
Displaying items 2,181 to 2,200 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Tenth Party Congress; Sudetenland; Munich Pact

    Title: "Tenth Party Congress 5-12 September 1938" Hitler addresses Congress. Title: "Hitler Declares Policy With Respect to Sudetenland 26 September 1938" Title: "Munich Pact 29 September 1938" The Munich Pact is signed. Title: "Occupation of the Sudetenland 1 October 1938" Citizens of Sudetenland greet German soldiers.

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Session 93 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about his position within RSHA

    The camera opens on Servatius and Bar-Or in conversation. Eichmann, escorted by three guards, enters the booth. There are various shots of the courtroom and the lawyers. All rise as judges Benjamin Halevi, Moshe Landau, and Yitzchak Raveh enter the courtroom. Judge Landau opens the ninety-third session of the trial (00:05:24). Attorney General Gideon Hausner resumes cross-examination of the accused with an affidavit from Dr. Rudolf Mildner, which describes Eichmann as the advisor on all Jewish matters. Eichmann testifies that Mildner was wrong in describing him thus (00:10:26). Eichmann sil...

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 52 and 53 -- Testimonies of Pinhas Freudiger, Martin Foeldi, Ze'ev Sapir

    Session 52. Footage begins in the middle of the session with testimony from Pinhas Freudiger identifying Eichmann and relating the circumstances under which he first met Eichmann in Budapest. He notes that he had wanted to speak to Krumey and Eichmann's deputy Dieter Wisliceny about stopping the deportations. Eichmann takes notes. There is some confusion about the translation of a German phrase (00:05:15). Various shots of Eichmann, the judge's bench and both the prosecution and defense lawyers. A portion of the proceedings is missing and footage resumes with Freudiger testifying about his ...

  4. Eichmann Trial -- Session 88 -- Hausner cross-examines the Accused about his antisemitism

    The footage begins in the middle of the session. Attorney General Gideon Hausner cross-examines Adolf Eichmann about a statement Eichmann made: that he would gladly jump into his grave knowing that the war had taken the lives of five million Jewish enemies of the Reich. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2120 (at 00:17:49) and Tape 2121 (at 00:50:23). Tape 2120 is more complete. Hausner then questions the accused about a written statement in which Eichmann asserts that Adolf Hitler had already declared war on the Jews before the start of World War II (00:14:43). Eichmann says that...

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 111 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 111. The Attorney General Hausner continues summing up the case of the Prosecution. He lists the criterions for guilt from another case and applies them to Eichmann. He says that Eichmann deported people without authorization, showing that he acted on his own. 00:11:30 Hausner reads various reasons why the General Government had no control over any of the camps, nor could they even know what they were for, thus showing that the camps could only fall under the auspices of the SS and Eichmann. He says that Eichmann's claims of having no part are based on lies. 00:23:22 Eichmann's role...

  6. Barbie Trial -- Day 9 -- A witness testifies and is questioned

    14:54 The witness, Michel Thomas, recounts his escape from the Milles deportation camp in September 1942, his subsequent arrival in Lyon in order to recruit Resistance members, and his presence at the UGIF on the day of the raid in February 1943, where he had gone to recruit young Jews into the Resistance 15:02 The witness comments on the Swiss authorities' lack of help or protection toward Jews fleeing France 15:03 The witness recounts his memory of the UGIF raid 15:09 The witness recalls his encounter with Barbie 15:20 The witness implores Cerdini to compel Barbie to appear before him in ...

  7. Barbie Trial -- Day 5 -- The Izieu Telex

    17:40 An argument between several lawyers from the prosecution and defense ensues because President Cerdini allows defense lawyer Vergès to handle the Telex D'Izieu and remove it from its protective plastic. Several lawyers become very upset, because they are afraid Vergès will tear or otherwise destroy the evidence 17:43 A prosecutor asks that the Telex be examined by the jurors and civil parties; explains why it was necessary to remove it from the plastic (because it was difficult to read some of the text through the covering) 17:51 President Cerdini reads a written statement from Barbie,...

  8. Koerner and Kesselring testify at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 40) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. LSs, MSs, prisoners' dock. Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson cross examines Paul Koerner, Deputy of the Board of the Four-Year Plan, Staatssekretar in the Prussian Ministry, Chairman of the SS Obergruppenfuehrer, and Hermann Goering's personal Adjutant in the Prussian State Ministry. Koerner is questioned about November 9th, Reichskristallnacht, Goering's role, the fining of Jews after the damage, etc. He points out and verifies that riots against the Jews were incited by members of the government and that Goering was in...

  9. Radio as a propaganda tool during wartime

    Radio as a means of strengthening the community during wartime. Behind the scenes at a radio station. A woman checks on the progress of a record; a man and woman in white lab coats monitor wires in a large room filled with broadcast equipment. A man in a party uniform reads a message from a wife to her soldier husband. A large map of Europe hangs on the wall behind the man. Another man reads the war news into a microphone. A telex machine types out a news story. The camera pans downward, seemingly through the floors of the building to an orchestra playing on a lower floor. The scene changes...

  10. Territorial collection-Holland (RG-116-Holland)

    Records reflect primarily the activities of the Amsterdam Judenrat with its various departments, and the Jewish interaction with the German and Dutch authorities, the daily life and living conditions of the Jews in Holland under the Nazi occupation, some documents relate to Jewish life in Netherlands prior to, and subsequent to the Holocaust. Included are records of the Joodsche Raad (Judenrat), the Nazi-appointed Jewish councils in Amsterdam, the Hague and Rotterdam; reports about anti-Jewish laws; weekly and monthly reports about deportations, 1942-1943; communications with internees in t...

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Session 113 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 113. Attorney General Hausner names all of the people who would have to be lying in order for Eichmann to be telling the truth. He provides numerous examples of how this would have to be true. 00:06:59 Hausner says that Eichmann has shown his intelligence and stature through all of the cross-examinations, and has given evasive excuses as answers to all questions. He insists that Eichmann knew of the anti-Semitic policies of National Socialism, and that his claims of writing in the heat of the moment are bunk. 00:16:35 He says that Eichmann would not have stopped within the Third Rei...

  12. Polish invasion

    Title: "Part IV Wars of Aggression 1939-1944" Title: "Invasion of Danzig 1 September 1939" German troops fight in Danzig. Hitler arrives to accept the surrender. Title: "Invasion of Poland 1 September 1939" Tanks, cavalry, and infantry cross the Polish border. Title: "Goering Discusses Invasion of Poland" Goering discusses the invasion as scenes of the Luftwaffe are shown.

  13. Eichmann Trial -- Session 71-- Witness Vera Alexander

    The camera fades in on empty chairs by the prosecution and defense tables followed by a fade out and cuts to an overhead shot of the same empty chairs. The camera zooms out to show the whole courtroom. People are heard talking in the background from the audience seating. (00:02:10). Adolf Eichmann enters the booth with documents in his arms. Attorney General Gideon Hausner enters. All rise as the judges enter and Judge Landau announces the opening of Session 71 (00:06:14). Hausner calls the witness Vera Alexander to the stand. Judge Landau asks for quiet in the court and the witness is swor...

  14. Barbie Trial -- Day 17 -- Discussion of the chain of command in the Lyon Gestapo; a witness testifies

    13:36 President Cerdini calls the session to order; asks that the accused present himself; Barbie refuses to appear; Cerdini calls on the bailiff to compel the accused to appear 13:37 The bailiff reads the names of the witnesses scheduled to give testimony in the session 13:39 Cerdini suspends the session while the bailiff goes to Barbie to compel him to appear 14:02 Cerdini calls the session to order; the bailiff reads Barbie's statement that he refuses to appear 14:05 Prosecutor Klarsfeld asks that the Floreck Report be read into the court proceedings: Vergès had referenced the report in ...

  15. Barbie Trial -- Day 7 -- Two experts testify

    14:56 Witness Holtfort testifies, via an interpreter, that the documents presented to him by President Cerdini for verification are indeed authentic 15:07 Cerdini asks Holtfort whether, in his professional opinion, it is possible that the signature of Barbie's name was in fact written by someone else. Holtfort replies that theoretically, yes, but he has never seen a case of that in his years of research in this topic 15:10 Holtfort continues that, given the hierarchy of the SIPO-SD, a false signature would have been illegal and simply wouldn't have happened. Cerdini asks Holtfort to testify...

  16. County Command of the State Police in Kielce Komenda Powiatowa Policji Państwowej w Kielcach (Sygn.112)

    Police orders, circulars, various reports and investigative protocols, registers of the political organizations, social and sporting events. Included are records related to Jewish organizations, Jewish trade unions, and situation of the political and criminal prisoners.

  17. Barbie Trial -- Day 6 -- Barbie's knowledge of the Final Solution; an expert testifies

    16:21 Prosecutor Iannucci reminds the court that Barbie had been a member of the SD since 1935 and of the Nazi party since 1937; Dachau was inaugurated in March 1933; argues that Barbie cannot have been a member of the organization, for whom the concentration camps were an arm of government, without knowing they existed; gives history relating to the Reichstag Fire (February 1933) and the subsequent decimation of personal freedoms by the Nazi party, as well as the inauguration of Dachau just one month later. 16:27 Nordmann remarks that Barbie's formal education, and therefore his ideologica...

  18. Eichmann Trial -- Session 112 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 112. A near empty court, people milling about. 00:05:31 Judges enter. They begin reading the schedule of the next few sessions (Duplicate footage from Tape 2221). Hausner resumes summing up. He discusses Eichmann's Blood for Goods trading proposals, saying that it was independent from the foreign ministry. 00:13:37 The possibility of Eichmann being angry at Becher is discussed, describing the various times where Eichmann became angry when someone tried to take control of Jewish affairs from him. Eichmann's ruthless words are read from the Sassen documents, multiple times he condemne...

  19. Barbie Trial -- Day 12 -- Victims accuse Barbie

    Jean Gay - does not appear in person, deposition is read by the bailiff re: Resistance, arrest, interrogation, torture, and deportation to Neuengamme. Klaus Barbie enters the courtroom at 18:48:14, visible at upper screen right. He sits next to two interpreters: Margit Lipsker and Martine Billaud. 18:48:35 Lucien Margaine says "One cannot be mistaken. Look at that grin. You cannot forget; it is not a sane man." Barbie reads a short statement asserting that he is being tried illegally and that he was brought into court today by force: "Because I am judicially absent, I will not reply." Cerdi...

  20. Das Kommando der Polnischen Polizei des Kreises Radom (Selected records) Komenda Policji Polskiej Powiatu Radomskiego (Sygn. 695)

    Administrative and personal files, reports about fire and assaults, summons, leading people avoiding the so-called Construction Service (Baudienst) and farmers, people wanted by the Employment Office (Arbeitsamt), operations ordered by German Police and reports about various incidents on the area of the Radom county. The materials constitute remnants of files of the Polish Police (the so-called “blue police”) county command in Radom (within the occupier’s boundaries, i.e. along with a territory of the entire pre-war Kozienice County). The files were excluded from the County Starosty (Kreish...