
Displaying items 14,561 to 14,580 of 14,588
Language of Description: English
  1. Nederlandse Regering in ballingschap

    • Dutch Government-in-Exile

    Founded in 1940-05-13

    After the invasion of Nazi Germany, Queen Wilhelmina der Nederlanden fled to the United Kingdom, London, on 1940-05-13. The Dutch Ministery followed the next day.

  2. Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego

    • Polish Committee of National Liberation
    • PKWN

    Founded in 1944-07-21

    The formation of Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego was announced on 1944-07-21, the day after the first red Army troops crossed the Western Bug River into German-occupied Poland. On 1944-07-26 the Soviet Union officially recognized the PKWN as the sovereign government of Poland. Two rival Polish governments now existed: the one in London recognized by the Western Allies, and the Soviet-sponsored committee in Lublin. On 1944-08-31, the Soviet-sponsored PKWN, Poland’s provisional communist government, stated that it would bring to justice Germans and Poles who had collaborated with the Ger...

  3. Militärbefehlshaber Serbien

    • Military Commander of Serbia

    Founded in 1941-04-21

    The German military government in Serbia was established by an order of the chief of the Oberkommando des Heeres, Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch, of 1941-04-21. This order, effective on 1941-04-22 and implemented by a series of others, established the Militaerbefehlshaber Serbien as the chief of the occupation regime.

  4. Mouvement National Belgique

    • Belgisch Nationale Beweging
    • BNB

    The Mouvement National Belgique was a non-Jewish, wartime, underground movement formed by Belgian army officers.

  5. Mouvement Social Révolutionnaire

    • MSR

    Founded in 1936

    The Mouvement Social Révolutionnaire was founded in 1936 by Eugène Deloncle from members of the secret, extreme Cagoule (Secret Committee of Revolutionary Action), which had been backed, as was the MSR, by Eugène Schueller, the anti-Semite, who in 1910 invented the hair dye he called L’Oréal and made a fortune. Its activities included the destruction of synagogues in Paris, seven in one night in 1941-10, and the confiscation of Jewish property, both with the help of the SS.

  6. Narodowa Demokracja

    • National Democratic Party
    • ND

    The Narodowa Demokracja was created by nationalists.

  7. Reichssicherheitshauptamtes-Amtes III SD-Inland

    • RSHA-Amtes III SD-Inland

    The Reichssicherheitshauptamtes SD-Ämter III Inland was headed by Otto Ohlendorf.

  8. Sicherheitsdienst Leitabschnitt Königsberg

    • SD Leitabschnitt Königsberg

    The Sicherheitsdienst was an intelligence and surveillance organization, established in 1931 under Reinhard Heydrich. Among its major tasks were monitoring real or imagined enemies of national socialism and reporting on the state of opinion among the German public. The SD was widely represented, for example with an office in Königsberg.

  9. Kommunistiko Komma Elladas

    • Communist Party of Greece
    • KKE


    The Kommunistiko Komma Elladas was founded in 1918-11, as working class consciousness grew and the revolutionary theory of Marxism and Leninism spreader in Greece. With only short periods of legal operation, KKE was from that time on until 1974-09 banned and forced to work under conditions of clandestinely. Greece was occupied by Hitler’s Nazi troops in the spring of 1941, and KKE became the mainstay of the National Resistance, which represented the overwhelming majority of the Greek people, providing a beacon of hope for a better and more just future.

  10. Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

    • German Workers’ Party

    Founded in 1919-01-05

    During the last year of the First World War a political circle was formed in Munich, consisting of factory workers, most of them employed at the railway repair shops. Its aims were to enlighten the workers about the war aim of Germany’s enemies and thus to counter socialist peace propaganda, and to fight the war profiteers. The guiding spirit of this small circle was Anton Drexler. He and other railroad workers eventually founded the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which often held meetings in quarters of the Thule-Gesellschaft. In 1919, Hitler was sent by army intelligence to spy on the party and...

  11. Mannschaftsstamm und straflager

    • Stalag

    In German, Stalag was a term used for prisoner-of-war camps. Stalag is an abbreviation for ‘Stammlager’, itself a short form of the full name ‘Mannschaftsstamm und straflager’. Stalags were operated in both World War I and World War II and intended to be used for non-commissioned personnel. Officers were usually but not always held in separate camps called Oflags.

  12. Einsatzkommando 2/V

    • EK 2/V

    Einsatzkommando 2/V, Einsatzkommando 2 of Einsatzgruppe V, participated during the invasion of Poland in 1939-09. During the invasion of the Soviet Union the Einsatzgruppen were not labeled with the number I, II, III, IV or V but with the character A, B, C or D.

  13. Naczelna Rada Opiekuńcza

    • Nazi-Run Main Welfare Council
    • NRO

    The Naczelna Rada Opiekuńcza embraced the respective public welfare agencies of Poles, Ukrainians, and Jews.

  14. Otechestven Front

    • Fatherland Front
    • OF

    Founded in 1943-08

    After Germany attacked the Soviet Union the Bulgarian Communist Party took the initiative inside the country. Until the final stage of the war, resistance tactics emphasized sabotage and small-group operations. About 10,000 persons are estimated to have participated in or supported the resistance, making it the largest such movement among Germany’s allies. Politically, the communists sought the cooperation of other opposition groups, and in 1943-08 the Fatherland Front was formed, composed of communists, left-wing Agrarians, Zveno, socialists, and some independent political figures. The fro...

  15. Duits-Vlaamse Arbeidsgemeenschap

    • Deutsch-Vlämische Arbeitsgemeinschaft
    • DeVlag

    Until 1941, the Duits-Vlaamse Arbeidsgemeenschap was a cultural organization, organizing film screenings and study tours. But when in 1941-09 SS-Gruppenführer Gottlob Berger was appointed as the general Chairman, the organization became a SS-instrument.

  16. Hanoar Haiwri 'Akiba'

    Hanoar Haiwri 'Akiba' was a Jewish Scouts organization.

  17. Hauptarchiv der NSDAP

    Founded in 1934-01

    The Hauptarchiv der NSDAP was founded in 1934-01 in Berlin. In 1939, the Hautarchiv was formally made responsible for the documentation of the history and the organization structure of the NSDAP.