Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 161 to 180 of 352
Language of Description: English
Country: Belgium
  1. Patrick Verwerft. Collection

    This collection contains: documents of Michel Van West and his family, detained at the Dossin barracks and deported via Transport XXIV ; documents of René Basch, detained at and released from the Dossin barracks, and of his wife Elsa Verhoeven ; a statement on behalf of Max Kirschen confirming his release from the Dossin barracks ; Rose Goldine 's payment slip proving her membership of the Association of Jews in Belgium ; certificate exempting Charles Sternberg from wearing the yellow star ; order addressed to Laure Nejman-Reich to report to the Sipo-SD headquarters in Brussels ; one worn y...

  2. Give Them a Face portrait collection. Collection

    This collection contains over 19,650 portraits of Roma, Sinti and Jewish men, women and children from Belgium and the north of France, whom have been deported from the SS-Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks) to Auschwitz-Birkenau, Buchenwald, Ravensbrück, Bergen-Belsen and Vittel between August 1942 and July 1944.

  3. Van Beylen-Beirnaert family. Collection

    This collection contains : the poetry album of Frieda Beirnaert with drawings created by her Jewish classmates Rosa Seewald and Miriam (Maria) Hauser in 1942, as well as autographs of several British soldiers who signed the album after Liberation ; a table cloth given by a Jewish family to concierge misses Huyskens for safekeeping during the war, who presented it to Frieda Beirnaert as a wedding gift in 1949 ; a post-war newspaper clipping regarding the city of Antwerp and the persecution of its Jewish population ; a book entitled “Antwerpen”, which was owned by Frieda’s uncle Marcel Beirna...

  4. Johannes Frank. Collection

    The collection contains pages from the Frank family photo album ; pictures of the Frank family showing family life before, during and after the war ; pictures of Johannes Frank, Dossin barracks camp commander, in SS uniform, in Belgium and France ; pictures of Johannes Frank as a policeman ; newspaper articles regarding the Holocaust commemoration work done by Achim Frank.

  5. Jozua Deutsch. Collection

    This collection contains: a proof of employment from 1942 issued by the Association of Jews in Belgium to Jozua Deutsch, who was working for the Hilfe für Zurückgebliebenen ; two diplomas issued to Jozua Deutsch by the Belgian authorities after the war, according him the Cross for Political Prisoners 1940-1945 and the Commemorative Medal 1940-1945 with two crossed sabers ; two post-war membership cards of the Amicale Armée Secrète – Sureté (AMISAS), the association of former members of the Secret Army resistance network ; a post-war membership card of the Fraternelle de l'Armée Secrète or B...

  6. Fischer-Guidalevitch family. Collection

    The Fischer-Guidalevitch family collection contains 29 digitised images showing Eleonora Guidalevitch with family members at the beach in France, pictures of Eleonora Guidalevitch and her future husband Willy Fischer in the park, a wedding photo of Eleonora Guidalevitch and Willy Fischer, and pictures of Philippe André Fischer as a baby and as a todler.

  7. Gulden-Bruches family. Collection

    This collection contains: family photos of Mayer Gulden, his wife Pesa Bruches and their children Dina and Mozes Gulden ; photos of Mayer Gulden while in hiding with the Acke-Duerinckx family ; photos of Leon Monheit who was also hidden by the Acke-Duerinckx family ; post-war letters regarding the hiding of Mayer Gulden and Leon Monheit by the Acke-Duerinckx family.

  8. Jewish Community of Antwerp Shomre Hadas religious marriage records. Collection

    This collection contains: the register of the Jewish Community of Antwerp Shomre Hadas containing the religious marriage certificates drafted between 1 January 1937 and 27 February 1938 ; a second register containing the certificates drawn up between 6 March 1938 and 27 June 1939 ; a third register containing the certificates drawn up between 29 June 1939 and 14 June 1942 ; a folder containing unbound religious marriage certificates drawn up by the Jewish Community of Antwerp Shomre Hadas between 5 November 1944 and 14 October 1947. Each certificate contains the following information: the d...

  9. Emergency Deutsche Marken overprinted with NSDAP anti-Semitic election slogans. Collection

    This collection consists of 15 emergency Deutsche Marken banknotes overprinted with NSDAP anti-Semitic propaganda slogans. These banknotes were originally issued in 1922 during the hyperinflation crisis of post-World War I Germany. Overprinted with election slogans in the early 1930’s accusing Jews of financial misconduct and advocating for their removal from positions of power, these banknotes serve as artifacts of Nazi propaganda tactics during their rise to power.

  10. Jesode Hatora and Beth Jacob school, Antwerp. Collection

    This collection contains prewar, wartime and postwar parts of the administrative archive of the Jesode Hatora and Beth Jacob school in Antwerp. KD_00037_0001 : General documents regarding expenses and teaching staff, letters with blessings by Isaac Herzog, chief rabbi of Israel, and Eliezer Silver, rabbi of Ohio, promotional leaflets, speeches and magazines of the parent association and the pupils. KD_00037_0002 : Attendance lists of the teachers, 1934-1966 KD_00037_0003 : Attendance lists of the pupils, 1941-1983 KD_00037_0004 : Student count based on the municipal register, 1936-1960 KD_0...

  11. Oberman-Dupont family. Collection

    The collection contains documents, photos, printed press and objects including : several postwar newsletters, newspapers and a book on the Breendonk camp ; false IDs used by the donor's aunt in France and false ID and empty ID of her father Zelman Simon Oberman ; post-war work permits ; prewar Russian passports and visa applications ; letters from Sonia Wisniky in France to her son Zelman Simon Oberman in Brussels and Breendonk and to her husband Ephraim Frans Oberman in Belgium ; letters sent by Ephraim Franz Oberman, paternal grandfather of the donor, from the internment camp in Rekem, Li...

  12. Give Them a Face (France) portrait collection. Collection

    This collection contains over 4,200 portraits of Jewish men, women and children from Belgium, whom have been deported from the French camps Drancy, Angers, Beaune-la-Rolande, Compiègne, Pithiviers and Lyon, to Auschwitz-Birkenau, Sobibor, Maidanek and Kaunas between March 1942 and August 1944. Among the deportees, four groups can be distinguished : persons that had lived in Belgium and whom had emigrated to France legally before the beginning of the war, persons that fled from Belgium to France in May 1940 or afterwards, children born out of these refugees in France and persons arrested by ...

  13. Elisabeth Thalheim. Collection

    This collection contains digitised copies of 7 postcards and a letter sent by Elisabeth Thalheim to her mother Karola Kohn and her daughter Nelly Klein via Elisabeth’s Belgian, non-Jewish friend Lina Govaerts, while interned at the Dossin barracks from February until April 1943 ; a digital copy of an essay in English, written by Elisabeth Thalheim while taking an English course in preparation of her migration to China.

  14. Dutkiewicz-Wagner family. Collection

    This collection contains: the envelope created by the Dossin barracks administration to contain the documents of Laja Wagner, confiscated from her upon her arrival at the SS-Sammellager ; the false ID card of Laja Wagner which was stored in the Dossin barracks envelope ; the wedding photo of Gdalja Dutkiewicz and Laja Wagner.

  15. Schwarz family. Collection

    The collection comprises a diverse array of materials, prominently featuring a selection of photographs that document the lives of key individuals, including Emile Schwarz, Fritz Birenzweig, Edith Schwarz, Liz Knaepen, Joseph Knaepen, Elizabeth Knaepen, Remi Knaepen, Louis Knaepen, Jozef Knaepen, Leon Knaepen, Jules Horowitz, Camille Knaepen, Clement Knaepen, Fina Knaepen, Annette Schwarz, Toni Birenzweig, Herman Schwarz, Philippe Schwarz, and Katia Schwarz. In addition to the photographic documentation, the collection encompasses a painting depicting the hidden residence, a significant pin...

  16. Brigitte Jacobsberg. Collection

    This collection consists of: Brigitte Jacobsberg's ID used during the Kindertransport from Germany to Belgium in 1938, her false and her real Belgian ID, a public transport ID under her false name Brigitte Leclerq, certificates regarding Brigitte's employment at the Wezembeek-Oppem children's home under supervision of the Association of Jews in Belgium in 1942-1944, post-war certificates regarding Brigitte's conduct during the war, and a biography.

  17. Jablonowicz-Herszaft family. Collection

    This collection contains two photos of Frieda Herszaft, including one on which she poses with her twin sons Robert and Salomon Jablonowicz.

  18. Maurice Horoit. Collection

    In this interview Maurice Horoit alias Horowitz talks about: his youth in Antwerp, Belgium ; antisemitism in Antwerp ; his friends at the Tachkemoni school ; fleeing to and hiding in France ; making his way to Switzerland with his brother and surviving there ; the reunion with his parents and their repatriation to Belgium.

  19. Relieken - Reliques. Collection

    The “Relics” collection comprises 3,065 envelopes. Each contains personal documents confiscated by the Aufnahme (camp administration) at the SS-Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks) upon arrival of a detainee at the barracks. The documents range from photographs to letters, ID cards, university diplomas, marriage certificates, etc. Each envelope refers to a single detainee or a family. Most of these detainees were eventually deported via Transport XX to XXVI. No “Relics” exist for deportees from Transports I to XIX. However, several dozen of the envelopes contain documents of detainees who ...

  20. Jacobs-Stad family. Collection

    This collection contains : a photo of several Jacobs family members and family friend Armand Van Praag participating in the bridal party at a wedding ; a photo compilation of the deported Jacobs family members, including Mozes Theeboom, his wife Sara Jacobs and their daughter Keetje Theeboom, Samuel Jacobs, his wife Dora Efira and their son Jacques Jacobs, Joseph Jacobs and Isidore Jacobs.