Kornfeld, Pinchas


Schupstraat 9


+32 3 231 16 00


+32 475 49 16 00


Pinkas Kornfeld is active in a large number of Jewish institutions and associations. First, he is president of the Orthodox Israelite Congregation of Antwerp Machsike Hadass, of the European Board of Shehitah and of the Belgian branch of Agudath Israel. Kornfeld is also vice-president of the Central Israelite Consistory of Belgium and the Forum of Jewish Organisations, and secretary-general of the association Chasside Gur. He is also committed to compensating victims of the Shoah, as president of Solidarity 3000 and board member of the Foundation of Judaism of Belgium. For years, Kornfeld has published a weekly news magazine in both Hebrew (Shabbat beShabbato) and Yiddish (Lemaan Teida). He was the author of a book on the Eruv in Antwerp (Streets of the City). Professionally, Pinkas Kornfeld was active in the diamond industry.

Records Management and Collecting Policies

The files are arranged thematically and chronologically.

Conditions of Access

Access requires the authorisation of Pinkas Kornfeld. Only by appointment


  • Pierre-Alain Tallier (dir.), Gertjan Desmet & Pascale Falek-Alhadeff, Sources pour l'histoire des populations juives et du judaïsme en Belgique/Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Joden en het Jodendom in België, 19de-21ste eeuw, Brussel, ARA-AGR/Avant-Propos, 2016, 1,328 p.

  • Yerusha European Jewish Archives Network website

  • Bizique website

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