
Displaying items 301 to 320 of 17,954
  1. Poale Zion-Right

    • פועלי ציון ימין

    Founded in 1920

    Poale Zion was a Zionist socialist party. In 1920 as a result of a split, the more radical Poale Zion-Left and the more moderate Poale Zion-Right were formed.

  2. Federation of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia

    • Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia
    • Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije

    Founded in 1944

    The former Yugoslavia was liberated in 1944. After the Second World War, the region became known as the Democratic Federal Yugoslavia. Throughout the entire region, only 14,000 Jews returned after the war. The Jews opened the Federation of Jewish Communities. Many of the Jewish communities throughout Yugoslavia were reclaimed. In 1946, the government in Yugoslavia changed again, and it became known as the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. The Zionist attitude of the Yugoslav Jews was also reestablished and, in 1948, the Federation of Jewish Communities gained the right to begin emigr...

  3. Полиция города Оргеева

    • Politsiya goroda Orgeeva
    • Police of Orhei city

    1918 - 28th June 1940; July 1941 - 1944

  4. Hans Fischböck

    • Hans Fischboeck

    24 January 1895 – 3 July 1967

    Prominent Nazi. In May 1938 he was appointed Minister of finance and took measures for the expropriation of Jewish property. After the invasion of the Netherlands, Arthur Seyss-Inquart appointed him minister of finance of the occupied Netherlands and he served in this capacity from 1940-1945. From March 1941 he was involved in the expropriation of Jewish property and sending forced laborers to Germany to work in the arms industry.

  5. Henry Morgenthau

    • הנרי מורגנטאו

    American Jewish politician.

  6. Seidl Siegrfried

    • זיגפריד זיידל



    Kommandant in Theresienstadt (1941-43). Juli 1943 Commander of the Gestapo in the Bergen-Belsen camp. Joined Sonderkommando Eichmann in Hungary (1944).

  7. Raffaele Cantoni

    • Cantoni, Raffaele
  8. Enzo Sereni

    • אנצו חיים סרני
    • Sereni, Enzo

    Zionist emissary and officer at the Jewish brigade. He was parachuted into the Nazi occupied Europe. Arrested, he was executed in the Dachau concentration camp.

  9. Romain Rolland

    • Rolland, Romain
  10. Lelio Vittorio Valobra

    • לליו ויטוריו ולוברה
    • Valobra, Lelio Vittorio

    Jewish activist; head of the DELASEM, the relief organization for refugees of the Jewish communities in Italy

  11. Comune di Arco

  12. Comunità ebraica di Modena e Reggio Emilia

    • Comunità israelitica di Modena e Reggio Emilia
  13. Comunità ebraica di Napoli

    • Comunità israelitica di Napoli
  14. Comunità ebraica di Fiume

  15. Comunità ebraica di Ferrara

    • Comunità israelitica di Ferrara
  16. Senato della Repubblica