
Displaying items 4,321 to 4,340 of 14,600
Language of Description: English
  1. Alexianu Gheorghe

    • Alexianu, Gheorghe, 1897-1946



    Romanian jurist and Gouverneur of Transnistria 1941-1944, 1946 as war criminal sentenced to death.

  2. Allers Dietrich

    • Allers, Dietrich 20. Jh.



    T4. NSDAP/SA. Jurist, Oberregierungsrat (1943), SA-Sturmbannführer (1944). Since Jan 1941 manager (Geschäftsführer) of the "Euthanasia" Center T4. Spring 1944 appointed head of Aktion Reinhard in Trieste, responsible for combatting partisans and Jews. 20.12.1968 sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment by LG Frankfurt a.M. for complicity to murder of at least 34,549 people.

  3. Alter Avraham Mordechai

    • Alter, Abraham Mordecai, 1866-1948
    • ʾAlṭer, ʾAvraham Mordeḵay, 1866-1948
    • Alter, Abraham Mordechai, 1866-1948
    • ʾAdumur mi-Gur, 1866-1948
    • Alter, Abraham Mordechaj (1866-1948).
    • ...



    Rabbi. Escaped to Palestine in 1940.

  4. Alter Victor

    • Alter, Victor



    Jewish socialist activist and publicist of the BUND, arrested by NKVD and in July 1941 sentenced to death twice and executed in 1941 or 1943 for "spying for Hitler".

  5. Anders Wladyslaw

    • Anders, Władysław, n. 1892
    • Anders, Władysław, 1892-1970
    • Anders, W.
    • Anders, Wladyslaw.
    • Anders, Wł.
    • ...



    Commanding officer of the Polish army in the Middle East and Italy during World War II who became a leading figure among the anticommunist Poles who refused to return to their homeland after the war.

  6. Anielewicz Mordecai

    • Anielewicz, Mordecai, 1919-1943
    • Anilevits, Mordekhai, 1919-1943
    • Anilevitch, Mordechai, 1919-1943
    • Anielewicz, Mordchaj, 1919-1943
    • אניליביץ׳, מרדכי, 1919־1943
    • ...



    Principal leader of armed Jewish resistance in the Warsaw ghetto during World War II. Active in a pro-Soviet group of young Zionists, Hashomer Hatzair. Set up an underground newspaper, Neged Hazerem (“Against the Stream”), and organized cultural and educational activities. Commanded the armed resistance organisation Jewish Fighting Organization (Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa; ŻOB).

  7. Apeloig Georges



    Rabbi. Director of the children's home "Séjour des Voisins".

  8. Arajs Viktor

    • Arājs, Viktors 1910-1988
    • Arajs, Viktor Bernhard 1910-1988
    • Arājs, Victors 1910-1988
    • Arajs, Victor 1910-1988
    • Arajs, Viktors


    Führer of the Latvian hit squad Arajas. 21.12.1979 sentenced to life by LG Hamburg for participating in the murder ("gemeinschaftlicher Mord") of 13 000 people.

  9. Arlozorov Chaim

    • Arlosoroff, Chaim
    • Arlozorof, Ḥayim
    • Arlozoroff, Haim
    • Arlosoroff, Chaim, 1899-1933
    • Arlosoroff, Victor, 1899-1933
    • ...


    A Zionist leader of the Yishuv during the British Mandate for Palestine, prior to the establishment of the State of Israel, and head of the Political Department of the Jewish Agency. In 1933, Arlosoroff was assassinated in Tel Aviv.

  10. Archbishop Stephan



    Righteous Among the Nations for the rescue of the 800 Jews through negotiations with the King of Bulgaria ; Head of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Sofia during the Holocaust.

  11. Asche Kurt

    • Asche, Kurt Heinrich, 1909-



    War crime trials Kiel. 1935 SD-Hauptamt Berlin, Abt. II B Judenreferat, 1941 SS-Obersturmführer, Nov 1941 with Sipo Brussels, Judenreferat.

  12. Auerswald Heinz



    Kommissar für den jüdischen Wohnbezirk (Commissioner for the Jewish residential district) (Ghetto) in Warsaw.

  13. Bach-Zelewski Erich von dem

    • Bach, Erich ˜von demœ 1899-1972
    • Bach-Zelewski, Erich von dem, 1899-1972
    • Zelewski, Erich von dem Bach-, 1899-1972
    • Bach-Zalewski, Erich von dem, 1899-1972
    • Zalewski, Erich von dem Bach- 1899-1972
    • ...



    SS-Obergruppenführer , General der Polizei (General of police) (1944). 1938 Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer in Silesia, 1941 HSSPF Russland-Mitte, head of Einsatzgruppe B. Since 21 June 1943 Bevollmächtigter des Reichsführer-SS zur Bandenbekämpfung (murder of Jews and partisans). 1944 suppression of the Warsaw Uprising. End of 1944/1945 Stabschef des Befehlshabers des Ersatzheeres. In the Nuremberg Trials crown witness for the prosecution. Sentenced to life for the murder of three communists in 1961.

  14. Baer Richard

    • Baer, Richard
    • Baer, Richard 1911-1963
    • Baer, Richard
    • Baer, Richard 1911-1963



    KZ-Kommandant, SS-Sturmbannführer (1944). Commander of Auschwitz since the end of 1944, after its evacuation (January 1945) appointed commander of the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp.

  15. Bandera Stepan

    • Bandera, Stepan, 1908-1959
    • Bandera, Stepan, 1909-1959
    • Bandera, Stefan, 1909-1959
    • Bandera, Stepan A. 1909-1959
    • Бандера, Степан, 1909-1959.
    • ...



    Ukrainian leader, joined the Orhanizatsyia Ukrainshkykh Natsionalistiv (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, OUN) and soon became one of the leaders of the national organisation in Western Ukraine. Bandera helped the Nazis to set up two Ukrainian battalions, the Nachtigall battalion and the Roland Battalion, with the purpose of carrying out intelligence activities. The OUN-B organized "mobile units," which moved into the Ukraine with the German forces and established the local government and the Ukrainische Hilfspolizei (Ukrainian Auxiliary Police). Arrested in September 1941 and sent to...

  16. Barasz Efraim


    Chairman of the Bialystok Judenrat.

  17. Barbie Klaus

    • Barbie, Klaus, 1913-1991
    • Hansen, Klaus Altmann, 1913-1991
    • Barbie, Nikolaus, 1913-1991
    • Altmann Hansen, Klaus, 1913-1991
    • Barbon, Klaus, 1913-1991
    • ...



    Gestapo chief in Lyon, France.

  18. Bauminger Heshek



    Jewish resistance fighter in the Cracow ghetto.

  19. Baur André

    • Baur, André, 1904-1944
    • Baur, André, 1904-
    • Baur, André, b. 1904



    President of the Union générale des israélites de France, murdered in Auschwitz with his wife and children.

  20. Beckerle Adolf Heinz

    • Beckerle, Adolf H. 1902-1976
    • Beckerle, Adolf-Heinz 1902-1976 Vollstaendiger Name



    SA-Obergruppenführer. German consul in Bulgaria, involved in the deportation of Bulgarian Jews.