
Displaying items 221 to 240 of 5,115
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Благодатнівська районна управа, с. Благодатне

    • Blahodatne Rayon Administration, Blahodatne village
  2. Державний архів Херсонської області

    • State Archives of Kherson Oblast
  3. Генічеська міська управа, м. Генічеськ

    • Genichesk Town Administration, town of Genichesk
  4. Комісія по розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників на території Чаплинського району при виконкомі Чаплинської районної ради депутатів трудящих, с. Чаплинка

    • Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the Chaplynka Rayon at the Executive Committee of the Chaplynka Rayon Council of Toilers’ Deputies, Chaplynka village

    These entities were established in 1943-44 pursuant to an edict (2 November 1942) of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR. The regional commission was in charge of the city and district extraordinary state commissions and in turn was subordinate to Ukraine’s republic-level Extraordinary State Commission, and included representatives of the public prosecutor’s office and investigative organs, medical experts, representatives of public organizations, and Soviet and party workers. The extraordinary state commissions were tasked with investigating the criminal activities of the occu...

  5. Комісія по розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників на території Каховського району при виконкомі Каховської районної ради депутатів трудящих, м. Каховка

    • Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the Kakhovka Rayon at the Executive Committee of the Kakhovka Rayon Council of Toilers’ Deputies, town of Kakhovka

    These entities were established in 1943-44 pursuant to an edict (2 November 1942) of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR. The regional commission was in charge of the city and district extraordinary state commissions and in turn was subordinate to Ukraine’s republic-level Extraordinary State Commission, and included representatives of the public prosecutor’s office and investigative organs, medical experts, representatives of public organizations, and Soviet and party workers. The extraordinary state commissions were tasked with investigating the criminal activities of the occu...

  6. Joodse Raad voor Friesland

    • Joodse Raad Friesland

    The Friesland Joodse Raad representatives were the Chief Rabbi, Rabbi A. S. Levinson and Attorney M. Troostwik. Rabbi Levinson was deported, and perished in Bergen-Belsen. Attorney Troostwijk escaped and went into hiding in August 1943.

  7. Israel Police

  8. Народен съд в България

    • Peapole's court in Bulgary
    • Narodem Sad, Bulgaria

    The Seventh Panel of the People's Court dealt with accusations against those who had been responsible for the anti-Jewish policy during the war and its implementation.

  9. Комісія по розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників на території Іванівського і Нижньосірогозького районів, Херсонської області

    • Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the Ivanivka and Nyzhni Sirohozy Rayons, Nyzhni Sirohozy village

    These entities were established in 1943-44 pursuant to an edict (2 November 1942) of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR. The regional commission was in charge of the city and district extraordinary state commissions and in turn was subordinate to Ukraine’s republic-level Extraordinary State Commission, and included representatives of the public prosecutor’s office and investigative organs, medical experts, representatives of public organizations, and Soviet and party workers. The extraordinary state commissions were tasked with investigating the criminal activities of the occu...

  10. Державний архів Одеської області

    • State Archive of Odessa Oblast
  11. Prefectura Județului Berezovca

    • Префектура Березовського повіту, с. Березівка
    • Prefectura of the Berezivka County, Berezivka village

    These were county organs of Romanian executive power that functioned from 1941-44 in the occupied territory included in the newly-created Governorate of Transnistria ; they were headed by prefects subordinate to the civilian governor of Transnistria, and in turn held jurisdiction over district preturas , village and city primarias , and other institutions located within their respective counties, including gendarmeries and police departments.

  12. Prefectura Județului Balta

    • Префектура Балтського повіту, м. Балта
    • Prefecture of the Balta County, Town of Balta

    These were county organs of Romanian executive power that functioned from 1941-44 in the occupied territory included in the newly-created Governorate of Transnistria ; they were headed by prefects subordinate to the civilian governor of Transnistria, and in turn held jurisdiction over district preturas , village and city primarias , and other institutions located within their respective counties, including gendarmeries and police departments.

  13. Prefectura Județului Ovidiopol

    • Префектура Овідіопольського повіту, м. Овідіополь
    • Prefectura of the Ovidiopol County, town of Ovidiopol

    These were county organs of Romanian executive power that functioned from 1941-44 in the occupied territory included in the newly-created Governorate of Transnistria ; they were headed by prefects subordinate to the civilian governor of Transnistria, and in turn held jurisdiction over district preturas , village and city primarias , and other institutions located within their respective counties, including gendarmeries and police departments.

  14. Prefectura Județului Odessa

    • Префектура Одеського повіту, м. Одеса
    • Prefectura of Odessa County, city of Odessa

    These were county organs of Romanian executive power that functioned from 1941-44 in the occupied territory included in the newly-created Governorate of Transnistria; they were headed by prefects subordinate to the civilian governor of Transnistria, and in turn held jurisdiction over district preturas, village and city primarias, and other institutions located within their respective counties, including gendarmeries and police departments.

  15. Stopford´s action

    • Stopfordova akce


    After the signment of the Munich agreement in 1938 the British government decided to provide financial support (officially it was a loan for the Czechoslovak government) to refugees and emmigrants from former Czechoslovakia to other states. A person charged with care about matters of refugees was a british clerk Robert J. Stopford. British government gave about 4 millions pounds. Untill March 1939 this financial aid was given about 12.000 emigrants who than moved to Palestine, United States and Great Britain.

  16. Kriegverbrecher Referat, Juristische Abteilung beim Central Kommittee der befreiten Juden, Muenchen

    • War Criminals Department, Legal Division of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews) - Munich

    The War Criminals Department was established in the American Occupied Zone a short time after the end of World War II. From 1946-1951 it was active as the legal division of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Munich, in cooperation with the Central Historical Committee in Munich and other survivor organizations. The role of the division was to locate war criminals and collaborators, to gather documentary material, to collect testimony from survivors and to bring the criminals to trial. In 1960 all the documentation was transferred to the legal department of the Joint Distribution Com...

  17. Generaldirektion des Finanzwesens

    • Financial Director General
