
Displaying items 41 to 60 of 3,303
Language of Description: English
  1. Nuremberg Rally 1934

    Reel 10: Goose-stepping Nazi Labor troops parade in streets of Nuremberg. Hitler, standing in car, salutes each unit as they pass. CU, German high command including Hitler, Raeder, Goering, Hess, General Von Brauchitsch and others. CU, Hitler's arm extended in Nazi salute. Pan to face of Hitler. Various Army Corp units, MSKF, Women Driver Corps, and Hitler Youth passing in review before Hitler standing in open car. Cut- ins, populace leaning out of windows watching review. Various parade scenes: Himmler leads Gestapo troops, greets and shakes hands with Hitler. Soldiers carrying pick-axes p...

  2. Nuremberg trial papers

    This collection comprises mostly copy and draft typescript documents pertaining to 'The High Command' case, No. 12 in the Nuremberg Trial Subsequent Proceedings

  3. Norimberský soud, Norimberk

    • Nuremberg Trials, Nuremberg
    • NS/Nor.
    • NAD 1463
    • Národní archiv
    • 1463
    • English
    • 1946-1948
    • 71 linear metres of documents, all are processed and inventoried and accessible.

    The fonds consists of stenographic records (250 000 pages) from each of 12 subsequent trials which were as copies submitted to all national delegations participating at the Nuremberg proceedings and investigation. The fonds also consists of several folders with various documents such as hearings of witnesses or given judgements etc. The 12 subsequent trials were: the Doctors' Trial (against 23 medical doctors), the Milch Trial (against the Field Marshal Erhard Milch), the Judges' Trial (against 16 jurists and lawyers), the Pohl Trial (also known as Economics and Administrative Departments o...

  4. International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg

    • Mezinárodní vojenský tribunál v Norimberku
    • Międzynarodowy Trybunał Wojskowy w Norymberdze
    • Internationaler Militärgerichtshof (IMG)

    20 November 1945 - 1 October 1946

    The International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg was established after the mutual agreement of Great Britain, France, United States and the Soviet Union to punish captured Nazi officials for their war crimes. The main proceeding was lead against 24 Nazi representatives (including Hermann Göring or Rudolf Hess) and also against representatives of 6 criminal organizations (NSDAP, SS, SD, Gestapo, SA, OKW - these organizations were prohibited). During the proceeding were the accused sentenced to death, life imprisonment or 10-20 years of imprisonment. After the main proceeding went after subse...

  5. Interwar Germany, Nuremberg rally 1923

    Scenes from "German Day," September 2, 1923, with onscreen titles that describe some of the action. This was a rally of nationalist parties, which took place two months before the Munich Putsch. The "German Day" rally was the prototype for the official Nazi Party Day rallies held in Nuremberg after the seizure of power in 1933. Men from various nationalist parties march down the street in Nuremberg. Among them are World War I veterans, Nazi SA members, and others. Crowds of onlookers line the street and lean out windows, waving flags or handkerchiefs. The angle switches to show the parade f...

  6. Gisevius testimony at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 128) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 26, 1946. LSs, Dr. Rudolf Dix, counselor for Schacht, questions the witness Hans Bernhardt von Gisevius. MLS, Gisevius testifying. Pan to Hermann Goering scribbling notes. 19:02:40 Pan to dock, Ribbentrop. CU, Gisevius testifying. MCU, Dr. Otto Stahmer and another defense counselor making notes. 19:07:33 MCS, right side of dock, including Speer, Von Hindenburg, Fritsch, Frank, Frick, Streicher, and Funk listening to Gisevius testify. LSs, Gisevius speaking of the relationship between the German Army and the Gestapo. Pan from Chief Pr...

  7. Schellenberg testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 476) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 4, 1946. LSs, Walter Schellenberg, Chief of the Security Police and SD, continues testimony. LS, Russian judge questions the witness. Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe questions the witness about a conversation he had with Ernst Kaltenbrunner about the Red Cross wanting to know what happened to fifty American or British prisoners. Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence asks whether it was about shooting the prisoners. Schellenberg explains that he did not take part in the conversation, but was a passive listener. The inquiry was forwarded to the ...

  8. Bomb-damaged Nuremberg and Darmstadt

    Soft focus throughout. Shots of rubble in the streets of Nuremberg. An explosion raises a cloud of dust. More scenes of bomb damage and another explosion. Long shot of American soldiers posing next to one of the eagle and swastika sculptures in the Nuremberg stadium. Shot of the destroyed stadium. More shots of massive destruction in the city. German civilians on the streets. Destroyed German tanks in Darmstadt (identified by signs). A reel break then shots of American soldiers and an antiaircraft gun silhouetted against the setting sun. Back to bomb-damaged scenes of Nuremberg. The camera ...

  9. Goering testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 47) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Hermann Goering testifies that the Nazi Party came into power legally: 1) Because of the 30 elections held in the years between 1925-1932; and 2) If Germany had a type of government similar to the US and Great Britain, power would have been theirs immediately. LS, several American and British prosecutors seated at table during trial. Goering testifies that after Hitler came to power, he suggested to Goering the formation of a government along the same lines as that of the US. More generally, Goering talks about how he saw hi...

  10. Goering testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 48) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Hermann Goering testifies about the organization of the State Police. Goering talks about the creation of the "Geheime Staatspolizei," as opposed to the civil police that was under the jurisdiction of the various German Laender. Shots of defendants, counselors, and judges listening. HAS, courtroom. Dr. Otto Stahmer, Goering's attorney, addresses the Tribunal. MS, Keitel, Rosenberg, and Kaltenbrunner listen to Goering's testimony. HAS, Tribunal. Justices Francis Biddle (US), John J. Parker (US), Henri Donnedieu de Vabre (Fran...

  11. Russian testimony at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 13) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 26, 1946. LSs, witness Jacob Grigorjov, a Russian peasant who remained in German-occupied territory from July 1941 and whose wife and two children were killed by the Germans, is sworn in and questioned by a Russian prosecutor. MSs, Justices A F Volchoff (USSR), Birkett (Britain), and Lawrence (Britain). MSs, girl in audience looking through binoculars. MCU, Russian prosecutor speaking. LSs, Eugene Kivilsha, a Red Army physician, testifying that he was imprisoned in a German prison camp in the Ukraine. Note: All testimony is in Russ...

  12. Nazi Party Rally, Nuremberg, 1937

    CUs Nuremberg stadium stands with saluting BDMs, RAD and civilians. Good MS and CUs of Hitler standing in car in Nuremberg stadium watching parade of work corps. CA to BDM. Good goosestepping RAD. Informal shots of young men in uniform seated on stadium ground, drinking from canteens. LS of stands. Longer shot, POV stands, Hitler watching parade, shots of marchers, band from various angles. Shots of various members of audience in stands, including military, SS, BDM, SA, civilians. POV stands, officials enter stadium in cars. Himmler climbs stadium steps as SS line walk way. POV high in stan...

  13. Prosecution at Nuremberg Trial; courtroom

    (Munich 386) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 30, 1946. Thomas Dodd and Brig Gen Telford Taylor of the American prosecution seated in the courtroom. Taylor speaking to the court. Dodd seated at prosecution table. Pan to Russian prosecution table showing General Rudenko. Taylor speaks of the ruthlessness of the German army, saying "this was not soldiery, this was savagery." MS, French prosecutor AC de Ribes summing up. MS, Russian prosecutor Gen. Rudenko summing up. HAS, lawyers, prosecutors, and others filing out of the courtroom after session.

  14. Goering interrogated at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 54) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 18, 1946. HASs, MSs, front view of Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson (US) interrogating Hermann Goering. (Goering is not visible in these shots.) Subject of the cross examination is the plan to overthrow the Weimar Republic and break the opposition. Goering says that, yes, they had been in opposition long enough and were eager to get to power. MS, pan, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, and Walther Funk seated in the prisoners' dock. MS, Justices Francis Biddle and John J. Parker. A point is made to the Tribunal that defendants answer ...

  15. Leaf from the Nuremberg Chronicle

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection

    This object is one of more than 900 items in the Katz Ehrenthal Collection of antisemitic visual materials.

  16. Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg

    In Adolf Hitler Platz in Nuremberg, Germans salute/heil en masse for the Party Congress, soldiers marching in BG are barely seen, VAR shots of spectators heiling. LS, parade with flags. View of spectators in windows (some flanked with Nazi flags and flower boxes). Closer shots of parade with swastika flags, drummers, crowd saluting. Hitler arrives, salutes crowd from middle of square. More goose-stepping. Close shots of Nazi elites in uniform. In crowd, brown shirt purchases hot dog and bun from a female vendor. More LSs of Nazi elite, including Goering, Goebbels, Hess, and others standing ...

  17. Jodl testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 209) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 4, 1946. MSs, Prof. Franz Exner, Alfred Jodl's counsel, at stand as off-screen voice is heard interpreting Jodl's testimony into English. MS, Justices Biddle, Parker, and de Vabre. MS, US prosecutor Dodd seated in courtroom. LS, ex-General Alfred Jodl speaking with Dr. Laternser, defense lawyer for German general staff, before opening of morning session. LS, side view, judges enter court and take seats. LS, Prof. Exner questioning Jodl. Jodl talks about former Field Marshal Keitel. Pan from Jodl testifying to Keitel in prisoners' dock.

  18. Nazi Party Rally, Nuremberg, 1937

    Nazi Party Rally, Nuremberg main square, crowds. Nazi banners decorate town square, Nazi leaders and officials present. Swastika banners are hanging from every window, people watching from windows looking onto the square. Marching units enter square, march past and salute. Crowds including large numbers of SS and SA men, cameras on tripods among them, gathered as Hitler arrives, walks past quite close. Hitler seen against cobblestones, CS, saluting in direction of camera; military and SS men in BG. CS profile of people giving Nazi salute. LS Hitler standing in car, taking salute as units ma...

  19. Schacht testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 134) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 30, 1946. Prisoners under MP guard walk into courtroom, stand in dock, and talk with each other and their counselors. "Take your seats" is announced, and everyone is seated. Hjalmar Schacht in witness stand is questioned by his counselor, Dr. Rudolf Dix. Schacht quotes something in English (not clear). MCU, Schacht testifying. MS, Julius Streicher and Walther Funk in prisoners' dock. MCU, Robert H. Jackson seated next to an American officer at the prosecution table.

  20. Kesselring testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 47) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. LS, showing left side of prisoners' dock; all defendants listen attentively to testimony of Gen. Albert Kesselring. MS, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson seated at a table taking notes. LSs, MLSs, Ludwig Babel, defense counselor, questions Gen. Kesselring. Kesselring first talks about the air attack on Coventry, the distribution of aims and the calculations of the likelihood of missing them. He says he was happy about the "choice" Coventry because it was actually a military target, and not some civilian one. He is then q...