
Displaying items 2,161 to 2,180 of 2,734
  1. Selected court records from the Military Tribunal of Bucharest territory

    Contains court records, declarations, letters from several ministries, personal files with pictures and finger prints, interrogation files, declarations, and name lists of defendants, reports of national propaganda and files of the special information service. The records pertain to the criminal cases related to the Holocaust.

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Session 112 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 112. People milling about the courtroom. Eichmann waiting in his booth for the session to begin. 00:07:50 Judges enter. They open Session 112. Hausner begins listing the proofs that Eichmann had direct control over the camps. He discusses the many things Eichmann did relating to Theresienstadt, including issuing orders, which was opposed to Himmler's approach. 00:16:54 The visits of Eichmann to various camps are detailed, as well as deception of the prisoners. He says that Eichmann's admittance to transporting Jews to the east was proof he was directly involved, despite his testimon...

  3. Selected records from collections of the Satu Mare branch of the Romanian National Archives

    Contains records concerning Jewish matters and the policy of local offices toward Jewish questions. It includes selected files from the following organizations: Prefecture of Satu Mare county, 1938-1948 - correspondence regarding confiscation and restitution of Jewish property and goods; Prefecture of Satu Mare county,1941-1950 - confiscation of Jewish goods, antisemitic administration orders, confiscation of land, 1944 reports regarding the SS; Mayor of the town of Satu Mare,1943-1948 - confiscation of Jewish property, and war criminals.

  4. Selected redords of the Commission for the Investigation of Hitlerite crimes in Rawa Mazowiecka Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich (KBZH) w Rawie Mazowieckiej (Sygn.1029)

    Protocols of witnesses’ investigation of 1971-1984 concerning the crimes committed against Jews and the ghetto of Biała Rawska, a questionnaire concerning the crimes committed by the Wehrmacht in 1939, a register of places and facts of crimes committed in the area of Rawa Mazowiecka county, lists of those killed beyond the county boundaries, list of those murdered in camps, lists of those murdered on unidentified places.

  5. Communist female prisoner testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 528) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 28, 1946. Continuation of Marie-Claude Vaillant Couturier's testimony. French prosecutor Dubost interrupts occasionally to ask a question. The witness talks about the wife of Georges Politzer, Hélène Solomon (wife of physician Jacques Solomon) and Danielle Casanova (surgeon), who launched a resistance movement among the women prisoners (49 of them made it back to France). One woman aged 67 had kept the rifle of her husband as a "souvenir," she died within two weeks in Auschwitz. She names and describes more women, all of whom died i...

  6. Barbie Trial -- Day 8 -- Written depositions regarding the UGIF raid are read into the record

    16:21 President Cerdini resumes the hearing 16:22 Cerdini asks that a document filed by prosecutor Kormann be translated from German to French 16:24 The public prosecutor for the civil parties asks that documents detailing testimony of survivors of the UGIF raid be read for the court 16:26 The clerk reads testimony of Mr. Raymond Geissmann, regional director of the UGIF in Lyon following the raid in February 1943 16:29 The clerk begins to read a second letter written by Geissmann, but the photocopy is unreadable; the original letter is furnished; in the letter, Geissmann gives his opinion o...

  7. Trial of Buchenwald personnel; Nuremberg Trial: Milch case

    World in Film. Issue no. 117 (1947) 03:23:14 "Buchenwald Trial, The Sentence." Title: "Prozess Buchenwald: Das Urteil." Entrance to the courthouse at Dachau where the trial is being held. INTs, courtroom showing judges and spectators. Former General of the Waffen SS, Josiah Prinze zu Waldeck, is the first to hear his sentence. All 31 defendants were found guilty. Ilse Koch, the only woman defendant, is sentenced to life imprisonment. CU, Ilse Koch. Herman Pister is sentenced to death by hanging. 03:24:49 "Sun Observatory, Wendelstein, Bavarian Alps," Wendelstein, Germany: LS, the observator...

  8. War Crimes Trial: Franz Strasser

    Summary: Austrian Franz Strasser is tried for the murder of Lt E Warren Woodruff and an unknown airman. His testimony is in German. Cpl. Henry Halperin is the interpreter for all witnesses; Sgt. Sessler interprets for Franz Strasser. The six-officer Army Military Commission included Capt. Victor Miles, Lt. Harvey Szanger, and Col. Raymond E. Zickel. Reel 1: Halperin being sworn as interpreter for the Military Commission hearing the case. Man explains choice, duties of Sgt Sessler, the interpreter for the accused (sound only). MCUs, defense table with attorneys and Sessler; swearing in Franz...

  9. Selected records of the District People's Courts and the Local People's Courts from the State Archive in Prešov

    The trial and investigative records of Slovaks and former Hlinka guard members tried in the District People's Courts and the Local People's Courts for collaborating with the German security forces. Includes the trial records of individual Slovaks accused of denouncing their Jewish neighbors, the trial records of regional Hlinka Guard commanders responsible for the deportation of local Jews, as well as the trial records of major political defendants, such as Karl Schmidt, the former chief of the Deutsche Partei in Bardejov since 1939 and Jan Kapralčík, former district chief of the district S...

  10. Selected records from the collections of the Brăila branch of the Romanian National Archives

    Contains the Prefecture of the District of Brăila records related to the "religious sects," nomadic Roma, confiscation of Jewish properties, ethnic Bulgarians, repatriation from Bessarabia and Bucovina (1940) from various subdistricts in Brăila, treatment of Jews, forced labor of Jews, deportation of Jews between Siret and Prut Rivers (1941), Iron Guard, forced labor of Jews in Lacu Sărat and Baldovineşti, name lists, local Aryanization activities (CNR), expelling of Jews from various institutions, travel authorizations for Jews, Jewish detachment of forced labor for road repairs, rights ...

  11. War Crimes Trial: Franz Strasser

    Summary: Austrian Franz Strasser is tried for the murder of Lt E Warren Woodruff and an unknown airman. His testimony is in German. Cpl. Henry Halperin is the interpreter for all witnesses; Sgt. Sessler interprets for Franz Strasser. The six-officer Army Military Commission included Capt. Victor Miles, Lt. Harvey Szanger, and Col. Raymond E. Zickel. Reel 3: Pusch testifying. Defense attorneys addressing Commission. Pusch testifying; Strasser listening; Reichl testifying; defense listening. Commissioners, including Judge Col. Raymond E. Zickel sitting the second from the right at 01:22:39 an...

  12. Selected records related to camps and prisons Zbiór akt obozowych i więziennych (Ob.)(Sygn.GK 165)

    Selected materials related to concentration camps Bełżec, Treblinka, Chełmno, Majdanek, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Płaszòw, and Gross-Rosen; ghettos in Warsaw, Siedlce, and Limanowa; and the labor camps for Jews in Poznań: testimony of witnesses and suspects, photographs, postcards, letters, certificates of death, travel passes, texts of prayers, staff lists, lists of ex-prisoners, documents of Poland’s military mission in London, daily reports of the Leiter des Ordnungsdienstes (Head of Order Service) of the Warsaw ghetto.

  13. Buchenwald

    French prisoners (dressed well, coats, shoes) standing by RC jeeps and in them. View from rear of jeep/truck, everyone getting off. MS, former prisoners talking amongst themselves. CU, three seated on bench, heavy white coat on. CU, on stretcher being taken away (smoking). Jeeps/trucks driving away, soldiers wave. From above, LS, camp square, barracks. People scattered around, walking. View directly down of civilians in square. MS, soldier walks by camera, in front of small stack of mostly naked corpses, winding a little camera; same pile, different angle, different soldier, crosses left. M...

  14. Heinz Dieter Menge papers

    The collection documents the World War II-era and post-war experiences of German Luftwaffe fighter pilot Heinz Dieter Menge, who was a prisoner-of-war in Australia from 1941-1947 and later immigrated to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Included is biographical material, correspondence, clippings, immigration documents, two guest books with personal inscriptions and signatures by Menge's guests from the 1950s to 2000s, and photographs. There is also material pertaining to the German POW camp Dhurringile in Australia and reunions of former POWs, including over 50 group photographs. Many of these phot...

  15. Edward Anders papers

    The Edward Anders paper consists of a Latvian identification card issued to Edward Anders (then known as Edwards Alperovics) in 1941; his mother, Erika Alperovics’ Latvian passport, issued in 1942; documents and related correspondence, including his draft notice for the Waffen-SS, in German and Latvian, circa 1943; a pamphlet, in German and English, entitled "Baltic War Criminals, Witnesses Urgently Required Again the Persons Mentioned Overleaf!," published by a Group of Baltic Survivors in Great Britain and addressed to surviving Jews and non-Jews in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia; documen...

  16. Interview of prisoners, Dachau

    (LIB 6557) Interview of Prisoners, Dachau, Germany, May 5, 1945. MCUs, American officer (off screen) interviews prisoners of different nationalities including Dr. Mieczyslaw (Mietek) Dortheimer, Mr. Baum, Edmond Michelet and Prof. Popovitch (Yugoslavian). Each relates in English his experiences at the camp and the conditions which led to their being taken prisoners.

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Session 111 -- Hausner's closing statement for the Prosecution; Eichmann's involvement in the decision to use gas

    Session 111. Hausner sums up his case (short overlap from Tape 2218). The deportations from Vienna as described by witnesses Kratky and Wisliceny are discussed, as well as the false hope held by Jews told they were only being resettled. 00:05:48 Hausner suggests that the shooting deaths of so many Jews was said by Eichmann to not be elegant enough, and Eichmann was the one who wanted the use of gas. He planned and worked out the entire method of extermination. The details of the selection of gas, the use of gas, the acquisition of gas, and Eichmann's role in all of these are presented. The ...

  18. Eichmann Trial -- Session 76 -- Eichmann's testimony

    Footage begins with the judges entering the courtroom. The camera cuts to show Eichmann standing and then sitting down as the judges are seated. Judge Landau opens the seventy-sixth session, reminding the accused that he is still under oath. Defense attorney Dr. Robert Servatius questions Eichmann about the functions and duties of the Head Office for Reich Security (00:01:29). Eichmann is asked if he worked with Department II, which concerned itself with organization and legal matters, then whether group IID worked on Jewish affairs. Eichmann states that his section did have contact with th...

  19. Office of the US Chief of Counsel records relating to defendant Arthur Seyss-Inquart

    Contains information about the life of Arthur Seyss-Inquart; the indictment of Seyss-Inquart; and general information about the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.

  20. Reichsministerium des Innern records

    Consists of records relating to various activities of the Reichsministerium des Innern during the Holocaust. Includes information about sterilization, abortion, racial purity, mental illness, experiments on criminals, sexual deviance, and care for wounded German civilians and wounded military personnel.