
Displaying items 2,041 to 2,060 of 10,857
  1. Distribution of propaganda; crowds

    A banner announcing a food transport for the Sudetenland. Food for Sudeten Germans brought in on trucks. Propaganda papers tossed to crowds. A close up of a newspaper reading "Memel ist frei!" View of banner reading, "We have arrived home!" A man is shown painting over the Lithuanian words on a sign so that only the German is visible. The sign appears to designate a train station. Memel, formerly part of East Prussia until it was ceded to Lithuania under the Versailles Treaty, was annexed back to Germany in March of 1939. Soldiers enter town in trucks, greeted by rambunctious crowd. Shots o...

  2. German invasion of Poland, advance

    Summary: The German viewpoint of events prior to and during the Polish campaign. Reel 6: Camp of Polish POWs, long line of POWs marching on road, CUs feet. German troops move east, through rural terrain. Graphic of southern front (Lemberg). Troops cross River Sam, Hitler reviews. Hitler looks at map. German troops, tanks through burning town. Tired German troops and artillery along road. Troops rest by road, sleeping, cleaning equipment, washing shaving, etc. Read papers while marching. Tanks through terrain, villages

  3. Israel and Ben Gurion

    Notes taken from NCJF documentation: MS of a man. Negev, barracks, people eating. Ben Gurion and a man. Stills of young Ben Gurion. Interview with Ben Gurion. Plowing with horse, VS tilling, sowing, reaping, working the land. Rowboats, people on shore. Laying pipe with crane. More of interview with Ben Gurion. Camp footage, interview continues. Ben Gurion proclaims state (no sync-voiceover). Cheering crowd, children circle with flags, tank plows through building, digging trenches. Ben Gurion inspecting troops, Navy marching, Army marching, women soldiers marching. Graves. Gates of Israel op...

  4. Italy surrenders

    Italians in New York City celebrate Italy's surrender. U.S. troops land in North Africa. President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill meet at Casablanca. Allied planes bomb islands off Italy. Sicily is invaded by Allied troops. Messina is occupied. The 7th Army and Britain's 8th Army land on Italy's mainland behind a naval bombardment. Italian warships speed to allied ports and are surrendered. President Roosevelt announces Italy's surrender. Other personages: Gen. Eisenhower, Gen. Clark, Mussolini, Adm. Cunningham.

  5. Belgian Bulge Offensive 1944; Malmedy massacre

    Bureau of Public Relations Film no. 1155. (War Department) U.S. motorized infantry rolls into a French town; civilians cheer. U.S. dead and injured are removed by stretcher from a battlefield; tanks, and infantry advance. German film shows officers, including von Runstedt, studying maps; Volksturm, armed with panzerfausts, marching; German tanks and infantry, covered by fog, moving through a snowy forest; a V-1 bomb exploding on an Allied position; camouflaged German tanks advancing; the use of flamethrowers; an Allied motor convoy in flames near Malmedy, Belgium; and U.S. POWs in the town....

  6. Nuremberg courtroom; Palace of Justice; Alan Brooke

    (Paris 346) Nuremberg Trials. US Army officer makes statement to court. Civilian reads statement to court. Correspondents listen to statement; clerks, interpreters record remarks. EXTs of the Palace of Justice where Nuremberg trials are held. MS, British guards in front of entrance. CU, sign on Palace of Justice in English and German: "No Loitering" [Verboten]. Local children peer into gated opening. CU, pass for Raymond D. Addario to enter the Palace of Justice on November 10, 1945. Street scenes. Soldiers' and civilians' passes are checked beofre entering courthouse. 05:35 Field Marshal S...

  7. Soviet POWs rounded up

    Pan/overview of hundreds of Soviet POWs in a gully, sitting on the embankment. Some are barefoot. Potatoes are tossed down to men who scramble and fight desperately to get them. Russian women stand on the bridge beside the Germans, looking down.

  8. Erno Deutsch family papers

    Contains postcards sent by Erno Deutsch from the forced labor battalion in 1944, presumably forged Swiss schutzpass issued to Mr. and Mrs. Kellner, relatives of Erno Deutsch. A July 21, 1942, letter from the military authorities calling Erno Deutsch to return his military decorations. A July 27, 1942, registered mail receipt proving that Erno Deutsch obeyed that letter. An October 24,1944, letter written by Erno Deutsch asking the Hungarian Office of Taxation to grant extension since he is working in a labor battalion, and cannot look after his taxes. Commander of the labor company certifie...

  9. German invasion of Poland, capture of Warsaw

    Reel 7: Graphic showing troops surrounding Warsaw and Kutno. Pans of destroyed polish equipment, dead horse, artillery wagons in river. Graphic then footage: German and Russian troops meet at the River Bug. Officers meet to negotiate demarcation line. Hitler at front, reviews SS, Himmler present. Radio operators, message sent to Warsaw to capitulate. Foreigners leave Warsaw. Large cannon fires on Warsaw. More artillery shots. Train attacked. Explosions and artillery. Soldiers look through fence towards fighting. Hitler looks through binoculars. LS of smoke over outskirts of city. Hitler obs...

  10. Fredrick J. Bayer papers

    Consists of various memorabilia items collected by Fred Bayer during the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. Includes: a book entitled "Nurnberg" by Charles W. Alexander used by Fred Bayer to collect the autographs of the war criminals; passes for Fred Bayer for the Palace of Justice; photographs from the IMT; and hand- written notes by Bayer describing the war criminals.

  11. Interrogation statement of Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski with photograph and tribunal pass

    Contains a copy of the interrogation statement made by Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski during the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany. Also contains a copy of a photograph of Von dem Bach-Zelewski's appearance during the trial and a tribunal pass used by George Sakheim while translating for the trials.

  12. Hitler's 50th birthday

    People put out flags, garlands, pictures of Hitler, etc. decorating city for celebration of Hitler's 50th birthday. Presents brought to the Chancellery. Flags. Diplomats of various countries arrive, plane, car. Tracking shots of various Nazi decorations around city. Night shots: lit monuments, columns, flags, flames at Adolf Hitler Platz, Hitler in car through streets, crowds cheer. Music Corps play for Hitler (with Himmler) in Chancellery garden, people in traditional clothes with flowers, crowds watch, costumed children meet Hitler. VAR European leaders meet Hitler. Choir sings for Hitler...

  13. Belsen Concentration Camp: burial and Red Cross

    Four SS men drag two corpses by the legs, pass another pair of men with a corpse, British gentry stands at frame right with bayonet. Pit of corpses, MCU of two SS men standing with the dead in the grave, shifting the bodies and preparing for burial. MS across mass grave in process of being deepened by Hungarian troops with shovels, British officer in foreground watching. MCU of Martin Wilson talking with Czech Jewish woman (interpreter) who is a former prisoner. MCU as Red Cross load stretcher cases into back of ambulance, sending to delouse and cleanse. Men wearing full decontamination sui...

  14. Documentary re: the Slovak State (part 1)

    Presidential elections for Jozef Tiso. Opening of a German scientific facility in Bratislava. Awards ceremony for soldiers who have returned from Poland, speech of Slovak president Jozef Tiso, military inspection. Inspection of Wehrmacht soldiers on Wenceslaus Square in Prague on the occasion of the second anniversary of the Protectorate. On the grandstand is President E. Hacha, German representatives, and State Secretary K.H. Frank. Celebration of the second anniversary of the Slovak republic in Bratislava, parade of Gardists with flags, military inspection. Vojtech Tuka receiving an honor...

  15. On the Jewish question I

    1. Inspectorate General of Gendarmery / Headquarters of the Romanian Armed Forces

    Problems related to military justice: handling of goods left by deported Jews, products found in the Kolkhozes, like wine and cereals, rules regulating the traffic of food products into Romania by military personnel. Reports on livestock transported from Ukraine into Romania by military units. Order of battle for the evacuation of the ghettos of Chisinau and Southern Bessarabia and transportation of the Jews East of the Dnjestr -distances and routes to be followed. Table of dates and competence of the convoys; also timetable for crossing the Dnjestr. A German officer complains against Roman...