
Displaying items 221 to 240 of 17,956
  1. Ministero dell'Interno

    • Ministry of Interior
  2. Государственный архив Новгородской области

    • State Archive of Novgorod Oblast
    • Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Novgorodskoy oblasti

    Archive was established in 1919 as the Archive of the Novgorod Gubernya. In 1922 it was reorganized into the Novgorod Branch of the Central Gubernial Archive of the Russian Federal Soviet Republic. In 1930 it was reorganized into the Novgorod Branch of the Leningrad Oblast Archive and in 1932 into the Novgorod Branch of Leningrad Oblast Archival Authority. In 1944, due to the administration reform of the Soviet State, it became State Archive of the Novgorod Oblast.

  3. Центральный государственный архив Санкт-Петербурга

    • Central State Archive of St. Petersburg
    • Tsentralnyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Sankt-Peterburga

    Archive of the October Revolution (first predecessor of the current archive) was created in the years 1925-1927 in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). Its task was to collect documents relating to the contemporary history of the city and its region from 1917 and following years. In 1936 Archive obtained status of separate institution as the Leningrad Archive of the October Revolution. In 1941 Archive was enlarged by the other provincial archives from the region and the local archive of the Red Army. During the Second World War and in 1950s archive obtained also valuable documents related to the war...

  4. Comune di Mantova

    • Mantua Municipality
  5. Comunità ebraica di Mantova

    • Mantua Jewish Community
  6. Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale di Mantova e Provincia

    • Mantua and District Area National Liberation Committee
  7. Комиссия по истории Великой Отечественной войны

    • Academy of Sciences Commission for the History of the Great Patriotic War
    • Mints Commission
    • Комиссия Минца

    Свою деятельность Комиссия по истории Великой Отечественной войны начала в декабре 1941 г. как Комиссия по истории обороны Москвы. В некоторых республиках и областях (Белоруссия, Украина, Одесская, Свердловская области и др.) были образованы аналогичные комиссии. Но уже к осени 1942 г. возникла потребность в создании общесоюзного координационного научно-методического центра по собиранию документальных свидетельств о войне по всем крупным регионам страны.

  8. Сорокская городская примэрия

    • Сорокская городская примэрия
  9. Лапушинская уездная палата торговли и промышленности

    • Lapusna District Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  10. Државна комисија за утврђивање злочина окупатора и њихових помагача

    • State Commission for the Investigation of the Crimes of Occupiers and their Supporters
  11. Лапушнянская уездная финансовая администрация

    • Лапушнянская уездная финансовая администрация
  12. Сорокская уездная палата торговли и промышленности

    • Soroca District Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  13. Pohotovostné Oddiely Hlinkovej Gardy

    • Szturmowe Oddziały Gwardii Hlinkowej
    • POHG
  14. Hlinkova Garda

    • Hlinka Guard
    • HK

    Founded in 1938

    Hlinkova Garda was a militia established in Slovakia by the pro-Nazi Hlinkova slovenská l’udová strana (Hlinka Slovak People’s Party) after the Munich Conference of 1938, in which Western leaders allowed Hitler to occupy the Sudeten region of Czechoslovakia. The Hlinkova Garda was named for Andreij Hlinka, a Slovak nationalist who died that same year. Members of the guard were given military training and were urged to hate Jews, Czechs, and supporters of the left. They wore black uniforms and used the Nazis’ raised-arm salute. In 1942, the HG and other collaborationists aided local police a...

  15. Okresný ľudový súd v Trnave

  16. Леовский Комиссариат Полиции

    • Leovskii Komissariat Politsii

    Comisariatul poliției Leova avea în subordinea sa 3 secții: Secția Administrativă; Secția Siguranță; Secția Judiciară. Statele de personal al Comisariatului poliției Leova: 1 comisar, care conducea Comisariatul; 2 ajutori ai comisarului, 2 agenți de poliție, telefonistul, șeful secției, 10 polițiști și curierul.

  17. Ставка Верховного командования румынских воиск города Бухареста

    • Stavka Verhovnogo komandovaniya rumynskih voisk goroda Buharesta
  18. Heeresgruppe Nord

  19. Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории

    • Russian State Archives of the Socio-Political History
    • Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv sotsyalno-politicheskoy istorii
    • RGASPI
    • РГАСПИ

    State Archives of the Socio Political History was created in October 1991 on the basis of former Central Communist Party Archive. Archive history begins with the formation of the Archive of Russian Social Democratic Movement and its library on emmigration. After the 1917 documents referring to the history of pre 1917 revolutionary movement and revolution itself were collected by the various Soviet archives and research centers. In 1920 these tasks were centralized in the History of the Party Institute, that until 1928 was the branch of the Central Party Committee. This Institution directed ...

  20. Reichssicherheitshauptamt

    • Reich Security Main Office
    • RSHA

    Founded in 1939-09-27

    The Reichssicherheitshauptamt consisted of headquarters of the Sicherheitspolizei, Sicherheitsdienst, and Gestapo as of 1939-09-27. It was the principal office of the Nazi regime’s political, ideological, and racial warfare. The Reichssicherheitshauptamt’s backbone was the Gestapo and was founded by Reinhard Heydrich. After his assassination, Ernst Kaltenbrunner assumed command on 1943-01-30. This branch of the SS issued a decree in 1940 containing a tacit order for the Final Solution and coordinated the activities of the Einsatzgruppen.