Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,481 to 4,500 of 55,818
  1. Teilnachlass Ernst Bresslau

    Korrespondenz u.a. mit wissenschaftlichen Kollegen, u.a. über seine Tätigkeit in Deutschland, der Türkei und Brasilien, Familienkorrespondenz; Lebensdokumente u.a. Tagebuch der Überfahrt nach Brasilien 03.06.1934-01.10.1934; Manuskripte, Typoskripte und Belegexemplare seines wissenschaftlichen Werks, Arbeitsunterlagen; Manuskripte und Korrespondenz von Luise Bresslau-Hoff


    • The Independent State of Croatia County Court in Požega
  3. Gmina Żydowska we Wrocławiu

    • Synagogen Gemeinde zu Breslau
    • Jewish Community in Wrocław (Breslau)

    Akta Gminy Żydowskiej we Wrocławiu, - protokoły posiedzeń Zarządu 1922-1939; - korespondencja Zarządu (1796-1939) z urzędami, gminami i związkami żydowskimi oraz osobami prywatnymi; w tym - korespondencja w sprawach opieki nad uchodźcami z Rosji, Rumunii, Galicji, Kongresówki 1867-1874, 1882-1907, 1914-1930, - dokumentacja przygotowań do III Zjazdu Związku Niemieckich Żydów w 1909 r., Okręgowego Związku Pruskich Gmin Żydowskich we Wrocławiu 1926-1931, korespondencja z Niemieckim Związkiem Gmin Żydowskich 1914-1924, korespondencja w sprawach emigracji 1934-1939; - wykazy tzw. S...

  4. Ubezpieczalnia Społeczna w Żyrardowie

    • The social insurance institution in Żyrardów
  5. Archiwum osobiste ks. Leona Więckiewicza

    Materiały przekazane przez Jadwigę Więckiewicz. Kserokopia relacji z pobytu ks. Leona Więckiewicza w obozie Gross-Rosen, biografia pt. „Kapłan według Serca Jezuso wego”, wspomnienia współwięźniów

  6. Минская городская управа, г.Минск

    • Stadtverwaltung Minsk

    Приказы бургомистра по основной деятельности, переписка с Центральным торговым обществом для востока, с базой автотракторных запчастей по вопросам организации грузоперевозок, штатные расписания, сметы раходов, отчёты о финансово-хозяйственной деятельности подотдела, баз, складов. Списки административно-хозяйственного медицинского и технического персонала лечебных учреждений г.Минска, заявления и справки граждан о выдаче имущества и вещей, ревизированных у евреев, о выдаче продуктов. Описи дел

  7. M.41.TsAKDB - Documentation of the State Security Committee Archive in Belorussia

    M.41.TsAKDB - Documentation of the State Security Committee Archive in Belorussia Investigative reports regarding the establishment of ghettos in Borisov, Zembin and Minsk; indictments of Belorussian collaborators who participated in the murder of Jews, and survey reports concerning the murder of Jews in Minsk and Borisov.

  8. M.41.GAVt - Documentation of the State Archives of the Vitebsk Region

    M.41.GAVt - Documentation of the State Archives of the Vitebsk Region The State Archives of the Vitebsk Region was established in 1919. In 1927, documents pertaining to the region were transferred there from the State Archive of Belorussia. In 1947, the documentation from the period prior to the Revolution, which had been in the Regional Archive of Vitebsk, was transferred to the State Historical Archive in Mogilev. In 1992, the documentation in the Regional Archive of the Communist Party in Belorussia was transferred to the State Archives of the Vitebsk Region. In the Collection there is S...

  9. Opferfürsorge-Akten Steiermark

    • Styria Victims' Welfare Records

    Der Bestand enthält nur jene Antragsakten nach dem Opferfürsorgegesetz (vgl. BGBl Nr. 183/1947), die sich auf noch lebende Personen beziehen. Die Akten bereits verstorbener Antragsteller wurden dem StLA übergeben (vgl. Opferfürsorge 1945–1965).

  10. Kolekcja Zygmunta Budulskiego

    Materiały przekazane przez Jerzego Makowieckiego. Zbiór dokumentów dot. Zygmunta Budulskiego, przedwojennego działacza Stronnictwa Chłopskiego na terenie Radomia, dzia - łacza socjalistycznego w okresie II wojny światowej, osadzonego w obozach koncentracyjnych Gross-Rosen oraz Dachau

  11. Documentation of the City Council Committe of the Communist Party in Vitebsk, 1939-1941

    Soviet documentation from before the occupation of Vitebsk, 1939-1941, and State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK) documentation from 1944 In the Collection there is a list of the Communists in Vitebsk, 1940-1941; a report submitted by the head of the Party Committee in Polotsk to the director of the Belorussian History Museum regarding the extermination of the Jews in Polotsk; a report from the Notarization Committee of the Municipal Party Conference in Vitebsk; a list of factory and organization managers in Vitebsk, prepared in 1941; ...

  12. M.41.ZGABar - Documentation from the Regional State Archive of Baranovichi

    M.41.ZGABar - Documentation from the Regional State Archive of Baranovichi History of the Regional State Archive of Baranovichi The Regional Archive of Baranovichi was established in 1940. During the German occupation, the Archive's activities were halted from 1941-1944. Following the dissolution of the Baranovichi region, the Archive became the Municipal State Archive of Baranovichi in 1954. In November 1963, a branch of the State Archive of the Brest Region in Baranovichi was established, based on several regional archives and on the Municipal Archive of Baranovichi. In September 1996, th...

  13. M.41.ZGAPin - Documentation from the Regional State Archive in Pinsk

    M.41.ZGAPin - Documentation from the Regional State Archive in Pinsk The Regional Archive of Pinsk was established in 1940. During the German occupation, the Archive's activity was halted during 1941-1944 and was renewed only in August 1944. The Archive changed its mission following the dissolution of the Pinsk region, and it became the Municipal State Archive of Pinsk in 1954. In September 1996, the Archive changed its definition again, and it became the Local State Archive of Pinsk. As of 30 June 2001 and following, the Archive has been known as the "Scientific-Methodological Institution ...

  14. Documentation of Executive Committee of Pinsk City Council regarding nationalization of Jewish property, 1939-1941

    Documentation of Executive Committee of Pinsk City Council regarding nationalization of Jewish property, 1939-1941 On 17 September 1939 in the evening, the first tanks of the Soviet striker force raced into the Pinsk city limits (following the Ribbentrop-Molotov Agreement). Their arrival brought feelings of joy, but some doubts among the observant Jews, activists in various parties, within the Zionist youth movements and among the landowners and business people. The Communists who had been underground left the city to receive the striker force. In the documentation which has reached Yad Vas...

  15. Card file of the Jewish residents and refugees from Pinsk in alphabetical order, 1939-1941

    Card file of the Jewish residents and refugees from Pinsk in alphabetical order, 1939-1941

  16. M.41.GAGr - Documentation from the State Archive of the Grodno Region

    M.41.GAGr - Documentation from the State Archive of the Grodno Region History of the State Archive of the Grodno Region Following the handing over of most of the area of the Belostok region to Poland and the establishment of the Grodno region inside the Belorussian Republic, the Archive of the Grodno Region was established as part of the system of the People's Commissariat for Interior Affairs (NKVD) in September 1944. In 2007, the Archive acted under the head administration of the Ministry of Justice in the regional Executive committee. Included in the collection: Soviet documentation from...

  17. Kolekcja Henryka Dąbkowskiego

    Materiały przekazane przez Magdalenę Dąbkowską. Dokumenty Henryka Dąb kow skiego przygotowane do publikacji pt. „Moje publikacje o Kresach”

  18. M.41.GAOOGr - Documentation of the State Archives of the Public Unions in the Grodno region

    Documentation of the State Archives of the Public Unions in the Grodno region A History of the Archives The Communist Party regional archive was established in Grodno in March 1940; in February 1992 it became the Union and Public Organizations Department of the State Archives of the Grodno Region. In June 1992, a branch of the State Archives of the Grodno Region was established in the city of Grodno based on the regional archive department of the Communist Party. In 1996, it became the State Archives of the Public Unions in the Grodno region. From July 2012 it underwent further changes, and...

  19. Kolekcja Antoniego Dębskiego

    Materiały przekazane przez Ryszarda Wiśniewskiego. Zbiór prywatny zawierający dokumenty osobiste Antoniego Dębskiego, zaświadczenie o przebiegu służby i odznaczeniach, zdjęcia pułkowe przedstawiające Krakowską Brygadę Kawalerii 5. pułk strzelców konnych; opracowanie autorstwa Witosława Porczyńskiego pt. „Kronika działań Krakowskiej Brygady Kawalerii w kampanii 1939 r.” oraz czasopisma „Ułan Karpacki”