
Displaying items 1,961 to 1,980 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. German Army and Russian women prisoners

    Russian villagers (women and kids) stand outside their log cabin homes, hands up, while Germans search the house.

  2. German soldier and women

    Outdoors on an athletic field. An older man wearing an athletic suit, jumps for camera. Two different women and German soldier with glasses. A nurse is visible briefly in the BG - maybe this is on the grounds of a hospital? CU, blonde woman. Women and 2 German officers talk, greet each other, walk about the field, look over stone wall.

  3. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: children

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Aid to children; puppets.

  4. German invasion, occupation of France; POWs

    Reel 11: German cavalry and infantry cross a river. Artillery bombards the Verdun forts. French troops surrender. Shows wrecked forts, a WWI monument, German infantry parading past the forts, civilians and French POWs. German forces passing abandoned war material and thru French towns. German tankmen studying maps, and a battle. French troops load guns in the Verdun forts. German infantry cross a river in motor launches.

  5. US Army liberation of concentration camps

    A film produced by the US Information Agency, Paris, France and the US Army. It tells the story of American soldiers and the liberation of Europe's concentration camps through compilations of footage shot by the US Army upon liberation of the camps. Narration from POV of an American soldier.

  6. US Army dog tag worn by Fred Siegfried Aron

    1. Aron family collection

    United States Army dog tag worn by Fred Siegfried Aron during his military service in World War II.

  7. US Army Good Conduct medal ribbon bar awarded to Fred Siegfried Aron

    1. Aron family collection

    United States Army Good Conduct medal ribbon bar awarded to Fred Siegfried Aron during his military service in World War II.

  8. World War II Victory medal ribbon bar awarded to Fred Siegfried Aron

    1. Aron family collection

    World War II Victory medal ribbon bar awarded to Fred Siegfried Aron during his military service in World War II.

  9. US Army Ordnance lapel pin worn by Fred Siegfried Aron

    1. Aron family collection

    United States Army Ordnance lapel pin worn by Fred Siegfried Aron during his military service in World War II.

  10. Army U.S. lapel pin worn by Fred Siegfried Aron

    1. Aron family collection

    United States Army "U.S." lapel pin worn by Fred Siegfried Aron during his military service in World War II.

  11. US Army Corps of Engineers lapel pin owned by Fred Siegfried Aron

    1. Aron family collection

    United States Army Corps of Engineers lapel pin worn by Fred Siegfried Aron during his military service in World War II.

  12. Jewish War Veteran of the U.S. lapel pin worn by Fred Siegfried Aron

    1. Aron family collection

    Jewish War Veteran of the United States lapel pin worn by Fred Siegfried Aron following his military service in World War II.

  13. Jewish War Veteran of the U.S. lapel pin worn by Fred Siegfried Aron

    1. Aron family collection

    Jewish War Veteran of the United States lapel pin worn by Fred Siegfried Aron following his military service in World War II.

  14. Report

    1. Bernard Lubran collection

    U.S. Military Intelligence Service Information Bulletin

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- air raid rehearsal; Prague

    Air raid rehearsal in Prague (see Story 2157, Film ID 2246 for similar footage, although this sequence may be longer). German Army Day, Sham Battle and Air Force (with sound). 01:17:06 Runciman visits Prague. 01:17:16 Sokol Festival? Stadium performance in Prague.

  16. Feeding survivors and barracks in flames at Belsen on the 7th Day

    Soldiers open can of food for a woman. MSs of camp huts in flames ["accidental fire" handwritten into caption on one sheet, and on another "One of the huts caught fire - I was unable to ascertain whether this was done purposely by the inmates or whether it was accidental. It was not set alight by British troops for any reason."] CUs of flames. British soldiers and ex-prisoners watch the fires.

  17. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: children

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Solidarity Kids camp.

  18. Occupation of the Ruhr by the French

    French troops occupy the Ruhr area. A scene shot from a window shows a large crowd on the street and French troops on horseback. Shot of a French tank. A title reads: "Germany's most important economic region is harrassed by heavily armed negroes." An image of a French African troop is superimposed over scenes from the Ruhr. A crowd of unemployed Germans in the street.

  19. German soldiers in the Caen area

    Animated map shows English Channel coast from Brest to Antwerp. A convoy of trucks camouflaged with branches drives toward the camera; soldiers smile and wave. CU of a wooden "one way" sign. Soldier distributes copies of a newspaper to soldiers as they pass him on bicycles. Shot of a soldier reading the newspaper with a headline that reads "Eisenhower hat uns nicht überrascht. [Eisenhower did not surprise us]." German sign cautions against traffic drawing fire upon itself by raising dust, "Feindeinsicht! Wirble keinen Staub auf sonst kriegst du eins aufs Dach drauf". Views of wrecked vehicl...

  20. Survivors at Lansdorf POW camp

    A sign in German points the way to the Russian section of the Lansdorf POW camp in Silesia. The prisoners were forced laborers in Germany. Shots of the barbed wire fences surrounding the camp. Russian soldiers remove survivors on stretchers from a barrack. Close-up on one of the emaciated men. Camp survivors, some of them wounded, file slowly past the camera toward the infirmary where nurses wait for them.