Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,941 to 19,960 of 55,838
  1. War Crimes Trials: I.G. Farben Case

    (Munich 617) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 6 (I.G. Farben Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Shots of defendants pleading "not guilty" to the indictment. The defendants rise and plead to charges in the following order: Carl Krauch, Hermann Schmidt, Georg von Schnitzler, Fritz Gajewski, Heinrich Hoerlein, August von Knierien, Fritz ter Meer, Ernst Buergin, Paul Haefliger, Max Ilgner, Friedrich Jaehne, Hans Kuehne, Walter Duerrfeld, Heinrich Gottineau. The other defendants standing trial but not answering to pleas are visible in the prisoners' dock: Christian Schneider, Otto ...

  2. Palace of Justice guards

    (Munich 137) Palace of Justice Guards, Nuremberg, Germany, April 15, 1946. CU, sign: "Command Post - Enclave Nurnberg-Furth." Russian, English, and American military personnel and civilians being checked as they enter and leave through the gate. Sign: "No Cameras Allowed" to left of command post. CU, sign above sentry box, "3rd Battalion, 26th Inf." SEQ: US guards drilling in courtyard. Cut-ins, soldiers and civilians watching the drill. SEQ: Formal British guard mount in palace courtyard. CU, British guard captain barking orders.

  3. Robert Jackson in his office

    (Munich 135) Robert H. Jackson, Nuremberg, Germany, May 2, 1946. Jackson seated behind desk in his private office talking with Brig Gen Telford Taylor. Same setting with Jackson talking to Thomas J Dodd, assistant prosecutor. CU, Jackson speaking. CU, Dodd. MS, Jackson going over papers handed by his secretary Mrs. Douglas. Jackson at desk signing papers. Note: Some CUs of Jackson are scratched.

  4. Hostages Case (or Southeast Case): sentencing of German Generals active in S.E. Europe

    (Munich 676) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings - Hostages Trial #7, Nuremberg, Germany, February 1948. Sentencing Southeast Generals. HAS, tribunal as Judge Charles F. Wennerstrum announces that sentencing will now be imposed. First two generals - List and Kuntze - are given lifetime imprisonment. Former Generals Rendulic, Dehner, Speidel, Leyser, Felmy, Lanz are identified by name and sentenced; Foertsch and Geitner are freed. This case is also known as the "Southeast Case" because the defendants were all German generals leading troops in southeastern Europe during the Balka...

  5. War Crimes Trials: film used as evidence in Ministries' Case (#11)

    Case XI, Ministries-Keppler, "German Entry into Austria", Vienna, Austria, 1938. German Narration. German army motorcade up country hill road, people salute from roadside (wearing swastika). POV car, into Vienna. A procession of cars and trucks enters Vienna. The Nazis are cheered and saluted as they pass public buildings. Crowds, HJ. Civilians parade also, chanting Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuehrer. HAS crowds at city center, German soldiers control crowd, CUs, children wave small Nazi flags. Hitler rides in open car through the streets with Seyss-Inquart in some shots, in other shots Seyss...

  6. War Crimes Trials: film used as evidence in Ministries' Case (#11)

    War Crimes Trials, Case 11 (Ministries Case). Footage pertains to Germany's entry into Austria. An old Austrian barracks is burned to the accompaniment of speeches, saluting, etc. Several night shots of the burning and collapsing building are featured. "Gros-Deutschland". Views of Graz, Bavaria: the streets, buildings, etc. Hitler arrives in his car, crowds heil. In a great hall, he stops on the way to the platform to smell a flower, shake hands with people. There are many WW I wounded in the audience. CUs, weeping and ecstatic people, wounded with crutches, etc. Himmler is among those list...

  7. War Crimes Trials: film used as evidence in Ministries' Case (#11)

    Case XI, Ministries-Keppler, "German Entry into Austria." Reel begins with ceremonies to honor war dead. Goering goes to monument. Large wreaths laid, one is shown in CU to be from Hitler. CU, iron cross on banner. Goering delivers address. St. Stephen's cathedral in Vienna, as well as cheering and saluting crowds. Animated map shows Austria joined to Germany: "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuehrer." German soldiers cross border to the welcome of crowds. They march through the old town, and over a bridge. An ancient castle on the hill is photographed. Nazi soldiers remove the border gate amid ch...

  8. War Crimes Trials: film used as evidence in Ministries' Case (#11)

    Case XI, Ministries-Keppler, "German Entry into Austria." "The Return to Berlin." Crowds in Berlin await return of Hitler from Austria. Banners fly and flags are thrown to the crowd. Hitler's plane arrives. He gets out, shakes hands with Goebbels. His car rides in state through crowded streets, people saluting and waving flags. A child gives Hitler a flower. He marches by lines of soldiers. One hundred thousand people gather in square. Hitler appears on a balcony with Goering. Police try to hold back hysterical crowds. Amassed close together, the crowd sways singing a song. Hitler appears a...

  9. Trial of Marshal Henri Petain

    Trial of Marshal Henri Petain, Fortress Montrouge (outskirts of Paris), July 1945. MSs, crowds entering palace courtyard after credentials are checked by guards. VS, Palace of Justice. MSs, Pierre Mongibaud, President of the High Court, enters palace. Anteroom shots (dark), civilians and military enter; group watches from stairs. MSs, EXT, bedroom window of palace. Room formerly occupied by Petain. MSs, CUs, correspondents working in press room. LS, policemen and firemen on palace roof. INT of courtroom, Petain enters, sits in chair flanked by guards. INT, witnesses appear; Michael Clemence...

  10. Blasting IG Farben plant

    Blastin the I.G. Farben War Plant, November 12, 1945. MS, Gen Lucian K Truscott speaks with Col S Y Giffert of the Industry Branch of the Military Government. CU, Gen Truscott. HS, the general pushes the handle of the magnetic exploder. MSs, MCUs, officers connected with the project. CU, sign, "Schwaben Control Office". CU, sign, "Enemy Ammo Collecting Point". VS, results of the blasting. Officers and men inspect the damage. Pan, VS, destroyed trees, ammunition bunkers, and building structures. (These buildings were camouflaged). Note: The actual explosion was not photographed.

  11. Jackson reads Accusation Act at Nuremberg Trial

    Nuremberg Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 21, 1945. MCU, Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence, addresses the court. Rear view, Chief U.S. Prosecutor Robert H Jackson reads the Accusation Act, including names of the defendants, history of the Nazi Party, and the annexation of Austria. MS, Goering and Hess in box. VS, courtroom and lawyers listening to Jackson.

  12. Defendants pleading not guilty at beginning of Nuremberg Trial

    Nuremberg Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 21, 1945. MS, judges enter courtroom. MS, defense counsel makes plea to the court. Profile, Tribunal as Justice Lawrence speaks. (No sound in this portion). Sound: Justice Lawrence announces fifteen-minute recess so that defendants may confer with their counsel. LS, courtroom during recess. (No sound this scene). MS, Hess standing in dock looking very pleased. VS, Judges' bench as Chief Justice asks defendants to plead guilty or not guilty. MS, Justice Lawrence calls out the names of Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel, Rosenberg, Frick, Streiche...

  13. Sentencing Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. MS, Hermann Goering, Baldur von Schirach, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Jodl, Rudolf Hess, sitting in prisoners' dock listening to testimony. Hess taken ill leaves prisoners' dock. Shots of English and US prosecution tables. Scenes of Justice Kravechenko (Russian), reading statement from bench. Pan of prisoners' dock and courtroom as voice of Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence (British) is heard speaking about the SS, slave labor, experiments on human beings, consolidating power, and creating the first co...

  14. Russian Justice talks about Rosenberg at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. MS, Justice Kravenchenko (Russian) speaking about the defendant Arthur Rosenberg. LS, of Tribunal as one of the Russian Justices speaks. Pan, from Tribunal to prosecution tables and press section. MS, Justice Volkhoff speaking.

  15. Sentencing Sauckel and von Papen at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. HMS, Fritz Sauckel, German Labor Leader, listening to Justice Francis Biddle giving a resume of his career. Justice Biddle says that Sauckel is responsible for the deportation of some 5 million people into labor camps, and he was informed about the dire conditions there. He seems not to have taken any initiative to alleviate the situation for these workers. HS, MS as Biddle reads the tribunal's verdict on Sauckel: guilty on counts three and four in the indictment. HMS of Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence (British) declar...

  16. Justice Lawrence discusses Nuremberg Charter and trial development at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. (Note: First 200 feet is dark and out of focus.) MS, Tribunal as Justice Geoffrey Lawrence speaks of the formation of the Nuremberg Tribunal for the trying of Nazi war leaders. Pan of courtroom as voice of Justice Lawrence is heard reading the prospectus of the Nuremberg Charter. He then describes how evidence was gathered. MS, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H Jackson, sitting at table.

  17. Sentencing Frank, Frick, Streicher, Funk, Schacht, Doenitz at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. MLS, and MS, prisoners as verdict against Hans Frank is read. Frank is guilty under counts three and four [screen goes black for a few seconds]. There is a dispute with Himmler mentioned about the type of legal system in Germany. Shots of defendants as French Justice speaks about Wilhelm Frick (in French). Frick is guilty under counts two, three, and four, providing the political history, then saying that he knew about the systematic murder of old, weak, sick people, but did not take action to stop it. Justice Geoffr...

  18. Sentencing Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner, Rosenberg at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. MS, Rudolf Hess, ill in dock. Joachim von Ribbentrop sympathizes. HS, Hess leaves dock. HS, MS, von Ribbentrop speaking to the other defendants after announcement of his guilt. HS, MSs, Justice Francis Biddle reviewing the case of von Ribbentrop (as latter listens.) Biddle enumerates Ribbentrop's actions and participation in important decision-makings, states what he claims in his defense, but in conclusion, states that the court finds Ribbentrop guilty under all 4 counts. Justice Henri de Vabres reading the verdict ...

  19. Judgment at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence tells of Robert Ley committing suicide and Alfred Krupp unable to attend trial for his physical and mental condition (similar to Story 2611 but from a different perspective). Jackson gives summary of what prosecution claims and demands. French Justices Henri de Vabres and Robert Falco reading statements from bench. [The sound is partly gone, sketchy, four totally different scenes, partly in French before Biddle explains the Charter.] MS of Justice Francis Biddle speaking of the Nuremberg...

  20. Verdicts on Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner, Rosenberg, Frank, Frick, Streicher, Funk at Nuremberg Trial

    Verdicts delivered on Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg IMT, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. MLS of prisoners dock as Justice reads conclusions on the cases of Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Hans Frank, Alfred Rosenberg, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, and Walter Funk: Unidentified defendant (in Russian): ? Ribbentrop: Guilty on all 4 counts (the main foreign policy advisor to Hitler & Ambassador to Britain) Keitel (in French): Guilty on all 4 counts (no attenuating circumstances accorded) [screen goes black] Kaltenbrunner: Guilty under counts 3 and 4 Rosenberg ...