Eichmann Trial -- Session 103 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

Language of Description
Alt. Identifiers
  • 1999.A.0087
  • RG-60.2100.180
Level of Description
  • English
  • German
  • Hebrew
EHRI Partner


Biographical History

Emil Knebel was a cinematographer known for Andante (2010), Adam (1973), and Wild Is My Love (1963). He was one of the cameramen who recorded daily coverage of the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem (produced by Capital Cities Broadcasting Corp and later held academic positions in Israel and New York teaching filmmaking at universities. Refer to CV in file.

Scope and Content

This tape begins in the middle of Session 103 and the first few minutes are a duplication of the last part of the footage on Tape 2179 in which Eichmann gives a lengthy description of his duties in Hungary, followed by questions and explanations as to how often he met with Lazi Endre, the chief of the Hungarian gendarmerie. Endre is identified as the organizer of the deportations from the Hungarian side. Attorney General Gideon Hausner questions Eichmann about a meeting on 25 May 1944 with Baky (whom Eichmann describes as a Hungarian secretary of state) and the discussion and organization of the concentration and deportation of Hungary's Jews at this meeting (00:06:00). Hausner asks who Eichmann's representatives were in various districts throughout Hungary. He cites two men in particular, Zoeldi and Abromeit, whom Hausner asserts were under Eichmann's direct command. The questioning then turns to Eichmann's visits to camps and ghettos (00:14:47). Eichmann denies having visited either, stating that he was on a "bear hunt" in the Carpathians, to which Hausner replies, "I think it was quite a different kind of a hunt," a reference to Eichmann's hunt for Hungarian Jewry. Hausner then questions the accused about the transfer of prisoners from a man named Ferenczy to Eichmann (00:18:25) and about von Thadden's presence in Hungary, his purpose there, and Eichmann's supervision of him. Eichmann is questioned about the men with whom he worked, including Wisliceny, Hunsche and Abromeit. Eichmann suggests that these men had previous experience with anti-Jewish legislation and anti-Jewish measures (00:28:33). Hausner then directs his questions to the Gisi Fleischman case. An order was given to deport her from Slovakia to Auschwitz and Eichmann was asked to cancel the deportation. Hausner asserts that Eichmann pretended to do so but in fact deported her immediately. Eichmann is questioned about the promotion of Guenther to the head of IVB4 in charge of Jewish Affairs, which had been Eichmann's job (00:40:32) and about his feelings towards Becher's involvement with Jewish emigration. The remainder of the footage (beginning at 00:50:21) involves the "Blood for Goods" transaction, which was the attempt by members of the Hungarian Jewish Relief and Rescue Committee to negotiate with the SS (particularly Eichmann and Becher) for the exchange of one million Jews for trucks and other materials. Eichmann testifies that the transaction was his idea not Becher's and reads from a very long section of testimony he gave when interrogated by Wilhelm Sassen (00:54:30). Not all of Eichmann's reading of the Sassen document is translated into English. This segment of Session 103 is cut off in the middle of the session and the end portion is missing.


  • See official transcripts, published in "The Trial of Adolf Eichmann", Vol. I-V, State of Israel, Ministry of Justice, Jerusalem, 1994. Also available online at the Nizkor Project.




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