
Displaying items 17,621 to 17,640 of 17,955
  1. Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer

    • SNCF

    The Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer, the French railroads, were making the convoys – the trains transporting Jews from the unoccupied zone and deporting them from France – run on time. The SNCF was paid per victim, per kilometer for this transport by cattle cars; as late as 1944-08 it was still billing for its deportation services. Its contribution to civilized behavior was to clean and disinfect the cars after transport.

  2. Italian Occupation of France

    Relations between authorities in Vichy and those of the Italian Occupation rested on a fundamental ambiguity. The Germans and Italians had seized control of these zones ‘militarily’, officially for security reasons, in order to protect them from an Allied landing. On 1942-12-17, however, the Germans, followed on 1943-01-15 by the Italians, granted themselves all the powers of an armed Occupation force in their own zone, irrespective of the armistice agreements. The Italians had moreover not relinquished their ambition to annex a portion of the area that they occupied, which explains why the...

  3. Narodno Oslobodilačka Vojska

    • NOV
  4. SS- und Polizeigerichtsbarkeit

    Founded in 1939-10-17

  5. Front Odrodzenia Polski

    • Front for a Reborn Poland
    • FOP

    Front Odrodzenia Polski was a catholic underground group and a member of the Provisional Committee of ŻEGOTA (Council for Aid to Jews) and the permanent representative of the Government’s Delegate on the Council.

  6. Armée Juive

    • AJ

    Founded in 1942-01

    The Armée Juive was a completely secret operation, established in 1941-01. Its members were recruited secretly, they swore their loyalty to the AJ on the Bible and the Zionist flag, and they even began training to fight before the organization had procured arms. It is unclear how many members the AJ actually had. Not all Zionist groups supported or trusted the AJ. The AJ, Zionist oriented, with commando groups, operated in different cities, striking at informers who worked for the Gestapo. This unit established relations with other bodies, the Eclaireurs Israelites de France, Mouvement de J...

  7. Reichssicherheitshauptamtes-Amtes VI SD-Ausland

    • RSHA-Amtes VI SD-Ausland

    The Reichssicherheitshauptamtes-Amtes VI SD-Ausland was, with eight groups, the largest Amt.

  8. Obshchestvo Zdravookhraneniya Yevreyev

    • Society for the Protection of the Health of Jews
    • OZE

    Founded in 1912-08-07

    The Obshchestvo Zdravookhraneniya Yevreyev was devoted to the promotion of health, hygiene, and childcare among Jews. The founders of OZE identified ideologically with the Narodnik (“going to the people”) ideals of the Russian zemstvo (local self-administration) medical service, which advocated accessible, free medical care for all.

  9. Żydowska Opieka Społeczna

    • Jewish Social Welfare
    • ZOS

    In 1941-11 Żydowskie Towarzystwo Opieki Społecznej lost its autonomy and under a new name – Żydowska Opieka Społeczna – became a section of the Jewish Welfare Committee of the City of Warsaw (ZKOM).

  10. Nederlandse Beheersinstituut

    • Property Administration Institute
    • NBI


    The Nederlandse Beheersinstituut was set up in 1945-08-09 as part of the Council for the Restitution of Legal Rights. Besides managing the assets of the country’s enemies, the NBI also managed those of absent owners. This included the commercial companies and property of Jews who had gone into hiding.

  11. Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale

    • Committee of National Liberation
    • CLN

    Partisans of different political persuasions normally worked together in local departments of Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale, which coordinated strategy, cooperated with the Allies, administered liberated areas, and appointed new officials. Above all, they organized the uprisings in the northern and central cities, including Milan in 1945-04, which fell to the partisans before Allied troops arrived. In some cities the partisan liberation appeared to be a revolution.

  12. Vutreshno-makedonska revolutsionna organizatsija

    • Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization
    • VMRO


    Vutreshno-makedonska revolutsionna organizatsija is a strongly nationalist populist right-wing party. While mainstream and maintaining a democratic profile, the VMRO has a strong anti-minority and an extreme pro-Orthodox agenda.

  13. Pracovna Skupina

    • Working Group

    Founded in 1942-03

    Underground Slovakian rescue organization established in Bratislava in 1942-03 by Jewish Slovakian activists. Pracovna Skupina was led by Gisi Fleischmann and Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandel. They smuggled the Pracovna Skupina was an underground Slovakian rescue organization established in Bratislava in 1942-03 by Jewish Slovakian activists. Pracovna Skupina was led by Gisi Fleischmann and Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandel. They smuggled the Auschwtizprotocols to the West. The Pracovna Skupina successfully upheld a moratorium on deportations of Slovakian Jewry for almost two years by bribing Slov...

  14. Einsatzkommando 11a

    • EK 11a

    Founded in 1942

    Mobile killing squads of Einsatzgruppe D, established in 1942.

  15. Präsidialkanzlei

    Founded in 1934-08

    The in 1919-02 founded Büro des Reichspräsidenten was renamed in 1934-08, when Hitler came in power, into the Präsidialkanzlei.

  16. Tesch&Stabenow, International Extermination Corporation Ltd.

    • TESTA

    Tesch&Stabenow, International Extermination Corporation Ltd. was a subsidiary of I.G. Farben, based in Hamburg and responsible for supplying Zyklon-B to death and concentration camps. Bruno Tesch and Karl Weinbacher were sentenced to death by a British Military Tribunal (1946) for manufacturing gas to kill prisoners.

  17. Policja Polska Generalnego Gubernatorstwa

    • PP


    Policja Polska Generalnego Gubernatorstwa was municipal police from 1939 to 1945 in the Generalgouvernement. PP subordinated to the German Orderpolice, and took part in the deportation of people, isolated Jews in the ghettos and fought with the "black market".

  18. Werkschutz

    One of the command’s most well documented concerns was the Werkschutz, an industrial security force armed and trained by the Soviets and commanded by Soviet officers. They were used mostly to guard industrial sites, such as the OROP oil enterprises.

  19. Saiuz na mladezkite nazionalni legioni

    • Legion