
Displaying items 2,281 to 2,300 of 5,124
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Der Generalkommissar in Nikolajew

    • Генеральний комісар, м. Миколаїв.
  2. Stadtkommissariat Cherson

    • Штадткомиссар г. Херсон
  3. Генічеська районна управа

    • Голопристанська районна управа
    • Беріславська районна управа
  4. Генічеська міська управа, м. Генічеськ

    • Genichesk Town Administration, town of Genichesk
  5. Комісія по розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників на території Іванівського і Нижньосірогозького районів, Херсонської області

    • Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the Ivanivka and Nyzhni Sirohozy Rayons, Nyzhni Sirohozy village

    These entities were established in 1943-44 pursuant to an edict (2 November 1942) of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR. The regional commission was in charge of the city and district extraordinary state commissions and in turn was subordinate to Ukraine’s republic-level Extraordinary State Commission, and included representatives of the public prosecutor’s office and investigative organs, medical experts, representatives of public organizations, and Soviet and party workers. The extraordinary state commissions were tasked with investigating the criminal activities of the occu...

  6. Херсонський горком Коммуністичної партії України

    • Kherson City Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine
  7. Державний архів Запорізької області

    • State Archive of Zaporizhzhia Oblast
    • Derzhavnyi arkhiv Zaporiz'koi oblasti

    · Zaporizhia okrug archive department (1925-1930) · Zaporizhia local archive department (1930-1932) · Zaporizhia state historical archive (1932-1939) · Zaporizhia oblast historical archive (1939-1941) · The state archives of Zaporizhia oblast (1941-1958) · Zaporizhia oblast state archives (1958-1980) · The state archives of Zaporizhia oblast (from 1980 till now)

  8. Газета "Нове Запоріжжя"

    • "Nove Zaporizhzhia" newspaper
  9. Stadtkommissariat Saporoschje

    • Штадткомиссар г. Запорожье
    • Штадткомісар м. Запоріжжя


  10. Запорізька міська управа

    • Zaporiyhyhia city board, city of Zaporizhzhia
    • Запорожская городская управа, г. Запорожье

    Zaporizhzhia city board was created on October 5, 1941. It was the local administrative body during the time of the Nazi occupation in 1941-1943. It provided administering of establishments of local industry and commerce, urban housing and communal services, and transport, health services and public education. It was responsible for collecting local taxes and fees, construction and repair work, a set of labor, housing and social welfare. It was liquidated on October 14, 1943 when the city was liberated by the Red Army.

  11. Виконавчий комітет Дніпропетровської обласної ради народних депутатів

    • Executive committee of Dnipropetrovsk regional Council of Peoples Delegates
  12. Дніпропетровська міська управа, м. Дніпропетровськ.

    • Dnipropetrovsk Town Administration, town of Dnipropetrovsk
  13. Υπηρεσία Διαχειρίσεως Ανταλλαξίμων Περιουσιών

    • Service of the Exchangeable Properties
    • Ypiresia Diaheiriseos Antallaximon Periousion
  14. Υποθηκοφυλακείο Δράμας

    • Land Registry Office in Drama
    • Ypothikofylakeio Dramas
  15. Κεντρικό Ισραηλιτικό Συμβούλιο της Ελλάδος

    • Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece
    • Kentriko Israilitiko Symvoulio tis Ellados
  16. Οργανισμός Περιθάλψεως και Αποκαταστάσεως Ισραηλιτών Ελλάδος

    • Organization for the Relief and Rehabilitation of Greek Jews
    • Organismos perithalpseos kai Apokatastaseos Israiliton Ellados
  17. Külföldieket Ellenőrző Országos Központi Hatóság

    • Central National Authority for Controlling Foreigners
    • KEOKH

    KEOKH was originally established in 1930 and started to operate in 1931. It exercised the rights of the Minister of the Interior in relation to non-citizens residing in Hungary. In summer 1941 the KEOKH was one of the initiator and executor of the Kamenets-Podolski deportation.

  18. Ministerstvo sociální péče, Praha

    • Ministry of Social Welfare
  19. Εβραϊκή Κοινότητα Καβάλας

    • Jewish Community of Kavala
    • Evraiki Koinotita Kavalas
  20. Υπηρεσία Διαχείρισης Ισραηλιτικών Περιουσιών

    • Central Agency for the Custody of Jewish Property
    • Ypiresia Diacheirisis Israilitikon Periousion