
Displaying items 2,021 to 2,040 of 2,734
  1. Collection of the Tribunal Général de Gouvernement pour la Zone Française d'occupation en Allemagne - General Court of Law of the Government in the French Occupation Zone in Germany, 1945-1949

    Collection of the Tribunal Général de Gouvernement pour la Zone Française d'occupation en Allemagne - General Court of Law of the Government in the French Occupation Zone in Germany, 1945-1949 Division of occupied Germany into four zones: Russian, American, British and French, following the Allied Forces victory in 1945; Included in the collection: Legal documentation, protocols and verdicts of the Tribunal Général de Gouvernement pour la Zone Française d'occupation en Allemagne - General Court of Law of the Government in the French Occupation Zone in Germany, 1945-1949; Documents and proto...

  2. O.53 - Ludwigsburg Collection: Documentation regarding Nazi war crimes, collected by the West Germany legal system

    O.53 Ludwigsburg Collection: Documentation regarding Nazi war crimes, collected by the West Germany legal system The collection contains documentation received mainly from the Zentrale Stelle de Landesjustizverwaltungen (Central Office of the State Judicial Administration) in Ludwigsburg, the body that assembled the material for the Nazi War Criminal Trials in West Germany. The documentation concentrates mainly on areas of the Soviet Union and Poland and to a degree on Czechoslovakia. The collection contains important information regarding many Nazi war crimes reported by the groups that ac...

  3. Samuel Joseph Monturo papers

    The collection documents Samuel Joseph Monturo’s service with the United States Army, including his separation and discharge papers, two photocopies of photographs depicting Monturo in uniform, and a personalized leather document holder embossed with “War Service Record” and Monturo’s name. Also included is a document “Wartime Trials Nurnberg, Germany Nov 20, 1945” which lists the twenty one defendants, and a brief synopsis of their backgrounds.

  4. Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission active in the Poltava region, 1943-1945

    Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission active in the Poltava region, 1943-1945 Reports of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission active in the Poltava region; survey reports regarding the murder of Jews in the region and the damage caused to the economy; documentation regarding the murder of Jews in Zolotonosha along with Jews of the cities of Kharkov, Korosten and Slavuta, and villages; mention of individual names and sentences that people who perished had engraved on walls before their death; mention of the dates of the murder, the circumstances, and the number of p...

  5. M.70 - Documentation from Archives in Croatia regarding the Holocaust

    M.70 - Documentation from Archives in Croatia regarding the Holocaust There was official documentation from archives in Yugoslavia in the original Record Group; however the disintegration of Yugoslavia into various countries necessitated the creation of new Record Groups. This Record Group contains documentation from various archives in Croatia alone. Included in the Record Group: -Correspondence among various institutions in the Independent State of Croatia during World War II; - Reports submitted by Ustasha institutions regarding Jewish affairs; - Documentation regarding Jewish refugees; ...

  6. Documentation from the concentration camps and the POW camps in Germany from the OSOBY Archive in Moscow, 1938-1944

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 10633850
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1938-1944
    • Administrative documentation Financial accounts List of Nazi war criminals List of POWs Map Names of perpetrators Official documentation Order Personal documents Statistical data

    Documentation from concentration camps and POW camps in Germany from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1938-1944 The collection contains files regarding personnel matters, among them reports concerning transfers of staff members (including members of the Totenkopf units), promotion and the awarding of medals, and personal files of staff members; guidelines for Inspektion der Konzentrationslager (the supervision of the concentration camps) and guidelines issued by the Reichsfuehrer SS concerning administration of the concentration camps and the handling of the inmates, including matters pertainin...

  7. [Court and denaturalization preceedings regarding Feodor Fedorenko, Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive material in the form of court proceedings regarding the war criminal trials and subsequent denaturalization and deportation of Feodor Fedorenko, a former Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility in occupied Poland. Fedorenko is accused of having actively participated in the massmurder conducted in Treblinka and testimony alleges his presence and participation in shootings of numerous victims. The Fedorenko trial was the 1st trial that sought to deal with US citizens who participated actively in the Holocaust and later came to the United States under...

  8. Affidavit of Michael Brandmeier and Heinrich Hause

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains two affidavits about the Lebensborn Project. Michael Brandmeier testifies (p.1-5, page 1 is unreadable) about how the prisoners from KZ Dachau, female prisoners from KZ Ravensbrück and Dutch prisoners were employed for Lebensborn and strongly abused. Furthermore he testifies about the goods that the Lebensborn project received (clothes, furniture, toiletries) but were taken by the staff for private purpose. The people mentioned are: SS-Untersturmführer Max Sollmann (Sys. No. 432001), SS-Unterscharführer Sauer, SS-Sturmbannführer Dr. Günther Tesch, lawyer (Sys. No. 432001) ...

  9. [War crimes in "Ostland" and charge sheets of Erich von Manstein]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains various documents on war crimes and Jewish Casualties in the Eastern Territories occupied by Nazi Germany. The first document is a typewritten English speaking report of two pages entitled “The Jews in the General Government” and dated of December 1, 1942. The report is on the number of Jews and Jewish ghettos in the zone of occupation called “General Government”. The following document is another typewritten English speaking report on the number of Jewish inhabitants in the districts of Lublin and Warsaw. The third document is a typewritten document of 15 pages entitled “...

  10. [Eichmann-trial, Witness statements multiple II]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is part of the witness statements acquired in Germany and Austria of former functionaries in Nazi Germany, on behalf of the prosecutor of the Eichmann trial in 1961. The witnesses are Dr. Veesenmayer, ambassador of Germany in Hungary who denies having been superior to Eichmann in Hungary. He also states that he was involved in the transfer of the Manfred-Weis factories on behalf of the Hungarian government and was reprimanded by Berlin. Walter Huppenkothen describes the organizational structure and procedures of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt. He gives insight into the workings of S...

  11. [Court and denaturalization preceedings regarding Feodor Fedorenko, Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive material in the form of court proceedings regarding the war criminal trials and subsequent denaturalization and deportation of Feodor Fedorenko, a former Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility in occupied Poland. Fedorenko is accused of having actively participated in the massmurder conducted in Treblinka and testimony alleges his presence and participation in shootings of numerous victims. The Fedorenko trial was the 1st trial that sought to deal with US citizens who participated actively in the Holocaust and later came to the United States under...

  12. [Eichmann-trial, Witness statements multiple IV]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is part of the witness statements acquired in Germany and Austria of former functionaries in Nazi Germany on behalf of the prosecutor of the Eichmann trial in 1961. The witnesses are Dr. Eberhard von Thadden, who gives insight into the Klessheim meeting between Hitler and Horthy and Alfred Slawik, who was a servant of Eichmann during his time in Budapest (April to November 1944). He describes the layout of the confiscated Villa Aschner in Budapest, where Eichmann and his subordinates stayed while in Budapest. He is also asked about a Jewish boy who was apparently hit by Eichmann at...

  13. Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the Chaplynka District at the Executive Committee of the Chaplynka District Council of Toilers’ Deputies, Chaplynka Village (Chaplynka District, Mykolaiv Region, from 1944 Kherson Region)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized chronologically. The fonds house proceedings of district extraordinary state commissions and other materials (minutes of interrogations of witnesses, write-ups of the analysis of forensic medical experts, photographs of burial sites and exhumed bodies, etc.) containing data on the number of Jews who perished at the hands of the occupiers, the circumstances and places of shootings, on the German officers in charge of these, their local accomplices, etc. Chronological information on the occupation of population centers of the Chaplinka district includes...

  14. Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the Ivanovka and Nizhne Serogozy District, Nizhne Serogozy (Kherson Region)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized chronologically. The fond house proceedings of district extraordinary state commissions and other materials (minutes of interrogations of witnesses, write-ups of the analysis of forensic medical experts, photographs of burial sites and exhumed bodies, etc.) containing data on the number of Jews who perished at the hands of the occupiers, the circumstances and places of shootings (in the town of Ivanovka), on the German officers in charge of these, their local accomplices, etc.

  15. Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the Kakhovka District at the Executive Committee of the Kakhovka District Council of Toilers’ Deputies, Kakhovka Town (Kakhovka District, Kherson Region)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized chronologically. The fond house proceedings of district extraordinary state commissions and other materials (minutes of interrogations of witnesses, write-ups of the analysis of forensic medical experts, photographs of burial sites and exhumed bodies, etc.) containing data on the number of Jews who perished at the hands of the occupiers, the circumstances and places of shootings (in the territory of the G. Dmitrov Kolkhoz [Kakhovka district]), on the German officers in charge of these, their local accomplices, etc. The documents are in Russian.

  16. The Documentation Center of the Central Union of Jewish Communities in Bratislava

    There are 190 files in the Record Group including documentation from the Jewish Center, Slovakian institutions that were involved in the persecution of the Jews, the Nazi party in Slovakia, anti-Jewish legislation and decrees, documentation regarding forced labor camps, documentation of trials against Nazi criminals and more.

  17. Protocols and historical documentation from the Demjanjuk Trial, 1986-1988

    A. Official protocols of the trial in Hebrew and in translation into English B. Historical documentation which served the prosecution at the Demjanjuk Trial

  18. Népbíróságtól átvett peres ügyek iratai

    • Budapest Criminal Court. Records of criminal proceedings taken from the People’s Court, 1949-1950

    The collection contains materials from the late stages of the operation of People's Courts and their trials against war criminals and other defendants charged with political crimes at the time of the Stalinization of Hungary. The accused of these trials from 1949-1950 included various categories of Holocaust perpetrators.

  19. Αρχείο Πρεσβείας Λονδίνου

    • Archive of the Embassy in London
    • Archeio Presveias Londinou

    The archive covers the Greek-British relations. From 1939 to 1950 the material is related to the period of WWII, the Greek refugees, the famine in occupied Greece, the Greek Red Cross, the war crimes committed by Nazi Germany, Italy and Bulgaria, the National Office for War Crimes, the United Nations War Crimes Commission, the war reparations.

  20. Lietuvos TSR valstybės saugumo komiteto (KGB) operatyvinės įskaitos bylos

    • Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic Security Committee (KGB) Operative Follow-Up Files

    "SSRS OGPU-GUGB-NKVD-MGB-KGB and Lithuanian SSR NKVD-KGB operative files compiled by reconnaissance department (for the poltiticians, cultural and political leaders, activists of the the Uprising on June, 1941, local partisans, leaders of the antisoviet oragnizations, disidents, refugees from the Soviet Union and criminals" (Based on LYA). There are operative files (which deals with prosecution and surveillance proceedings) related to suspicious persons or to group of persons (for example: leaders of Jewish organizations (in Interwar period and early Soviet occupation period in 1940) and re...