
Displaying items 681 to 700 of 14,601
Language of Description: English
  1. Bezirksgericht niederösterreichischer Gemeinden

    • Lower Austrian Municipalities District Court
  2. Nyilaskeresztes Párt - Hungarista Mozgalom

    • Arrow Cross Party - Hungarist Movement
    • Arrow Cross

    (1935) 1939-1945

    Arrow Cross Party was the most popular right-wing extremist movement in Hungary before and during WWII. The party was founded in 1935 under the name of Party of National Will. Its leader, former officer of the General Staff, Ferenc Szálasi was imprisoned (1938-1940) and his party dissolved several times, however, managed to return to political life. In the last pre-war elections in 1939 the Arrow Cross gained 29 seats, making it the second largest party in Parliament. The party was re-named to Arrow Cross Party-Hungarist Movement in 1942. After Regent Miklós Horthy’s attempt to extricate fr...

  3. Leo Ansbacher

    • ליאו אנסבכר
    • אנסבכר ליאו
  4. Restitution and Reparations Branch of OMGUS

    • המחלקה להשבת הרכוש היהודי בגרמניה של OMGUS

    Department of the Office of Military Government of the United States (OMGUS) created with the function of locating and returning material to countries from which claimed property had been looted by the Nazis during World War II.

  5. Office of Military Government, United States

    • Amt der Militärregierung für Deutschland (U.S.)
    • OMGUS

    1946-01-01 / 1949-12-05

    The Office of Military Government, United States (OMGUS; German: Amt der Militärregierung für Deutschland (U.S.)) was the United States military-established government created shortly after the end of hostilities in occupied Germany in World War II. Under General Lucius D. Clay, it administered the area of Germany and sector of Berlin controlled by the United States Army. The Allied Control Council comprised military authorities from the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and France. Though created on January 1, 1946, OMGUS previously reported to the U.S. Group Control Coun...

  6. Central Historical Commission of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US Zone

    • CHC


    The Central Historical Commission of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US Zone was founded in 1945-12 in Munich. The CHC opened about 50 branches in the various Displaced Persons camps in Germany. Testimonies were recorded and questionnaires distributed. Attempts were also made to secure information about Jewish Communities from German sources, both by acquiring Nazi documentation and by distributing questionnaires among the Landraete (regional councils) in Germany. After three years the CHC was dissolved.

  7. National Committee for Attending Deportees (DEGOB)

    • DEGOB - Deportáltakat Gondozó Országos Bizottság
    • DEGOB
  8. Jewish Agency

    • הסוכנות היהודית
    • JAFI
    • Jewish Agency for Israel

    Founded in 1921

    The Jewish Agency is established in Yishuv to promote Jewish self-government as a part of the British Mandate by the League of Nations. The Jewish Agency was reluctant to expends funds on rescue, arguing moneys should be provided by international Jewish communities. However, some funding was spent on modest rescue efforts. This group tried to rescue Jews in Transnistria, urged the Allies to save Jews from concentration camps, advocated the bombing of railway hubs, and brought orphans to Palestine. However, the Jewish Agency refused to fund the Europa Plan or ‘Blood for Trucks’.

  9. Juedische Historische Dokumentation - Linz

    Branch of the Central Historical Commission of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the U.S. Zone in Linz.

  10. Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)

    • J.T.A.

    1917 - Present

    The Jewish Telegraphic Agency - former Jewish Correspondence Bureau - was created by the journalist Jacob Landau with the purpose of collecting and disseminating news among and affecting the Jewish communities of the diaspora.

  11. Jewish Confederation of Ukraine

    • Evreiskaia konfederatsiia Ukrainy
    • EKU

    1999 - Present

    Established in 1999, the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine (Evreiskaia konfederatsiia Ukrainy; EKU) is an association of national, regional, and local organizations with a focus on “philanthropy, the reconstruction of the Jewish national way of life, and the support of humanitarian values.” It was set up by four umbrella organizations: the Union of Jewish Religious Organizations of Ukraine (Ob”edinenie Iudeiskikh Religioznykh Organizatsii Ukrainy; OIROU), the Society for Jewish Culture / Jewish Council of Ukraine (Obshchestvo Evreiskoi Kultury / Evreiskii Sovet Ukrainy; ESU), the Association ...

  12. Zvi Mersik

    • צבי מרדיק

    Zvi Mersik, member of the Dror youth movement and the Jewish underground in the Bialystok ghetto.

  13. Bialystok Ghetto Underground Archive

    • ארכיון מרסיק טננבוים
    • Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive

    The archive gets its name from Mordechai Tenenbaum-Tamaroff, who set up the archive in early 1943, and Zvi Mersik, one of Mordechai Tenenbaum’s outstanding aides, who continued to maintain the archive after Mordechai Tenenbaum-Tamaroff’s death. Most of the documentation, which was created between July 1941 and April 1943, is located in the Yad Vashem Archive. The original material is not concentrated in one place: some of it is housed in the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, and the rest of the material is still in the hands of unknown private individuals.

  14. Dror - Poland

    • דרור - פולין
  15. Tenenbaum Mordekhai

    • Tenenbaum, Mordecai, 1916-1943
    • Ṭenenboim-Ṭamarof, Mordekhai 1916-1943
    • Ṭamarof, Mordekhai Ṭenenboim 1916-1943
    • Tenenbaum-Tamaroff, Mordekhai, 1916-1943
    • Tamaroff, Mordecai, 1916-1943
    • ...



    Organised resistance in Bialystok gehtto. Zionist.

  16. Centralna Żydowska Komisja Historyczna

    • Central Jewish Historical Commission
    • ועדה היסטורית יהודית בפולין
    • Centralna Żydowska Komisja Historyczna w Polsce
    • Central Jewish Historical Commission in Poland

    One of the organization’s first projects was to prepare elaborate questionnaires for groups of Holocaust survivors. By December 1945, some 3,000 testimonies had been collected, constituting one of the most significant bodies of evidence about the Holocaust gathered in the immediate postwar years. In early 1945, the commission began publishing annotated editions of these responses. It then sought monographs on the Holocaust in Poland, based largely on evidence it had gathered. By late 1947, the commission had collected about 7,300 testimonies and had published 38 books.

  17. Mayer Saly

    • מאיר סלי
    • Mayer, Saly, 1882-1950
    • Saly, Mayer
    • Saly, Mayer, 1882-1950



    President of the Schweizerische Israelische Gemeindebund (Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities) [SIG] 1936-1943 and representative of JOINT in Switzerland.

  18. Levente

    Paramilitary youth organizations in Hungary in the interwar period and during the Second World War.

  19. District Court Hamm i. Westfalen

    • בית המשפט העל-מחוזי ב-Hamm i. Westfalen
  20. Alexander Mach

    One of the leaders of faschist Slovak puppet state