Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,681 to 19,700 of 55,889
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- German American Bund Office

    German American Bund stock shots. Fritz Kuhn stands reading, shots of doorway to office, shot of office window from street.

  2. Bulgaria joins the Axis

    Bulgarian delegate signs document to join Axis. 3:22:41 German plane taxiing at airfield, Prof. Dr. Filov in coat, debarks and shakes hands with Ribbentrop. Band plays. Group walks past honor guard. 3:22:58 MS Ribbentrop, Filov and Count Ciano take seats at conference table. CU German and Bulgarian signatories sign. LS Ribbentrop and Filov shake hands. 3:23:43 Hitler and various delegates shake hands. 3:24:00 Hitler speaking and gesturing to Filov.

  3. Tablecloth

    Embroidered by Hannah Weinberg sometime between her wedding in 1931 and 1939.

  4. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: children

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Solidarity Kids camp.

  5. Hitler visits Krupp factory

    Hitler pays tribute to Gustav Krupp von Bohlen. 03:19:39 MS Hitler shakes hands with Krupp as officers look on. 03:19:45 Hitler talking to and gesturing to civilian in dark suit as officers look on. 03:19:55 Large crowd of factory workers cheer and salute as Hitler walks past them toward camera, then steps up into car and remains standing.

  6. German Army in Slovakia

    German troops enter region of Slovakia, round up civilian suspects. Reel 1, cont.: 4:50:15 Animap of Slovakia showing towns of Neusohl, and Altsohl, (German names for towns of Zvolen and Banska Bystrica). 4:50:21 MS German troops in truck and artillery piece being pushed on road, LS German troops firing into town at "bandits." MLS German troops advance through field toward town. 4:50:37 MS Peasant woman crying, holding head goes to German officer, watches her barn burn, cows in FG. Reel 2: 4:50:48 LS Burning farm houses, cows, men try to put out fire. 4:50:56 MLS German soldiers striding ac...

  7. American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors Photographs

    The American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors photographs consists of 21 photographs, primarily post-liberation images of Jews in Poland, exhuming burial sites, conducting memorials, and related subjects. The photographs were brought from Europe to the United States in 1945 by Jacob Patt who made an official trip to Poland as a representative for an American Jewish organization.

  8. Street scenes; ghetto inhabitants

    VAR pedestrian street scene, nicely-dressed crowd walking by shop fronts. Two men converse, smilingly, in doorway. Street vendors and beggars at crowded doorway. Beside, poor children huddled and lying on sidewalk, a man sells hats from chair. Woman and crying child. Woman begs on street, a man laying beside them. All face camera: young boys hop on a tram, smiling; two shots, man in rags then woman in rags on street. Camera follows well-dressed couple across street, then along crowded sidewalk. Brief CU of girl. Well dressed woman by poor one. Shots of very poor children on street. Boy, rag...

  9. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 5 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 5 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  10. Auslandorganization Leader

    Ernst Bohle, head of the Auslandorganziation (AO) greets German farmers in Austria (?). Men lined up for review. CU of AO Armpatch. 01:39:15 Ernest Bohle reviews these men and speaks to one. 01:39:37 MS uniformed men sit and listen to man at lectern. 01:39:44 Cutting down tree with axe and saw. CU & MS. 01:40:00 MS planting trees on hillside. Pairs of men carrying trees to be planted between them on pallets. Planting tree with shovel. 01:40:12 High angle of men marching with shovels. 01:40:19 to 01:41:20 Workers build apartment complexes in Linz, Austria to alleviate housing shortage. 0...

  11. German Campaign in Russia

    Nazi troops build bridges, haul supplies with horses. Locals wave as Germans march by, tanks advance, LS infantry advances across grassy field. Vehicles wait to move forward, soldiers observe, then fire on houses. 01:03:20 Two Russians surrender, group of captured POWs. Shots of destroyed Russian equipment. German army moves forward crosses river. Artillery fires at houses in distance. 01:06:06 Enter Grodno with infantry, tanks, and artillery, houses on fire as troops move through. Soviet POWs cross bridge, go one way along road as German troops march past going the other. LS of German conv...

  12. Capture of Tarawa from Japan

    The invasion fleet moves toward Tarawa. Marines land and fight after a naval bombardment. Shows the effect of the attack on Japanese emplacement.

  13. M. Henri Azéma collection

    Contains one photograph of Mayor Vincent Azema of Banyuls, France, and two newspapers from the 1980s. The copy of the newspaper "El Punt" features an article about Walter Benjamin's death while fleeing the Nazis in 1940; "Le journal independant" has a half-page interview with Lisa Fittko about her memoirs of the network that helped Jews escape across the Spanish border at Banyuls.

  14. Children in Romania

    A Post Film. Lots of shots (MS, CU, MCU etc.) of children: poor, well-off, urban, rural. Some are very appealing. None are recognizable nor identifiable as Jewish or Gyspy.

  15. Scarf worn by female prisoner in Stuthoff concentration camp

    Originally worn by female prisoner, Stuthoff concentration camp. Given to Jacob Hennenberg by original owner (name unknown), Stuthoff concentration camp, May 1945.

  16. Warsaw scenes

    Intertitles appear in Yiddish and English. Aerial view of city, including church, streets, square, street activity, traffic, pedestrians. Tram passes in front of large building. VAR shots of elaborate buildings, monuments, statues. Large domed building, street in front with pedestrians and traffic. CU, two peasant men with beard and caps talking in street. Children parade through park. Man in uniform, seated in chair, watches children passing by. Brief shots, view of harbor with boats. Cut back to parade sequence, MCU, children with white flags. "In the quietude of night" House in village. ...

  17. JDC at Belsen DP Camp

    Various activities at Belsen DP camp, occasional emphasis on JDC work. JDC cars in parking lot near barracks. Scenes include committee meetings, meeting at memorial, soccer game, printing camp newspaper, nursery, congress meetings, retraining shops, etc.

  18. Hungarian Jews being led to a death march

    In Gyor, Jews from Hungary are being led to a death march. LS of line of people, dressed for cold weather, MSs, CUs. Some wear stars, many look at camera.

  19. Arrow Cross Takeover

    Battle footage. People relaxing in Budapest cafes, strolling on street. People line up at housing office. Staged scenes of Jews with stars "Idle people at work site." VO says these are Jewish influenced pacifists. Sync sound: "There were Hungarians and "Hungarists" who were suffering in jails to prepare for the new Hungary..." Staged scenes of Arrow Cross out of hiding, to arms. VO encourages people to work; footage of women, elderly, others working in industry.

  20. Street entertainer and onlookers in ghetto

    Street entertainer dancing to camera, amid crowd of smiling people (mostly children). One woman in the crowd is lying on ground.