
Displaying items 4,681 to 4,700 of 14,600
Language of Description: English
  1. Чернігівська обласна комісія з історії Великої Вітчизняної війни

    • Chernihiv regional commission on the history of the Great Patriotic War
    • Chernihivska oblasna komissiia z istorii Velykoi Vitchiznianoi viyny
  2. Редакція газети "Українське Полісся", м. Чернігів Чернігівської області

    • Editorial board of the "Ukrainske Polissia" newspaper, city of Chernihiv, Chernihiv region
    • Redaktsiia hasety "Ukrainske Polissia", m. Chernihiv Chernihivskoi oblasti
  3. Švenčionių apskrities policijos vadas

    • Police Chief Commander of Švenčionys county

    Police Chief Commander of Švenčionys county was under the authority of German administrative and military authorities. The main goal of the Police Chief Commander was to ensure stability and security in the district, to supervise whether residents live according laws. Police Chief Commander of Švenčionys county office supported Nazi authorities.

  4. Vilniaus apskrities viršininkas

    • Der Kreischef von Wilna
    • The Chief of Vilnius district
  5. Državni arhiv u Bjelovaru

    • The State Archive in Bjelovar
  6. Laikraščio ,,Panevėžio apygardos balsas“ redakcija

    • Editors of the newspaper "Panevėžio apygardos balsas"

    The newspaper printed propaganda, German administrations posts and announcements, articles concerningLithuanian political and economic situation and literary pieces.

  7. Stefanija Glemžaitė

    Stefanija Glemžaitė, a local doctor in Kupiškis, compiled a list of her Jewish patients and other Jews who were killed in Kupiškis in 1946.

  8. Kretingos apskrities policijos vadas

    • Der Kreispolizeiführer in Kretinga
    • Chief of Police of Kretinga District

    The task of the Chief of Police of Kretinga District was to ensure all citizens obey the law, to secure and to protect private property of residents, to control activities of the police stations and precincts of Kretinga city and district.

  9. Kauno miesto žydų tikybinės bendruomenės taryba

    • Council of the Jewish Religious Community of Kaunas

    Activities of the community started on December 1919. The community was officialy registered on 14 March 1920.

  10. Kaunas Ninth Fort

    • Kauno IX fortas

    Mass killing site in Kaunas. The first shootings at the Ninth Fort took place on September 26, 1941. Until the end of June 1944 around 30 000 Jews were killed there.

  11. Kauno sunkiųjų darbų kalėjimas

    • Zentralgefängnis in Kauen
    • Kaunas Hard-Labour Prison

    The Kaunas Prison was completed in 1864. At the time it was a modern prison in the whole region. It had 300 places for prisoners, a chapel, administrative-household premises, and apartments for employees were planned. Later there the number of places for prisoners grew up to 550. Kaunas Prison was seen far in environs of Kaunas center and aroused terror in everybody. During the period of 1905 Revolution, the prison was overcrowded with political prisoners. The branch of Kaunas Prison was established in the Ninth Fort of Kaunas Fortress in 1924. During World War II, the majority of the convi...

  12. Državni arhiv u Splitu

    • Split State Archive
  13. Kauno karo komendantūra

    • Litauische Kommandantur in Kaunas
    • Military Commandant in Kaunas

    Military Commandant in Kaunas was appointed in June 1941. When German Army entered Kaunas on 25 June 1941 Kaunas Military Commandant started to follow and implement the instructions issued by German 821th Military Field Commandant's instructions. Since 30 July 1941 Military Commandant in Kaunas was under the authority of German 11th Reserve Police Battalion. In the first days of the war Military Commandant in Kaunas was involved into arresting of the Red Army soldiers and communists.

  14. Kauno apskrities viršininkas

    • Der Kreischef in Kauen
    • Head of the District of the City of Kaunas

    Head of the District of the City of Kaunas was appointed on 24 June 1941 and countinued to work until July 1944. It was lower Lithuanian institution under the authority of the County Commissar of Kaunas City and Chief Gebiestcommissar in Kaunas.

  15. Kauno miesto apygardos komisaras

    • Kaunas-Stadt Gebietskomissar
    • County Commissar of Kaunas City

    County Commissar of Kaunas City was appointed on 26 July 1941 and countinued to work until July 1944. It was the lowest German civil authority. The name of County Commissar of Kaunas City in the official documentation varies from County Commissar of Kaunas City to City Commissioner Kaunas (Der Stadtkommissar in Kauen).

  16. Kauno 13-oji didžioji kariuomenės statybos įstaiga

    • Grosse Heeresbaudienststelle 13 Kauen
    • Kaunas Major Military Construction Office Number 13

    Kaunas Major Military Construction Office Number 13 supervised construction of military objects.

  17. Ilja Rud-Gercovskis

    He was born on 13 September 1929 in Kaunas, died on 14 June 1968 in Vilnius. In the first day of the war he able to escape to the East of the Soviet Union and survived the Holocaust. Returned to Vilnius after the war and since 1949 he was the literary staff of the newspaper "Youth of Lithuania". He graduated from the Law Faculty of Vilnius University in 1952 and the Higher Courses of Scriptwriters and directors in 1967. In 1955-1958 he worked as the correspondent of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in the Lithuanian SSR. Since 1958, he worked in various editions and magazines. Since 196...

  18. Icchokas Meras

    He was born on October 8, 1934 in Kelmė. His family perished in 1941 when the Nazis undertook the liquidation of Lithuania's Jews, but hidden and adopted by a Lithuanian peasant family, Meras survived the war. In 1958 he graduated from the Kaunas Polytechnic Institute with a degree in radio electronics, but began devoting most of his spare time to literature. In 1960 Meras published his first collection of stories entitled Geltonas lopas (The Yellow Patch). He based his sketches on his own childhood experiences of Holocaust terror. He has written books and was author of three screen scripts...

  19. Der Generalkommissar in Kauen

    • General Commissar in Kaunas
    • Generalinis komisaras Kaune

    The war between the USSR and Germany started on June 22, 1941. Germany established the Reichskommissariat Ostland (RKO) as the civilian occupation regime in the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania), the northeastern part of Poland and the western part of the Belarussian SSR during World War II. The region was divided into 6 districts headed by General Commissars.

  20. Geležinkelių policijos viršininkas

    • Geležinkelių policijos vadas
    • Chief of Railway Police

    The Chief of Railway Police office was established on 16 July 1941 and was under the authority of Police Department of the Ministry of Interior. There no clear information when office exactly was close in 1944.