
Displaying items 2,621 to 2,640 of 2,688
Language of Description: English
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Verband Schweizerischer Jüdischer Fürsorgen

    • Union Suisse des Comités d'Entraide Juive
    • VSJF


    Founded in 1908 as a loose association, the Verband Schweizerischer Jüdischer Fürsorgen was integrated into the Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund in 1925 as the umbrella organization for all Jewish groups caring for the poor. Since 1943 it has operated under the name Verband Schweizerischer Jüdischer Fürsorgen.

  2. Government of the United States

    In 1938/1939 the army of the United States was ill prepared even to defend the nation against attack; the public and Congress were determined to avoid war and ignorant of military requirements. The foreign policy of the United States was in debate, and the policies that the President followed in this period of doubt soon raised a conflict between the request for aid and the demands of national rearmament. Amid this confusion the services had to prepare for the worst. From 1938-09 to 1941-12-07 it became increasingly probable that the United States would have to fight in the Second World War.

  3. Ostbahn

    • East railroad

    Ostbahn was the East or Polish railroad system. During the war, Bletchley Park became aware of wide-scale rail deportations of Jews to the east.

  4. Wirtschaftprüfstelle

    Wirtschaftprüfstelle was a German organization which was, because of the Aryanization of the Dutch business, responsible for the sale and liquidation of Jewish companies.

  5. Service du Travail Obligatoire

    • Compulsory Labour Service
    • STO

    Founded in 1943-02-16

    Pierre Laval introduced, on 1943-02-16, the most unpopular of his proposals, the Service du Travail Obligatoire, which at first called for young men aged from twenty to twenty-two to register to work in Germany for two years. As a consequence, young men went into hiding, draft dodging, or went into the Resistance. Only half of the age group was sent. The disappointed Laval enlarged the source of supply to men between eighteen and sixty and childless women from eighteen to forty-five. About 650.000 men and 44.000 women were sent from France to work in Germany, a total number second only to t...

  6. Volksgerichtshof

    • People’s Court


    The Volksgerichtshof was a treason trial court for ‘enemies of the Reich’. From 1942 until 1945-02, the court was headed by Dr. Roland Freisler. The judicial panel contained two professional judges, five individuals selected by the Nazi Party, SS, and armed forces. Its proceedings were ideological and swift. From 1934 to 1945, the People’s Court condemned 12,000 civilians to death in concentration camps.

  7. Einsatzgruppe VI

    • EG VI

    When Hitler invaded Poland in 1939-09, a special Einsatzgruppe was attached to each of the five German armies of the invasion force, with a sixth based in Posen. Each Einsatzgruppe was subdivided into Einsatzkommandos of 100 men. SS units, specially trained assassins, assigned terror tasks for the political administration in the Soviet Union and other eastern territories. The Einsatzgruppen worked behind the lines and murdered political opposition. The Einsatzgruppen murdered between 1.25-2 million Jews and tens of thousands of Soviet citizens and Soviet POWs.

  8. Service Social des Etrangers

    • Office of Social Services for foreigners
    • SSE

    Founded in 1942-01-01

    Service Social des Etrangers was a Vichy government agency connected with both the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Labor and charged with the delivery of social services to foreigners in France.

  9. Pubblica Sicurezza

    The police of the Ministry of the Interior.

  10. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society

    • HIAS


    The primary mission of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is to help Jews whose lives and freedom are endangered. Since 1880, HIAS has been the worldwide arm of the American Jewish community for rescue, relocation, family reunification, and resettlement of refugees and other migrants.

  11. Einsatzkommando 2/IV

    • EK 2/IV

    Einsatzkommando 2/IV, Einsatzkommando 2 of Einsatzgruppe IV, participated during the invasion of Poland in 1939-09. During the invasion of the Soviet Union the Einsatzgruppen were not labeled with the number I, II, III, IV or V but with the character A, B, C or D.

  12. Służba Zwycięstwu Polski

    • Service for the Victory of Poland
    • SZP

    The Służba Zwycięstwu Polski was the first large organization of the Polish anti-German resistance. Michał Tokarzewski-Karaszewicz became the Commander-in-Chief of the SZP.

  13. Sicherheitsdienst Leitabschnitt Posen

    • SD Leitabschnitt Posen

    The Sicherheitsdienst was an intelligence and surveillance organization, established in 1931 under Reinhard Heydrich. Among its major tasks were monitoring real or imagined enemies of national socialism and reporting on the state of opinion among the German public. The SD was widely represented, for example with an office in Posen.

  14. Żydowska Liga Opieki Społecznej

    • ZLOS
  15. Magyarországi Zsidó Hitközségek Szövetsége

    • Federation of Hungarian Jewish Communities

    Magyarországi Zsidó Hitközségek Szövetsége is the representative organ of the local Jewry. Its highest level is the council, with 121 members from all around the Hungarian synagogues, and the rabbis. The MAZSIHISZ’s role is not only to keep up the Judaism, but to provide social services and to conserve the Jewish heritage and improve the traditional Jewish education.

  16. Einsatzkommando 2/III

    • EK 2/III

    Einsatzkommando 2/III, Einsatzkommando 2 of Einsatzgruppe III, participated during the invasion of Poland in 1939-09. During the invasion of the Soviet Union the Einsatzgruppen were not labeled with the number I, II, III, IV or V but with the character A, B, C or D.

  17. Staatspolizeileitstelle

  18. Żydowskie Towarzystwo Opieki Społecznej

    • Jewish Social Welfare Association
    • ŻTOS


    Żydowskie Towarzystwo Opieki Społecznej was set up in 1940-10 to replace the independent Żydowska Samopomoc Społeczna Komisja Koordynacyjna (Jewish Social Self-Help-Coordinating Commission) representing the social sector of the welfare institutions. The new organization was made subordinate to the Jewish Welfare Committee of the City of Warsaw (ZKOM), the institution licensed by the Germans. In 1941-11 ZTOS lost its autonomy and under a new name – Żydowska Opieka Społeczna (Jewish Social Welfare) – became a section of the ŻKOM.

  19. Bibelforscher

    • Jehovah's Witnesses


    Founded in the United States in the 1870s, the Jehovah's Witnesses organization sent missionaries to Germany to seek converts in the 1890s. By the early 1930s, only 20,000 (of a total population of 65 million) Germans were Jehovah's Witnesses, usually known at the time as "International Bible Students". Even before 1933, despite their small numbers, door-to-door preaching and the identification of Jehovah's Witnesses as heretics by the mainstream Protestant and Catholic churches made them few friends. Individual German states and local authorities periodically sought to limit the group's pr...

  20. Hitler-Jugend

    • Hitler Youth
    • HJ


    Hitler approved officially the establishment of the Hitler-Jugend on 1926-07-27 and placed under the Sturmabteilung (Storm Division). Between 1933 and 1945 that vast majority of German’s children were members of the HJ, the junior branch of the Nazi Party. Boys were taught the beliefs of National Socialism and trained for military service. Determining that by age ten children’s minds could be turned from play to politics, the regime inducted nearly all German juveniles between ages of ten and eighteen into its state-run organization. The result was a potent tool for the will of Adolf Hitler...