Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,041 to 2,060 of 55,834
  1. Aigle, Alma de l'

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • N 1021
    • German
    • Nachlässe 22 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 0,3 laufende Meter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Hinrich Jantzen, Namen und Werke. Biographien und Beiträge zur Soziologie der Jugendbewegung 2 (1973), S. 23-28 Pädagogin, Schriftstellerin Bestandsbeschreibung Vorwiegend sozialpolitischer Schriftwechsel, insbesondere mit Wichard von Moellendorff und Theodor Haubach. (Stand: 1977) Pädagogin, Schriftstellerin Inhaltliche Charakterisierung Vorbemerkung Alma de l'Aigle(s), geb. 18. Febr. 1889 im Hamburg, gest. März 1959 dortselbst, war zeit ihres Lebens bis zu ihrer (wegen Krankheit vorzeitigen) Pensionierung 1950 als Volksschullehrerin in ihrer Vaterstadt täti...

  2. Air attacks

    Staff Film Report no. 46; Combat Bulletin, no. 46. (with intertitles) Reel 3: A helicopter team removes valuable items from a wrecked bomber. Shows and describes the A-26 airplane. 08:39:49 "Pacific - Manila Clean-up" In Manila tanks and artillery fire across the Pasig River. The 129th Regiment crosses the river, machine guns the post office, and enters and fights in Intramuros (Feb. 23). The Legislative Building is attacked and entered by the 148th Regiment. Gen. MacArthur and President Osmefla visit the city and address the legislature.

  3. Air raid precaution exercise in stadium

    8mm Gevaert Cine-film. Grainy scenes of activities inside a stadium in Holland. Camera focuses on people and medical vehicles parked on the grounds of the stadium. One tent and a flag bearing a cross, presumably indicating a medical station. People are visible sitting in the stands. Men (and at least one woman) stand near vehicles that appear to be ambulances, with stretchers laid out near them. WS of the field and people in the stands. Firehoses are sprayed up into the air.

  4. Air raid wardens' papers

  5. Airborne leaflet

    Leaflet “Sieg im Osten 1917-1940” No. 338German 

  6. Aircraft defense unit 4/1945; Würzburg in ruins 1946/47

    vapor trails of American aircraft in sky, flak helper, church in Geldersheim, boys with steel helmets, several girls in uniform, burning buildings, bombing, Wurzburg ruins, various pictures of destroyed churches, civilians on a country road, view from the mountain on the main, rubble, various settings and details of destroyed homes and church buildings

  7. Airfield; Lieberman family gardening; Boys gathered on a bench

    Airfield (probably in Poland - grass under the planes) This could be in February 1939 when the family hired a plane to go to Palestine. Biplanes are everywhere, lined up as far as the camera can see. Some are have their engines started. These are most likely Henkel HE51s, a plane used between the World Wars. They take off en masse. Pans of the airfield follow. Cut to the children and a few adults standing around (Poland or Palestine?). Group sits on a bench. Man and woman exit a house. The picture is rather washed out and it is unclear what is going on.

  8. Airplane takes off; destroyed German plane

    Hamilton and other GI in uniforms with service caps. A silver B26 taxis on a dirt runway and takes off. Jeep alongside DC3. Destroyed German plane, MS and CU. CU of German markings on plane. Aerial shots from interior of DC3.

  9. Airplanes

    Aerial shots, shooting from interior of DC3. Men unloading camera boxes and supplies from DC3: slates, film cans, etc. P38 flies overhead. Hot landing of black twin-engine fighter bomber, taxis to stop. Name of the plane is "Little Audrey."

  10. Airplanes; German POWs; VE Day in Paris

    Planes flying over countryside. Pilots getting onto planes. Taking off, landing. Man holds Nazi flag. 01:41:05 German POWs in front of barbed wire, speaking (no sound). 01:42:25 Celebrating VE Day in streets of Paris. People waving flags, parade, crowd cheering. Nurses and soldiers on Army hospital grounds. Beautifully dressed women, families on the street, marching, saluting. Soldiers kissing women. VAR CUs, French women. Girl with flag. Families. US cameraman on tank. VAR shots, excited civilians posing for the camera. Airplane.

  11. Airplanes; VE Day in London

    (18 SFP 9500) Pilots, planes taking off for Operation Chowhound/Operation Manna Project, in which Allied bombers dropped food and supplies to the population of the Netherlands. (18 SFP 9501) 01:01:32 Sir Winston Churchill, Mrs. Churchill, Queen Mary, King George exiting limo, entering St. Paul's. Large crowd on London street on VE day, buses, Big Ben in BG. Trafalgar Square. Crowds gathered for VE Day, cheering. VAR shots, crowd, artist. 01:05:51 Planes flying over mountains, planes dropping leaflets.

  12. Airship

    Views from INT airship. Aerial shots of rivers, countryside, lakes. 01:03:49 Group of boys looking out observation tower windows. More aerial views. Night scenes, lights. Car driving on highway (NJ 40 N). People gathered to greet airship landing in Lakehurst, NJ at Naval Air Center. Many wearing white caps, together holding a large metal pole. This may be one of the ten commercial transatlantic passenger flights of the LZ-129 Hindenburg Zeppelin taken in 1936. 01:06:37 Man with white cap (sailor?) waving to camera. 01:06:54 Group waving to camera, arms in the air. MS, Naval air center, INTs...

  13. Airship and workers in hangar

    INTs, VS, airship hangar and work on ship's infrastructure. CS man working with tool high up on metal girder; young man climbing on girders. Workers at airbase at change of shift, GV of road and workers walking, riding bikes and motorbikes. Older man gets bicycle from rack, rides off. Others walking near hangar. EXT of hangar, doors open slowly, reveal airship inside. INT of office of airship designer, Dr. Hugo Eckener, older man in suit and tie, seated at desk, shots taken from various angles. Dr. Eckener smokes a pipe and speaks to his son off camera. Assistant enters office and they disc...

  14. Airship construction

    Scientists/engineers in airship/Zeppelin hangar, working, massive steel. INT, airship. CUs, workers' shoes. Elevator. Men working.

  15. Airship construction

    Airship construction. Workers gather in circle.

  16. Airship hangars in countryside

    Airship hangars in the German countryside.

  17. Airship; Goldschmidt School, Berlin; Jewish students

    Airship under construction; hangar interior. Men in white coats examine machinery, hardware. Berlin: Goldschmidt Jewish Private School: Girl writes in Hebrew at blackboard, rear profile view (The girl's current name is Margot Segall). Male teacher in suit helping her at blackboard. Young girls at desks, take satchels and go, laughing. Unrelated Zeppelin footage, airship hangar. Goldschmidt School: Mixed class of adolescents at desks (including Stella Goldschlag, who passed as Aryan during the war and reportedly betrayed Jews in hiding), writing. Female teacher at front of class. Scenes outd...

  18. Aizen family papers

    Collection of documents, correspondence and photographs relating to the Aizen family, including passports, images of life in Hofgeismar DP camp in Germany, and descriptions of their experiences during the Holocaust. Includes a certificate issued by Jewish National Fund in Germany c. 1946, stating that Mr. Dov Aizen (donor’s late father-in-law) planted trees in Palestine in memory of his father, Jeshajahu Aizen, who was murdered during the Holocaust in Wlodzimierz Wolynski, Poland; issued by Jewish National Fund in Germany, c. 1946.