
Displaying items 161 to 180 of 17,956
  1. Wehrmacht

    • Defense Might

    Founded in 1935

    Wehrmacht was the Name for the German army after 1935. Often in competition for supplies and authority with the Waffen-SS, the Wehrmacht also assisted the SS in carrying out the Final Solution. It was involved in activities in Poland and the Soviet Union, which violated the Geneva Convention, such as mass killings of hostages, innocent civilians, and prisoners of war. The Wehrmacht also kidnapped children in Ruthenia for Lebensborn.

  2. Nedic Milan

    • Nedić, Milan
    • Nedić, Milan Đ., 1877-1946
    • Недић, Милан Ђ., 1877-1946
    • Nedić, Milan Đ., 1878-1946
    • Недић, Милан Ђ., 1878-1946
    • ...



    General. Prime Minister of the Nazi-backed Serbian puppet government.

  3. Государственный архив Ростовской области

    • Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Rostovskoy oblasti
    • State Archive of Rostov Oblast
  4. Feldgendarmerie

    • Army military police

    Between 1939 and 1941, there was a growing need for troops to maintain control over those areas recently conquered by the Wehrmacht. Some units of the Ordnungspolizei were integrated into the army’s Feldgendarmerie units. The Ordnungspolizei had the right to draft men, and by the summer of 1940 almost 250,000 men served these units.

  5. Communist Party of the Soviet Union

    • KPSS - Kommunisticheskaya partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza

    Although the Communist Party on the eve of World war II continued to be officially depicted as the leading and directing force in Soviet society, Stalin’s victory over the opposition some years earlier had in reality reduced the Party’s position to that of one (albeit a very important one) of the regime’s several refular instruments of administration and control. Stalin himself, rather than the Party or any other organization, had become the central element in this system. And what Stalin wanted more than anything else was a system of rule that would protect and enhance his personal power p...

  6. Государственный архив Ставропольского края

    • State Archive of Stavropol Kray
    • Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Stavropolskogo kraya
  7. Государственный архив Краснодарского края

    • Gosudarstvennyyi arkhiv Krasnodarskogo kraya
    • State Archive of Krasnodar Kray
  8. Государственный архив новейшей истории Ставропольского края

    • State Archive of the Contemporary History of Stavropol Kray

    Archive was established in 1936 as Northern Caucasus (Severno-Kaukaskiy) Kray Communist Party Archive. It held party documents from the region, created from the time of Revolution in 1917. In 1942, when German armies were approaching Stavropol, 42.490 archival items were evacuated to the town of Ashkhabad in the Turkmen Republic. Most of the other documents perished during the war. In the end of 1943 the Archive returned to Stavropol. In 1982 the Archive moved to a new building, specially constructed for its purposes, where it is located until today. In 1991 former Communist Party archive b...

  9. Центральный штаб партизанского движения

    • Central Staff of partisan movement

    30.05.1942 - 13.01.1944

    Создан постановлением ГКО от 30 мая 1942 г. как центр объе­динения и расширения партизанского движения на оккупиро­ванной территории СССР и в прифронтовой полосе. Координи­ровал боевые действия партизанских отрядов и Красной армии. Занимался подготовкой кадров для партизанских отрядов в спецшколах, оказывал содействие подпольным организациям ВКП(б) и ВЛКСМ. Имел в подчинении республиканские и об­ластные штабы партизанского движения: Белорусский, Брян­ский, Воронежский, Западный (представительство ЦШПД на Западном фронте, Смоленский штаб), Калининский, Калмыц­кий, Карельский, Крымский, Латви...

  10. Deutsche Bundesbank

    Die Deutsche Bundesbank ist die Zentralbank der Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit Sitz in Frankfurt/Main. Sie wurde durch das Gesetz über die Deutsche Bundesbank (Bundesbankgesetz) vom 26. Juli 1957 (BGBl. I. S. 745) als bundesunmittelbare juristische Person des öffentlichen Rechts aus 9 Landeszentralbanken, der Berliner Zentralbank und der Bank deutscher Länder gegründet. Die bis dahin rechtlich selbstständigen Landeszentralbanken wurden Hauptverwaltungen der Deutschen Bundesbank, behielten jedoch die Bezeichnung "Landeszentralbank" und eine gewisse Selbstständigkeit in der Geschäftsführung u...

  11. Oberfinanzdirektion Hamburg

  12. Sonderkommando 11b

    • SK 11b


    Special SS units of the Einsatzgruppe C.

  13. Mestský úrad v Nitre

  14. Okresný ľudový súd v Sobrianciach

    • District People´s Court in Sobrance