  13. Eichmann Trial -- Session 113 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 113. Near-empty courtroom. Eichmann and Dr. Servatius attempt to talk over the private microphone line. Eichmann motions that it's not necessary. 00:05:43 Judges enter. They open Session 113. The Attorney General Hausner submits translated copies of his summing up. 00:08:54 Hausner says that he will say a few words regarding the proof as presented in the testimonies of the witnesses as well as various documents already discussed. Questions of the honesty of the witnesses, as well as the possibility of corroboration, are raised by the Judges. Hausner answers these in turn. 00:19:44 H...

  14. Re-release poster for the film, “The Stranger” (1946)

    1. Cinema Judaica collection

    Poster for the film, “The Stranger,” released by RKO Radio Pictures in the summer of 1946, and re-released in the United States by Independent Releasing Corporation in 1953. “The Stranger” tells the story of Mr. Wilson, an American member of the War Crimes Commission, who is searching for Franz Kindler, a dangerous and elusive Nazi. Wilson releases an old associate of Kindler, hoping he will inadvertently lead him to his quarry. He follows him through Latin America to New England, and discovers that Kindler is living under a false identity and has married the daughter of a Supreme Court Jus...

  15. Triumph of the Will: Nazi Party Rally 1934, Hitler, Labor Corps, SA

    {No Titles} Excerpt from "Triumph of the Will" Hitler speaks at several day and night rallies. RAD - Labor Corps day at Nuremberg. Hitler: "Heil, Reichs Arbeitsmaenner!" RAD man: "Kamerad, woher stammst du?" Replies: Aus Friesenland. Aus Schlesien.... 01:49:50 Hitler begins speech to RAD assembled on vast field. SA section, nighttime rally and speech. 01:53:00 Hitler Youth Day: Drums, music, von Schirach speaks to field of HJ. Followed by Hitler speech to HJ. To 01:58:15, followed by long cheers, heils, and Hitler in open car around stadium saluting ranks of Hitler Youth.

  16. Hitler comes to power

    Title: "Herbst 1932". Reports on activities and policies of the Nazis in Germany 1921-1933 (poor sound quality, fades in and out). Title: "Hitler's First Speech as Chancellor 30 January 1933". Title: "Goering, Named Prussian Minister of Interior by Hitler, Outlines His Program February 1933." Goering seated, speaks to camera, outlines program. Title: "Election Day in Bavaria, 5 March 1933." MCUs of citizens coming in and out of the election booth. Title: "Gewerkschaftshaus." VS of German soldiers and workers milling about the entrance way to a building. Title: "Election Day in Berlin, 5 Mar...

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Session 76 -- Eichmann's testimony

    Session 76 (approximately midway): Defense attorney Dr. Robert Servatius questions Eichmann about whether it was possible for him to act against the instructions of higher SS leaders in Hungary, to which Eichmann responds that it would not have been possible. Servatius questions Eichmann about a statment made by Huppenkothen at Nuremberg. Eichmann denies that he had a special position, as Huppenkothen had asserted. He says that documents he has seen since the beginning of the trial convince him that there were special duties assigned directly to Günther (Eichmann's deputy) by Müller (Eichma...

  18. Justice Daniel T. O'Connell photograph

    1. Daniel T. O'Connell collection

    Photograph of Justice O'Connell in the courtroom, date and location unknown.

  19. Records of the Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit, Sektion für Rasse-und Volkstumforschung (IDO)

    Administrative and research materials of the Institut for German Work in the East, Section for Race- and Nationalities Research (IDO-SRV), primarily “field data” from occupied Poland and associated analyses.

  20. Aussenstelle Dahlwitz-Hoppegarten records : Records ZC

    Files collected by the former East German Ministry of State Security Service (Stasi), including Nazi prosecutions for "Rassenschande" (racial defilement), "Hochverrat" (high treason), "Verstoß gegen das Heimtückegesetz"(violation of the "treachery law) and other political infractions. Files ZC 10859-ZC 12137 contains the missing part to the record group of the Reichs Ministry of Justice at the Federal Archive Berlin. The overall number of pages of this sub-collection ZC of the "Nazi"-collections of the former Head Division [HA] IX/11 of the Ministry of State Security (Stasi) of the GDR is a...