
Displaying items 1,681 to 1,700 of 17,956
  1. Institut d’Étude des Questions Juives

    • Institute for the Study of Jewish Questions
    • IEQJ
    • IEQJE
    • Institut d’Étude des Questions Juives et Ethnoraciales


    The Institut d’Étude des Questions Juives was founded in Paris in 1941-05, mostly funded by the SS, and headed by a bizarre character, Paul Sezille, a former colonial officer whose philosophy was that ‘the Jew must disappear for many future generations’. The pseudo-academic Institute was supposed to study and draw attention to all Jewish matters. It did this by organizing meetings addressed by anti-Jewish speakers, covering the walls of Paris with anti-Semitic posters and using issuing malevolent anti-Semitic pamphlets. The IEQJ was transformed in 1943 into the Institut d’Étude des Question...

  2. Brüsseler Treuhandgesellschaft GmbH

    • Société fiduciaire bruxelloise sprl
    • Brusselse trustmaatschappij
    • Brussels Trust Company ltd
  3. Groupe 12, Avoirs ennemis et juifs

    • Groep 12, Vijandelijk en Joods Vermogen
    • Gruppe XII, Feind- und Judenvermögen
    • Group 12, Enemy and Jewish Assets
  4. Office des Séquestres BTG

    • Dienst Sekwester BTG
    • Sequestration Office BTG
    • Office des Séquestres de la Société fiduciaire bruxelloise / Brüsseler Treuhandgesellschaft
    • Dienst Sekwester van de Brusselse trustmaatschappij / Brüsseler Treuhandgesellschaft
  5. Kolonialpolitisches Amt der NSDAP, Dienststelle Belgien

    • Office de Politique coloniale de la NSDAP, Service Belgique
  6. Associazione donne ebree d’Italia - Women’s International Zionist Organisation, Venezia

    • Women's Italian Jewish Association - Women’s International Zionist Organisation, Venice
    • ADEI WIZO, Venezia
    • Associazione donne ebree d’Italia. Sezione veneziana

    L’Associazione donne ebree d’Italia (ADEI) nacque a Milano nel 1927, per iniziativa di Vittoria Cantoni Pisa, con lo scopo di promuovere l’ideale e la cultura dell’Ebraismo. La sezione veneziana fu fondata l'anno successivo da Amelia Fano (Venezia, 7 gennaio 1875 - 30 ottobre 1964), esponente della vita culturale ebraica veneziana. In consonanza con gli scopi dell’associazione a livello nazionale, l’ADEI di Venezia fu promotrice di iniziative sia di interesse locale, a sostegno delle attività culturali e didattiche nell’ambito della Fraterna generale, poi Comunità israelitica, sia di caratt...

  7. Delegazione per l’Assistenza agli ebrei Emigranti



    Delegazione per l’Assistenza agli ebrei Emigranti was Jewish welfare agency, founded in 1939-12 to help Jewish refugees in Italy. It operated until 1943-09-08.

  8. WIZO - Women's International Zionist Organization

    • ויצ"ו

    Zionist women's organization

  9. Commissariat Belge au Rapatriement

    • Belgisch Commissariaat voor de Repatriëring
    • Belgian Commissioner on Repatriation
  10. Ministerie van Justitie. Openbare Veiligheid (of Staatsveiligheid). Vreemdelingenpolitie

    • Ministère de la Justice. Sûreté de l'Etat. Police des Etrangers
    • Ministère de la Justice. Administration de la Sûreté Publique. Police des Etrangers
    • Belgian Ministry of Justice. State Security Service. Police Corps in charge of the Foreigners
  11. Dienst voor Economische Recuperatie

    • Office de récupération économique
    • Belgian Office for Economic Recovery
  12. Ministère de la Justice. Service des Cultes et de la Laïcité

    • Belgian Ministry of Justice. Office for Worships and Laicism
    • SPF Justice. Direction générale Législation, Droits fondamentaux et Libertés. Direction Droits Fondamentaux. Service des Cultes et de la Laïcité
  13. Ministère des Affaires Economiques. Office belge de gestion et de liquidation

    • Ministerie van Economische Zaken. Belgische Dienst voor Beheer en Liquidatie
    • Belgian Ministry of Economic Affairs. Belgian Office for Management and Liquidation
  14. Ministère des Affaires économiques. Direction de l'organisation professionnelle

    • Ministerie van Economische Zaken. Directie van de bedrijfsorganisatie
    • Belgian Ministry of Economic Affairs. Directorate for Corporate Organisation
  15. Banque nationale de Belgique

    • Nationale Bank van België
    • BNB
    • National Bank of Belgium

    En 1848, une crise de liquidités indique qu’une réforme du système bancaire et financier s’impose. Dans la foulée, Walthère Frère-Orban, qui venait d’être nommé ministre des Finances, souhaite scinder les différentes activités bancaires pour les confier à des institutions distinctes et organiser ainsi un système financier compartimenté. (Le projet de Frère-Orban prévoyait aussi une caisse d’épargne distincte (la Caisse générale d’épargne et de retraire (CGER)* sera créée en 1865), ainsi qu’un établissement spécialisé dans l’octroi de crédits aux villes et communes (le Crédit communal de Bel...

  16. Royal Hungarian Gendarmerie

    Law enforcement agency founded in Hungary in 1881 based on the French model. Its primary tasks were to prosecute crime and maintain order in villages and rural areas. The police force was in charge of these tasks in towns. In 1944, the twenty-thousand-strong gendarmerie played a key role in the ghettoization and deportation of the Hungarian Jews. With few exceptions, gendarmes fulfilled their duty mercilessly, and some of them even went beyond orders, committing excesses out of antisemitic zeal and sadism. After the war, the gendarmerie was declared a criminal organization and dissolved.

  17. Pesti Izraelita Hitközség

    • Pest Israelite Congregation
    • Jewish community of Pest
    • PIH

    The Pest Israelite Congregation was the largest Reform (Neolog) congregation in Hungary, with close to 200,000 members before the Holocaust. Between 1929 and 1944, the congregation was presided by banker Samu Stern. After the German occupation of Hungary on March 19, 1944, the leadership of the Pest Israelite Congregation was dissolved and replaced the Central Jewish Council created by order of the Nazis.

  18. Rabbinical Seminary of Budapest

    • ORI - Országos Rabbiképző Intézet

    סמינר לרבנים

  19. People's Court - Hungary

    • בית משפט העם - הונגריה

    בתי משפט מיוחדים שהועמדו לאחר מלחמת עולם השניה ותפקידם היה לדון בפושעי מלחמה

  20. Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun vármegye Törvényhatósági Bizottsága

    • Municipal Committee of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County