
Displaying items 61 to 80 of 149
Language of Description: English
Item type: Authorities
  1. Front National

    Front National was a communist party, with the Francs-Tireurs et Partisans as military arm. Front National is also a right-wing French political party founded in 1972 by François Duprat and François Brigneau but most commonly associated with Jean-Marie Le Pen, who was its leader from 1972 to 2011.

  2. Revisionist Zionist Alliance

    • Alliance of Revisionists-Zionists

    Founded in 1925

    Vladimir Jabotinsky founded the Revisionist Zionist Alliance in 1925, as a variant of Theodor Herzl's Political Zionism. Revisionist Zionism is part of the pantheon of Zionist movements that developed at the end of the 19th century in response to increased Jewish persecution in Europe.

  3. Infantery Division

    In 1943-10 the Germans reorganized radically their infantry divisions in reducing the infantry regiments from three to two battalions, and the other divisional components were revised accordingly. In the remaining six infantry battalions the number of squads per rifle platoon was reduced from four to three, but without having much effect on the fire power of the division since the caliber of the mortars and antitank guns has been increased, and the number of machine guns kept unchanged.

  4. Oberkommando der Wehrmacht

    • Supreme Command of German Armed Forces
    • OKW

    The Oberkommando der Wehrmacht issued the directive for the war on the Soviet Union on 1941-06-04: ‘The total elimination of all resistance passive or active’. This was a mandate for mass murder against military and civilian targets contravening all traditional rules of war.

  5. Oberste Heeresleitung

    • German Supreme Command
    • OHL

    Colonel General Helmuth von Moltke became chief of the General Staff of the Generalstab des Feldheeres. Although the German emperor was the official commander-in-chief, the actual conduct of operations and strategic planning lay in the hands of Moltke from the very beginning. His staff formed the Oberste Heeresleitung. The OHL's Central Section was responsible for the staff's office management and personnel matters.

  6. Ehlers Ernst



    SS-Sturmbannführer. Since 1938 head of the Hauptabteilung II (SD) in the Reichssicherheitshauptamt RSHA, in Einsatzgruppe B, head of Abt. IV (Gestapo). Since December 1941 appointed Beauftragter (representative) of the head of the Sicherheitspolizei und SD in the military government of Belgium and North-France in Brussels, responsible for the deportations of Belgian Jews.

  7. Sztójay Döme

    • Sztójay, Döme, 1883-1946
    • Sztojay, Dome



    Hungary's military attaché in Berlin 1925-1933. After the German occupation of Hungary, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister in the Hungarian collaborationist government responsible for segregation, ghettoization and deportation of Hungarian Jews (Mar-Jul 1944). Found guilty of war crimes and executed.

  8. Československý červený kříž, Londýn

    • Czechoslovak Red Cross, London

    After the forced dissolution of the Czechoslovak Red Cross on 5th of August 1940 by the German occupiers the Czechoslovak government in Exile founded the Czechoslovak Red Cross in London and its delegations in Egypt, Iran, Italy, Palestine, USA. After the liberation of Czechoslovakia, the London office moved to Prague. During the war, the main task of the Czechoslovak Red Cross was to provide medical care for the military, the medical care for Czechoslovak refugees and for Czechoslovak citizens in the territory of Nazi Germany.

  9. Canaris Wilhelm

    • Canaris, Wilhelm, 1887-1945
    • Kanāriss, Vilhelms, 1887-1945
    • Канарис, Вильгельм, 1887-1945
    • Canaris, Wilhelm
    • Kanaris, Vilʹgelʹm, 1887-1945
    • ...



    German admiral, and chief of the Abwehr, the German military intelligence service, from 1935 to 1944. During the Second World War, he was among the military officers involved in the clandestine opposition to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. He was executed in the Flossenbürg concentration camp for the act of high treason.

  10. Brandt Karl

    • Brandt, Karl, ca. 1904-1948
    • Brandt, Karl, 1904-1948
    • Brandt, Karl
    • Brandt, K. 1904-1948
    • Brandt, Carl 1904-1948



    Brandt headed the administration of the Nazi euthanasia program from 1939 onwards and was selected as Adolf Hitler's personal physician in August 1934.

  11. Belgian Government-in-Exile

    Founded in 1940-10

    The Belgian Government-in-Exile fled initially to France, hoping to continue the military struggle against the Germans. The French collapse in 1940-06 initially caused the ministers to lose heart and to seek to return to Belgium. When this, however, proved not possible, Hubert Pierlot and three other senior ministers traveled to London, where in 1940-10 they established a Government-in-Exile formally committed to the Allied cause.

  12. Waffen-SS

    • Armed SS

    The Waffen-SS, SS military units, was the largest (thirty-nine divisions) branch of the SS reaching its peak strength of 900,000 soldiers in 1944-10. Steeped in Nazi ideology and composed of many nationalities, this political army participated in the Anschluss, the occupation of the Sudetenland, and invasion of Poland, Greece, and Yugoslavia. It captured thousands of prisoners, especially in the Baltics and Russia, and aided the Einsatzgruppen when called upon to do so. They also operated the Majdanek concentration camp complex. As the Waffen-SS retreated from the Western front, many were a...

  13. Ahnenerbe

    • Ancestral heritage

    Founded in 1935-07-01

    Ahnenerbe was the name given to the Society for Research into the Spiritual Roots of Germany’s Ancestral Heritage. Founded by Heinrich Himmler, this pseudoscientific organization was politically motivated and rife with chicanery. The Society sponsored archeological research into early German history and forums on Himmler’s vision of Aryan origins. During the war, Ahnenerbe was involved by unethical ‘medical experiments’ on altitude, freezing and skull collections. Dr. Sigmund Rascher and dr. August Hirt were practitioners at Ahnenerbe’s Institute of Military-Scientific Applied Research.

  14. Ellinikós Laïkós Apeleftherotikós Stratós

    • Greek People's Liberation Army
    • ELAS


    The military branch of the communist-dominated Ethniko Apelefterotiko Metopo in Greece. Ellinikós Laïkós Apeleftherotikós Stratós was launched in the summer of 1942 and gradually spread from the central regions of the country into Thessaly and Aegean Macedonia. By 1944, it controlled most of the mountainous areas in Greece. At its peak, it had about 70,000 fighters, including several thousand Slavic Macedonians who formed the so-called Slavo-Macedonian People's Liberation Front. ELAS was disbanded in 1945-02, following the Varkiza agreements. After 1946, it reappeared as the Democratic Army...

  15. Government of the United States

    In 1938/1939 the army of the United States was ill prepared even to defend the nation against attack; the public and Congress were determined to avoid war and ignorant of military requirements. The foreign policy of the United States was in debate, and the policies that the President followed in this period of doubt soon raised a conflict between the request for aid and the demands of national rearmament. Amid this confusion the services had to prepare for the worst. From 1938-09 to 1941-12-07 it became increasingly probable that the United States would have to fight in the Second World War.

  16. Hitler-Jugend

    • Hitler Youth
    • HJ


    Hitler approved officially the establishment of the Hitler-Jugend on 1926-07-27 and placed under the Sturmabteilung (Storm Division). Between 1933 and 1945 that vast majority of German’s children were members of the HJ, the junior branch of the Nazi Party. Boys were taught the beliefs of National Socialism and trained for military service. Determining that by age ten children’s minds could be turned from play to politics, the regime inducted nearly all German juveniles between ages of ten and eighteen into its state-run organization. The result was a potent tool for the will of Adolf Hitler...

  17. Otechestven Front

    • Fatherland Front
    • OF

    Founded in 1943-08

    After Germany attacked the Soviet Union the Bulgarian Communist Party took the initiative inside the country. Until the final stage of the war, resistance tactics emphasized sabotage and small-group operations. About 10,000 persons are estimated to have participated in or supported the resistance, making it the largest such movement among Germany’s allies. Politically, the communists sought the cooperation of other opposition groups, and in 1943-08 the Fatherland Front was formed, composed of communists, left-wing Agrarians, Zveno, socialists, and some independent political figures. The fro...

  18. László Endre

    • Endre, László
    • Endre, László 1895-1946



    Hungarian extreme right-wing politician, administrative expert, one of the most influential antisemitic public figures in wartime Hungary. He served as the subprefect of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County from 1938 to 1944. In March 1944, he was appointed undersecretary of state of the Ministry of the Interior, and as such was primarily responsible for the deportation of the Hungarian Jews. He was a government commissioner for the military operational zone under the Szálasi government. He was sentenced to death and executed after the war.

  19. Reichsprotektor in Böhmen und Mähren

    • Říšský protektor v Čechách a na Moravě
    • Reich Protector in Bohemia and Moravia

    March 1939 to May 1945

    After the military Occupation on 1939-03-15 and the establishment of the Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren the mainly Czech population was guaranteed autonomy. The last Czechoslovak President Emil Hácha stayed formally head of state. Real power was vested in the Reichsprotektor, whose task was to represent the "interests" of the German state. First Reichsprotektor became Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath. He was followed 1941-09-27 by Reinhard Heydrich, 1942-05-31 by Kurt Daluege and 1943-08-20 by Wilhelm Frick.

  20. Max Lowenthal

    • Max Loewenthal

    Max Lowenthal was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1888; a graduate of Harvard Law School, an attorney and a lifelong public servant; he served as an advisor and personal friend of President Harry S. Truman. In 1946, General Lucius D. Clay, the Deputy Governor of the US Military Government in Occupied Germany, asked various representatives of American Jewish organizations to suggest an advisor who could help Clay in drafting legislation regarding the restitution of Jewish property looted by Nazi Germany. Max Lowenthal was chosen for this job; he spent six weeks in Germany collecting evide...