Государственный архив Калужской области
- State Archive of Kaluga Oblast
- Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Kaluzhskoy oblasti
The State Archive in Kaluga was established in 1919. In the years 1930-1944 it worked as a branch of Moscow, later Tula archive. In 1944 it was re-established as independent institution. The Kaluga archive gathered documents from the former Gubernial Archives and some of the Communist state institutions. In 1991 archive received documents of the dissolved regional Communist Party Archive.
Geographical and Cultural Context
Archive holds documents referring to the history of the Kaluga Oblast from the XVII century until the present day.
Archival and Other Holdings
For 01.01.2010 archive had 936 487 archival folders.
The earliest document stored in the archive was issued in 1625. Documents from the pre-1917 period refer to: city administration, courts, military and police administration, culture and education, religion.
Archive has large collection referring to the history of the 1812 war, peasant reform of 1861.
Post-1917 documentation refers to the all aspects of history and life in the region at the time of the Soviet State.
Finding Aids, Guides, and Publication
Государственный архив Калужской области: Путеводитель. Часть первая / Сост. Л.К. Белова, Л.Д. Короткова, Н.А. Фролова. – Калуга: Издательство «Гриф», 2008. – 260 с.
[State Archive of the Kaluga Oblast: Guide. Part I.]
It is available online:
Opening Times
Archive is opened: Monday-Thursday: 8 am - 5 pm, Friday: 8 am - 4 pm. (with lunch break between 1-2 pm)
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