
Displaying items 3,601 to 3,620 of 14,600
Language of Description: English
  1. Nicholas Winton

    • Nicholas Wertheimer

    Nicholas Winton was born Nicholas Wertheimer on May 19, 1909, in West Hampstead, England, and baptized as a member of the Anglican Church by decision of his parents who were of German Jewish ancestry. He was a stockbroker by profession. Nicholas Winton organized a rescue operation that brought approximately 669 children, mostly Jewish, from Czechoslovakia to safety in Great Britain before the outbreak of World War II.

  2. Adolf Hrubý

    Adolf Hrubý was a Czechoslovak politician and Minister of Agriculture in the government of the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia from January 1942 to May 1945.

  3. Československa liga proti bolševismu

    • Czechoslovak League against Bolshevism

    Czechoslovak anti-Soviet Pre-war organisation was founded 1937.

  4. Ministerstvo veřejných práci

    • Ministerium für öffentliche Arbeiten
    • Ministry of public works

    The Ministry of Public Works was founded on 2nd November 1918 shortly after the declaration of Independence of Czechoslovakia from the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Its portfolios was mainly the improvement of infrastructure of the country and it existed untill 15th of January 1942. It´s agenda was taken over the newly established Ministry of Economy and Work (Ministerstvo hospodářství a práce/Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit).

  5. Alexander

    The Alexander family was a prominent Croatian Jewish family from Zagreb. Alexander family ancestors moved to Zagreb from Güssing in Austria. The family played an important role in the economic and social life of Zagreb and Croatia for over a hundred years. Until 1941 the Alexanders were a large clan rather than an ordinary family. The great-grandparents of the Zagreb Alexanders included Samuel and Julija (née Rubin) Alexander, who had five sons and several daughters. Counting both the deceased and still living members, including the descendants of the female line, there were 224 Alexanders ...

  6. Šandor Alexander pl. Sesvetski

    (April 5, 1866–December 17, 1929) was an Croatian nobleman, industrialist, and philanthropist; he was the younger brother of Samuel David Alexander and a member of the prominent Alexander family of Zagreb. He was a well-known economics expert and published a noted article in the "Bankarstvo" magazine in 1924. Between 1905 and 1910, Alexander was the city representative in the Zagreb City Assembly. In 1909 he became the adviser of Franz Joseph I of Austria. Alexander worked in and was a member of more than 60 associations in Croatia. He was the councillor, vice president ,and honorary presid...

  7. Samuel "Sami" David Alexander

    In 1941 during World War II, with the NDH regime in power, Alexander and his wife found refuge at the sanatorium in Klaićeva Street. In 1942, they moved to the sanatorium of Dr. Đuro Vranešić, known for saving 80 Jews, in Zelengaj Street 57. He died there relatively peacefully at the age of 80 in 1943. Alexander was buried in the Mirogoj Cemetery. In their attempt to save themselves from Ustaše and Nazi persecution, members of his family were scattered across the world. Some of them stayed temporarily in Perugia, Italy. His wife and children survived the Holocaust, but many members of the A...

  8. Aleksandar Licht

    Dr. Aleksandar Licht (1884−1948) was an Croatian Zionist leader and founder of the Zionist movement in Croatia. Licht was born in village Sokolovac, near Koprivnica to a Croatian Jewish family. As a child he moved with his family to Zagreb. Licht was educated in Zagreb where he finished elementary and high school. He graduated as a lawyer at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb. In 1909 he was promoted to a Doctor of law at the University of Zagreb. In 1913 he opened a law firm in Zagreb, but in 1914 he was drafted to a Austro-Hungarian Army. Upon completing military service, Licht retu...

  9. Ortskommandantur

  10. Der Generalkommissar in Nikolajew

    • Генеральний комісар, м. Миколаїв.
  11. Stadtkommissariat Cherson

    • Штадткомиссар г. Херсон
  12. Генічеська міська управа, м. Генічеськ

    • Genichesk Town Administration, town of Genichesk
  13. Комісія по розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників на території Іванівського і Нижньосірогозького районів, Херсонської області

    • Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the Ivanivka and Nyzhni Sirohozy Rayons, Nyzhni Sirohozy village

    These entities were established in 1943-44 pursuant to an edict (2 November 1942) of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR. The regional commission was in charge of the city and district extraordinary state commissions and in turn was subordinate to Ukraine’s republic-level Extraordinary State Commission, and included representatives of the public prosecutor’s office and investigative organs, medical experts, representatives of public organizations, and Soviet and party workers. The extraordinary state commissions were tasked with investigating the criminal activities of the occu...

  14. Державний архів Запорізької області

    • State Archive of Zaporizhzhia Oblast
    • Derzhavnyi arkhiv Zaporiz'koi oblasti

    · Zaporizhia okrug archive department (1925-1930) · Zaporizhia local archive department (1930-1932) · Zaporizhia state historical archive (1932-1939) · Zaporizhia oblast historical archive (1939-1941) · The state archives of Zaporizhia oblast (1941-1958) · Zaporizhia oblast state archives (1958-1980) · The state archives of Zaporizhia oblast (from 1980 till now)

  15. Газета "Нове Запоріжжя"

    • "Nove Zaporizhzhia" newspaper
  16. Stadtkommissariat Saporoschje

    • Штадткомиссар г. Запорожье
    • Штадткомісар м. Запоріжжя


  17. Запорізька міська управа

    • Zaporiyhyhia city board, city of Zaporizhzhia
    • Запорожская городская управа, г. Запорожье

    Zaporizhzhia city board was created on October 5, 1941. It was the local administrative body during the time of the Nazi occupation in 1941-1943. It provided administering of establishments of local industry and commerce, urban housing and communal services, and transport, health services and public education. It was responsible for collecting local taxes and fees, construction and repair work, a set of labor, housing and social welfare. It was liquidated on October 14, 1943 when the city was liberated by the Red Army.

  18. Виконавчий комітет Дніпропетровської обласної ради народних депутатів

    • Executive committee of Dnipropetrovsk regional Council of Peoples Delegates