Archival Institutions

Displaying items 1,081 to 1,100 of 2,302
  1. Landsarkivet i Lund

    • Regional Archives in Lund
    • Sweden
    • Box 2016, Lund
  2. Landsarkivet i Vadstena

    • Regional Archives in Vadstena
    • Sweden
    • Vadstena Castle (Slottet), mailing address: P. O. Box 126, Vadstena
  3. Latvijas Nacionālā arhīva Latvijas Valsts vēstures arhīvs

    • National Archives of Latvia, State Historical Archives of Latvia
    • LVVA (Latvijas Valsts vēstures arhīvs), ЛГИА (Латвийский государственный исторический архив)
    • Latvia
    • Slokas ielā 16, Riga
  4. Latvijas Nacionālā arhīva, Latvijas Valsts arhīvs

    • National Archives of Latvia, State Archives of Latvia
    • NAL SAL (National Archives of Latvia, State Archives of Latvia) , LSA (Latvian State Archives); LNA LVA (Latvijas Nacionālā arhīva Latvijas Valsts arhīvs), CVORA ( Centrālais Valsts Oktobra revolūcijas un sociālistiskās celtniecības arhīvs)
    • Latvia
    • Bezdelīgu ielā 1A, Riga
  5. Latvijas Okupācijas muzejs

    • Museum of the Occupation of Latvia 1940-1991
  6. Latvijas Valsts kinofotofonodokumentu arhivs

    • Latvia State Archive of Audiovisual Documents
    • Latvia
    • Šmerļa iela 5, Riga
  7. Lavon Institute for Labour Research / המכון לחקר תנועת העבודה ע"ש פנחס לבון

    • The Pinhas Lavon Institute for Labour Movement Research /
    • Lavon Institute
    • Israel
    • 17 Kehilat Kiev Street, PO Box 24104, Tel Aviv Yaffo, Tel Aviv
  8. Leo Baeck Institute Archives

    • LBI
    • United States
    • 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York
  9. Leo Baeck Institute/מכון ליאו בק

    • LBI
    • Israel
    • Bustenai Street 33, Jerusalem, Jerusalem
  10. Les Archives de la Grande Loge de France

    • Archives of the Grande Loge de France
    • France
    • 8, rue de Puteaux, Paris, Seine
  11. Les Archives départementales de l'Ardèche

    • Departmental Archives of Ardèche
    • France
    • Place André Malraux, Privas
  12. Les Archives du Consistoire Israélite du Bas-Rhin

    • Archives of the Jewish Consistory of the Lower Rhine
    • France
    • 23, rue Sellénick, Strasbourg, Alsace-Lorraine
  13. Les Archives du Grand Orient de France

    • Archives of the Grand Orient de France
    • France
    • Grand Orient de France 16, rue Cadet, Paris, Seine
  14. Les Archives nationales de Tunisie / الأرشيف الوطني التونسي

    • National Archives of Tunisia
    • Tunisia
    • 122 Boulvard 9 Avril 1938, Tunis, Tūnis
  15. Letterenhuis

    • AMVC-Letterenhuis
    • Archief en Museum voor het Vlaamse Cultuurleven
    • AMVC
    • Archive and Museum for Flemish Cultural Life
    • Belgium
    • Minderbroedersstraat 22, Antwerp
  16. Library and Archives Canada

    • Canada
    • 395 Wellington St. , Ottawa, Ontario
  17. Library of Congress

    • LOC
    • United States
    • 101 Independence Avenue, SE, Washington, District of Columbia
  18. Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, King's College London

    • King’s College London Archives
  19. Liechtensteinisches Landesarchiv

    • Liechtenstein Archives
  20. Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas

    • Lithuanian Central State Archives
    • LCVA
    • Lithuania
    • O. Milašiaus g. 21, Vilnius