
Displaying items 17,241 to 17,260 of 17,956
  1. Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund

    • Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities
    • SIG


    On 1904-11-27, 27 representatives of the 13 Jewish communities from the whole of Switzerland met in Baden for a founding assembly. Articles of association were adopted and a five-member executive appointed, thus constituting the launch of the Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund. The objective of the newly founded association was 'to safeguard and represent the general interests of Judaism in Switzerland’. Early 1930s SIG redoubled its offensive against anti-Semitism by inaugurating its own press office late in 1936 - the Jüdische Nachrichten. During the Second World War the SIG and ...

  2. Recha Freier

    Recha Freier was born in Norden, in the northwestern part of Germany, in 1892. On completion of her University Language studies, she worked as a teacher and folklore researcher. In 1932 she conceived of the idea of organizing the sending of Jewish youth to Eretz Israel for education in the kibbutzim. She gathered funds for this purpose and saw her idea become a reality when the first group of Jewish youth left Berlin in late 1932. The World Jewish Congress approved the idea in 1933, however initially Recha Freier had to raise the funds for the project herself. in 1935, Recha Freier proposed...

  3. Forverts

    • The Jewish Daily Forward


    The Jewish Daily Forward is a legendary name in American journalism and a revered institution in American Jewish life. Launched as a Yiddish-language daily newspaper on 1897-04-22, the Forward entered the din of New York's immigrant press as a defender of trade unionism and moderate, democratic socialism. The Forward quickly rose above the crowd, however; under the leadership of its founding editor, the crustily independent Abraham Cahan, the Forward came to be known as the voice of the Jewish immigrant and the conscience of the ghetto. It fought for social justice, helped generations of im...

  4. L'Association des Veterans de la Resistance Francaise

    • ARJF
    • Association of French Resistance Veterans
  5. Nathan Eck

    Holocaust Research

  6. Council for German Jewry

    • CFGJ

    Founded in 1936

    The Council for German Jewry was a British Jewish organization established in 1936 to help German Jews leave Germany. British Jewish leaders instituted the Council for German Jewry in response to the racial Nuremberg Laws of 1935; they designed an emigration plan whereby 100,000 German Jews aged 17-35 could leave Germany in an organized manner. Half were to move to Palestine, and half to other countries. The CFGJ also hoped that another 100,000 German Jews would emigrate without their help. The American Joint Distribution Committee formally joined the council in 1936-08. The CFGJ was never ...

  7. Josef Rosensaft

    Josef Rosensaft (January 15, 1911 - September 11, 1975) was a Holocaust survivor who led the community of Jewish displaced persons (Sh'erit ha-Pletah) through the establishment of a Central Committee of Liberated Jews that first served the interests of the refugees in Bergen-Belsen DP camp and then DP camps throughout the entire British sector.



    И. А. Боринский родился в г. Одессе 29 марта 1913 г. Участник Великой Отечественной войны, кавалер 4 орденов и 13 советских и болгарских медалей, прошел путь от командира взвода до начальника штаба 46 гвардейской артиллерийской бригады. Участник освобождения Болгарии. Был назначен первым комендантом Пловдива (Болгария) после освобождения города от немецких захватчиков. Был председателем Совета ветеранов войны, поддерживал связи с клубами интернациональной дружбы городов и сел Болгарии.



    С. Н. Рузанкин родился в 1905 г. в г. Ардатове (сейчас – Мордовская республика Российской федерации). С 23 июля 1941 г. в действующей армии на должности командира взвода 273-го батальона связи 21 Приволжской армии. В сентябре 1941 г. был взят в плен и находился в немецких концлагерях. Кавалер ордена Отечественной войны ІІ степени.


    Полковник запаса Советской армии. Известный одесский краевед – специалист в области поисковой работы по вопросам установления мест погребений участников Второй мировой войны, событий военной истории. Автор многих изданий из истории Одессы.

  11. Prefectura Județului Odessa

    • Префектура Одеського повіту, м. Одеса
    • Prefectura of Odessa County, city of Odessa

    These were county organs of Romanian executive power that functioned from 1941-44 in the occupied territory included in the newly-created Governorate of Transnistria; they were headed by prefects subordinate to the civilian governor of Transnistria, and in turn held jurisdiction over district preturas, village and city primarias, and other institutions located within their respective counties, including gendarmeries and police departments.

  12. Prefectura Județului Ovidiopol

    • Префектура Овідіопольського повіту, м. Овідіополь
    • Prefectura of the Ovidiopol County, town of Ovidiopol

    These were county organs of Romanian executive power that functioned from 1941-44 in the occupied territory included in the newly-created Governorate of Transnistria ; they were headed by prefects subordinate to the civilian governor of Transnistria, and in turn held jurisdiction over district preturas , village and city primarias , and other institutions located within their respective counties, including gendarmeries and police departments.

  13. Державний архів Одеської області

    • State Archive of Odessa Oblast
  14. Народен съд в България

    • Peapole's court in Bulgary
    • Narodem Sad, Bulgaria

    The Seventh Panel of the People's Court dealt with accusations against those who had been responsible for the anti-Jewish policy during the war and its implementation.

  15. Israel Police

  16. Joodse Raad voor Friesland

    • Joodse Raad Friesland

    The Friesland Joodse Raad representatives were the Chief Rabbi, Rabbi A. S. Levinson and Attorney M. Troostwik. Rabbi Levinson was deported, and perished in Bergen-Belsen. Attorney Troostwijk escaped and went into hiding in August 1943.

  17. Leyb Koniuchowsky

    • Leib Koniuchowsky

    Leyb Koniuchowsky was born in Lithuania on 18 November 1910. An engineer by profession, he resided in Kaunas (Kovno). During the German occupation he lived in the Kaunas Ghetto and worked there until his escape. He found shelter in a bunker at a farmer's home where he remained until the liberation of Lithuania by the Red Army in 1944. From 1944-46, he wandered through the war battered towns of Lithuania, collecting testimonies from the few Jews that survived. The testimonies focus on the extermination of the Jews and the destruction of the local towns and villages. Koniuchowsky was meticulo...

  18. Комісія по розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників на території Каховського району при виконкомі Каховської районної ради депутатів трудящих, м. Каховка

    • Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the Kakhovka Rayon at the Executive Committee of the Kakhovka Rayon Council of Toilers’ Deputies, town of Kakhovka

    These entities were established in 1943-44 pursuant to an edict (2 November 1942) of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR. The regional commission was in charge of the city and district extraordinary state commissions and in turn was subordinate to Ukraine’s republic-level Extraordinary State Commission, and included representatives of the public prosecutor’s office and investigative organs, medical experts, representatives of public organizations, and Soviet and party workers. The extraordinary state commissions were tasked with investigating the criminal activities of the occu...