
Displaying items 2,221 to 2,240 of 5,124
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung

    • Central Office for Jewish Emigration

    Founded in 1938-08

    Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung was originally established in 1938-08 by the German Sicherheitspolizei and the Sicherheitsdienst to supervise the emigration and expulsion of the Jews of Austria. Later, the Zentralstelle also dealt with the Jews of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and Amsterdam.

  2. Bund (Poland)


    Bund was a Jewish socialist party, since 1918 an independent organization in Poland. The main task was to create cultural-national autonomy for the Jews and to make the socialist transformation of society.

  3. Bund - Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeter Bund in Lite, Poyln un Rusland

    • General Jewish Labour union of Russia, Lithuania and Poland
    • בונד - אלגעמנער יידישער ארבעטסבונד אין רוסלנד, ליטע אוא פולין
    • ברית הפועלים היהודית הכללית ברוסיה, ליטא ופולין

    From 1897 to 1948

  4. Czechoslovakian Army

    • Československá armáda
    • צבא צ'כוסלובקי
  5. Vichy France

    • Vichy Regime

    Founded in 1940-06-22

    Following the German defeat of France in 1940-05, French and German officials signed an armistice on 1940-06-22. Under its terms, northern France came under direct German occupation. Southern France remained unoccupied and was governed by a French administration, headquartered in the city of Vichy. In July the French National Assembly voted to suspend the constitution of the Third Republic and placed the new ‘Vichy regime’ under the leadership of the aging Marshal Henri Philippe Pétain. Officially neutral, Vichy France collaborated closely with Germany. In closely patterned on that of Germa...

  6. Joodse Raad voor Amsterdam

    • Judenrat


    Amsterdam had its Joodse Raad, a Judenrat resembling the Polish model in many of its characteristics. The Joodse Raad voor Amsterdam was established in 1941-02.

  7. Philips

    Dutch company. Its director Frederik (Frits) Philips saved the lives of 382 Jews by convincing the Nazis that they were indispensable for the production process at Philips.

  8. Joodse Coördinatie Commissie

    • Jewish Co-ordination Committee
    • JCC


    In 1940-12 the various Jewish congregations and other Jewish bodies founded a steering committee, the Joodse Coördinatie Commissie, an umbrella network of Jewish organizations. The JCC was formed to coordinate the Jewish community throughout the difficulties. Chairman of the JCC was L.E. Visser, Esq. The commission offered legal and tax-related advice, organized cultural activities and provided financial assistance as needed. The JCC refused to deal directly with the Nazis, arguing that such contact should be mediated by the Dutch government. The Joodse Raad (Jewish Council), which did main...

  9. Centraal Registratiebureau voor Joden


    Dhr. S. Roet was head of the Centraal Registratiebureau voor Joden. In first instance the Registratiebureau was financed by the Kring der Nederlandse Joden in London. After the removal to Eindhoven, the Registratiebureau was integrated in the Joodse Coördinatie Commissie. The mission of the Registratiebureau was serving as a central bureau for the registration of all Jews in the Netherlands and restoring the contact of family members.

  10. FPO - United Partisan Organization

    • פאראייניקטע פארטיזאנער ארגאניזאציע
    • FPO

    From 20/01/1942 to 23/02/1943

    Jewish underground organization in the Vilna Ghetto (occupied Poland)

  11. Romanian Army

    • צבא רומני
  12. UCE - Uniunea Comunitatilor Evreesti Din Romania

    • Union of Jewish Communities in Romania
    • UCE
    • Uniunea Comunitatilor Evreesti
  13. Bulgarian Immigrants Association in Israel

    • אחוד עולי בולגריה
  14. Francs-Tireurs et Partisans

    • FTP - French Fighters and Partisans
    • FTP


    The Francs-Tireurs et Partisans, set up in the spring of 1942, resulted from the merger of three militant communist groups: the Organisation Spéciale, formed in 1940 to protect communist leaders; the group of young communists, the first to attack German soldiers; and the fighters of the Main-d’Oeuvre Immigrée. The FTP was the military arm of the communist Front National, which decided that about 20 per cent of its members would take part in it. With the introduction of the abhorred Service du Travail Obligatoire, non-communists joined the FTP for self-protection to avoid work in Germany, as...

  15. German Police

    • Deutsche Polizei
    • משטרה גרמנית
  16. Lithuanian police

    • משטרה ליטאית
  17. Unicenea Evreilor Romani

    • Union of Romanian Jews
    • UER

    Uniunea Evreilor Romani was Romania’s oldest and most important Jewish organization. In 1938 Romania’s King Carol II dissolved all of his country’s political organizations, including the Uniunea Evreilor Romani. Until that time, the UER worked at defending Jewish interests: instituted and maintained civil rights for Jews; fought official and unofficial anti-Semitism; and encouraged the incorporation of Jews into Romanian life. After the liberation, the UER concentrated on defending the human rights of Romanian Jews. Dr. Wilhelm Filderman was the respected leader of the Unicenea Evreilor Rom...

  18. Scotish Polish Society

    From 1942 to 1945

  19. Curierul Israelit

    From 25/12/1906 to 25/03/1945

    Weekly Romanian newspaper founded in Bucharest on 25 December 1906 by I. Negureanu and M. Schweig. Curierul Israelit (The Israelite Courier) was issued with frequent interruptions until 25 March 1945; Schweig eventually appeared on its masthead as owner and director. The publication carried the subtitle “Organ septemânal pentru apărarea intereselor evreieşti” (Weekly Organ for the Defense of Jewish Interests); in 1944 this slogan was altered to “Organ al Uniunii Evreilor Români” (Organ of the Union of Romanian Jews). Curierul Israelit tried to expose antisemitism and, in the platform publis...