
Displaying items 401 to 420 of 2,696
Language of Description: English
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Forsvarets Arkiver

    • The Danish Defence Archives (FOARK)
  2. Arbejdsskadestyrelsen

    • National Board of Industrial Injuries in Denmark
  3. Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg

    • Special Operational Staff Rosenberg
    • ERR

    Founded in 1940-09-17

    The Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg was directed by Dr. Alfred Rosenberg. This organization expropriated Jewish cultural property. The booty was taken back to the Reich and some of the stolen material found its way back into the homes of Hitler, Hermann Goering, Rosenberg, and other Nazi leaders.

  4. Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda

    Founded in 1933-03-03

    The Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda was established in 1933-03-03.

  5. Reichsminister der auswärtigen Angelegenheiten

    • Ministry of foreign affairs
  6. Adolf Hitler Kanzlei

    • Privatkanzlei Adolf Hitler
  7. Justice Department

  8. Bŭlgarska Komunisticheska Partiya

    • Bulgarian Communist Party
    • BKP

    Founded in 1891

  9. Български фармацевтичен съюз

    • Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Association
  10. Национален статистически институт

    • State Administration of Statistics
  11. Ленинградская студия кинохроники

    • Leningrad Studio of Documentary Film
    • Ленинградская студия документальных фильмов
  12. Министерство государственной безопасности

    • The Ministry of State Security
    • Ministerstvo Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti
    • МГБ
    • MGB


    The Ministry of State Security was the name of an intelligence agency from 1946 to 1953. The MGB essentially inherited the “secret police” function of the old NKVD, conducting espionage and counterespionage, as well as enacting a policy of supervision and surveillance to keep control and to prevent disloyalty. After the war, the MGB was used to bring the newly acquired Eastern Bloc under Soviet control. It enforced rigid conformity in the satellite states of Eastern Europe and infiltrated and destroyed anticommunist, anti-Soviet, or independent groups.