
Displaying items 2,041 to 2,060 of 2,734
  1. Orhei County Tribunal

    • Tribunal judeţean Orhei
    • Оргеевский уездный трибунал
    • Orgeyevskiy uyezdnyy tribunal

    Intelligence provided by the informants about the individuals suspected in pro-communist simphaties and activities; information about residents of Orhei county and their mood and activities under the Soviet rule (1940-1941); information about employees under investigation for various offenses; information given by the Prosecutor General on the moral and political mood of the population

  2. Orhei County Tribunal

    • Tribunal judeţean Orhei
    • Оргеевский уездный трибунал
    • Orgeyevskiy uyezdnyy tribunal

    Business registration cases; lists of individuals brought to justice for various crimes

  3. [Court and denaturalization preceedings regarding Feodor Fedorenko, Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive material in the form of court proceedings regarding the war criminal trials and subsequent denaturalization and deportation of Feodor Fedorenko, a former Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility in occupied Poland. Fedorenko is accused of having actively participated in the massmurder conducted in Treblinka and testimony alleges his presence and participation in shootings of numerous victims. The Fedorenko trial was the 1st trial that sought to deal with US citizens who participated actively in the Holocaust and later came to the United States under...

  4. [Court and denaturalization preceedings regarding Feodor Fedorenko, Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive material in the form of court proceedings regarding the war criminal trials and subsequent denaturalization and deportation of Feodor Fedorenko, a former Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility in occupied Poland. Fedorenko is accused of having actively participated in the massmurder conducted in Treblinka and testimony alleges his presence and participation in shootings of numerous victims. The Fedorenko trial was the 1st trial that sought to deal with US citizens who participated actively in the Holocaust and later came to the United States under...

  5. [Court and denaturalization preceedings regarding Feodor Fedorenko, Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive material in the form of court proceedings regarding the war criminal trials and subsequent denaturalization and deportation of Feodor Fedorenko, a former Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility in occupied Poland. Fedorenko is accused of having actively participated in the massmurder conducted in Treblinka and testimony alleges his presence and participation in shootings of numerous victims. The Fedorenko trial was the 1st trial that sought to deal with US citizens who participated actively in the Holocaust and later came to the United States under...

  6. [Court and denaturalization preceedings regarding Feodor Fedorenko, Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive material in the form of court proceedings regarding the war criminal trials and subsequent denaturalization and deportation of Feodor Fedorenko, a former Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility in occupied Poland. Fedorenko is accused of having actively participated in the massmurder conducted in Treblinka and testimony alleges his presence and participation in shootings of numerous victims. The Fedorenko trial was the 1st trial that sought to deal with US citizens who participated actively in the Holocaust and later came to the United States under...

  7. [Heinrich Himmlers secret negotiations through Kersten and Schellenberg with Count Bernadotte]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains correspondence pertaining to Felix Kersten, Heinrich Himmlers personal massagist and friend, following Himmlers secret instructions to act as an unofficial intermediary on a diplomatic mission to Sweden in concert with Walter Schellenberg, Germany's highest ranking intelligence officer, in order to negotiate terms with the allies in early 1945. The neutral intermediary and contact of the allies was Count Folke Bernadotte. Although these secret negotiations ultimately failed, Heinrich Himmlers personal involvement meant high treason. This selection of documents is all the m...

  8. Picture Post (Vol. 19, No. 11)

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains the 'Picture Post' Vol. 19 No.11, Hulton's national weekly magazine. This edition is regarding the topic: Mediterranean Front. It was a photojournalistic magazine published in the United Kingdom from 1938 to 1957. It is considered a pioneering example of photojournalism and was an immediate success. The magazine’s editorial stance was liberal, anti-Fascist and populist and from its inception Picture Post campaigned against the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany. Only little articles, discribing the picture or the advertised products can be found. Also stories based on pic...

  9. [Eichmann trial, Witness statements multiple I]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is part of the witness statements acquired in Germany and Austria of former functionaries in Nazi Germany, on behalf of the prosecutor of the Eichmann trial in 1961. The witnesses are Herman Krumey (SS-officer working under Eichmann in Hungary 1944) who is interrogated about the fate of the children of Lidice who upon the murder of their fathers and imprisonment of their mothers were sent to Litzmannstadt (Lodz) and later on deported, and the involvement of the witness as well as Eichmann. The second witness is Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski (SS General) who denies knowing Eichmann, b...

  10. Keitel Wilhelm



    Head of Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, the supreme command of the German army (since 04 Feb 1938).

  11. War Crimes and Retribution

    1. World Jewish Congress
    2. Institute of Jewish Affairs

    Contains mostly country-by-country files pertaining to individual war crime and retribution cases. This subseries contains background materials and related information as well, including files on searches for Holocaust witnesses and witness testimony, together with war crimes trial correspondence. Of particular interest are the files on war crimes and atrocities in individual communities in Poland, as well as the section on the Nuremberg trial proceedings and cases. Box C149. Folder 17. Legal definitions and cases cited, "A" - "B.", undated Box C149. Folder 18. Legal definitions and cases c...

  12. Klarsfeld Beate

    • Klarsfeld, Beate, 1939-....
    • Klarsfeld, Beate
    • קלארספלד, ביאטה, ־1939


    Journalist. Nazi hunter.

  13. U.S. Army uniform tan necktie worn by a Signal Corps photographer for the war crimes trials

    1. Ray D'Addario collection

    Ray was assigned to photograph and film the defendants, prosecutors, and other attendees during the courtroom proceedings. The best known trial, Major German War Criminals, was held in Nuremberg. The 24 defendants were charged with crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit those crimes. The verdicts were delivered on October 1, 1946. Soon after, Ray was discharged from the military. He then was hired as a civilian contractor by Telford Taylor, the newly appointed American chief war crimes prosecutor, as chief photographer for twelve subsequent trial...

  14. Peter Black papers

    1. Peter R. Black research collection

    The Peter Black papers consist of writings by Dr. Black; materials collected by Dr. Black while researching and writing his doctoral dissertation about Austrian Nazi leader Ernst Kaltenbrunner; reports compiled by Dr. Black while working for the Office of Special Investigations in the U.S. Department of Justice; material compiled for war crimes cases for which Dr. Black served as an expert witness; and source material documenting Dr. Black’s career as a Holocaust scholar. The collection particularly emphasizes the denaturalization and deportation cases for which Dr. Black served as an exper...

  15. Safety fountain pen used by a courtroom illustrator at the Major War Crimes Trial

    Waterman-style safety fountain pen used by Edward Vebell, 24, to create courtroom sketches at the 1945 Trial of Major German War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany. The sketches were published in the U.S. Army newspaper Stars and Stripes on December 9, 1945. A young commercial artist when he was drafted for the US Army, Vebell was the first staff illustrator for Stars and Stripes. His assignments included combat zones in Italy and France. For the Nuremberg trial assignment, he sat in the press gallery for 3 days and used field glasses to “bore into th...

  16. Set of US Army 405th Infantry Regiment lapel pins acquired by a US soldier

    1. David C. Porter collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn44007
    • English
    • 1945-1946
    • a: Height: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm) | Width: 0.875 inches (2.223 cm) | Depth: 0.375 inches (0.953 cm) b: Height: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm) | Width: 0.875 inches (2.223 cm) | Depth: 0.375 inches (0.953 cm) c: Height: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm) | Width: 0.875 inches (2.223 cm) | Depth: 0.375 inches (0.953 cm)

    Set of 3 lapel pins with the insignia of the 405th Infantry Regiment, US Army, acquired by 19 year old David C. Porter during his service in the US Army in Germany from February 1945 to July 1946. The pins were worn in pairs, with the third a spare, on the lapels of dress uniform jackets to distinguish different regiments. David was deployed in February 1945 to join troops of the 102nd Infantry Division in combat in Germany. By the end of the war in May, David was a mortar crew chief for Company A, 26th Infantry Regiment. David and other members of the 102nd were selected to serve as guards...

  17. Set of US Army 18th Infantry Regiment lapel pins acquired by a US soldier

    1. David C. Porter collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn44006
    • English
    • 1945-1946
    • a: Height: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm) | Width: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) | Depth: 0.375 inches (0.953 cm) b: Height: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm) | Width: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) | Depth: 0.375 inches (0.953 cm) c: Height: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm) | Width: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) | Depth: 0.375 inches (0.953 cm)

    Set of 3 lapel pins with the insignia of the 18th Infantry Regiment, US Army, acquired by 19 year old David C. Porter during his service in the US Army in Germany from February 1945 to July 1946. The pins were worn in pairs, with the third as a spare, on the lapels of dress uniform jackets to distinguish different regiments. David was deployed in February 1945 to join troops of the 102nd Infantry Division in combat in Germany. By the end of the war in May, David was a mortar crew chief for Company A, 26th Infantry Regiment. David and other members of the 102nd were selected to serve as guar...

  18. Set of US Army 26th Infantry Regiment lapel pins acquired by US soldier

    1. David C. Porter collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn44008
    • English
    • 1945-1946
    • a: Height: 1.125 inches (2.858 cm) | Width: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm) | Depth: 0.375 inches (0.953 cm) b: Height: 1.125 inches (2.858 cm) | Width: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm) | Depth: 0.375 inches (0.953 cm) c: Height: 1.125 inches (2.858 cm) | Width: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm) | Depth: 0.375 inches (0.953 cm)

    Set of 3 pins with the insignia of the 26th Infantry Regiment, US Army, acquired by 19 year old David C. Porter during his service in the US Army in Germany from 1945 to 1946. The pins were worn in pairs, with the third a spare, on the lapels of dress uniform jackets in order to distinguish different regiments. David was deployed in February 1945 to join troops of the 102nd Infantry Division in combat in Germany. By the end of the war in May, David was a mortar crew chief for Company A, 26th Infantry Regiment. David and other members of the 102nd were selected to serve as guards for the Int...

  19. World War II Victory Medal with ribbon and box awarded to a US soldier

    1. David C. Porter collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn43424
    • English
    • 1946-2010
    • a: Height: 3.000 inches (7.62 cm) | Width: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) | Depth: 0.125 inches (0.318 cm) | Diameter: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) b: Height: 3.750 inches (9.525 cm) | Width: 2.375 inches (6.033 cm) | Depth: 0.625 inches (1.588 cm)

    World War II Victory Medal and box awarded to David C. Porter, who served in the US Army in Germany from February 1945 to July 1946. The campaign medal was issued to Armed Forces members who served at least one day of honorable, active service between December 7, 1941, and December 31, 1946. David, 18, was deployed in February 1945 to join troops of the 102nd Infantry Division in combat in Germany. By the end of the war in May, David was a mortar crew chief for Company A, 26th Infantry Regiment. David and other members of the 102nd were selected to serve as guards for the International Mili...

  20. Forced burial of death march and concentration camp victims by German civilians; Russian POWs in a hospital; survivors at Buchenwald

    (LIB 5968) Schwarzenfeld, Germany. LS of many coffins loaded onto horse-drawn carts. German civilians from Schwarzenfeld unload and carry the coffins, walking past rows of corpses. Many civilians dig graves in a fenced area. The remains of a striped uniform are visible on at least one of the bodies awaiting burial. Houses are visible in the background. The victims died while on one of several evacuation transports from Flossenbuerg, en route to Dachau. On April 16th, a transport of some 1700 Jewish prisoners left Flossenbuerg. Near Schwarzenfeld, their train was strafed and destroyed by All...