Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,561 to 19,580 of 55,818
  1. Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia

    VS of Lvov*. Liberated Western Ukrainian and Belorussian cities return to their normal life. VS of trains and train stations, people in transit, daily life in an urban area, families on train platforms, several shots of women and children, workers exiting trains with their bicycles in hand, people lining up outside of a movie theater, VS of workers at a textile factory, inspecting the raw materials for making fabrics. *This may not be Lvov; it seems to be Bialystok. There is a shot of the Catholic Cathedral in Bialystok. The entire section could be Bialystok, or it could be a quick cut to B...

  2. German educational film: fishermen in the North Sea

    Scenes of daily life and activities of fishermen and their families in the North Sea region. VS of life on the sea and at home. Scenes of cleaning and sorting the catch of the day, maintaining their fishing boats, farming, etc.

  3. German educational film: Children of East Africa

    This film seems to closely parallel documentation regarding other films that were shot by Dr. Ludwig Kohl Larsen and his research team during the German Africa Expeditions that took place from 1934 to 1936 and again from 1937 to 1939. This expedition went to East Africa to study the hunter gatherer tribe of the region near Lake Eyasi. This tribe was called the Hadzabe, a nomadic tribe from Tanzania. This particular short ethnographic film features mainly children at play. They are young boys, running naked and swimming in the lake, climbing trees, eating coconuts, and fishing in the lake. I...

  4. German educational film: rice farming practices in Southeast Asia

    This German educational film focuses on rice farmers in an unidentified country in Southeast Asia (most likely Indonesia). The film features men and women working in the rice fields, several majestic shots of the stepped land and perfectly manicured rice paddies. Oxen are used by the men to tend to the paddies. VS of collecting the rice, men and women back in the village sorting the day's harvest. MCU of an altar with flowers and various other items. INT, MS of women separating the grains from the stalk using large sticks. CU of a young boy eating the spare grains of rice that fall to the f...

  5. German educational film: instructional film on boxing techniques

    This instructional film teaches young men how to box. The film features an adult trainer and several young (adolescent and pre-adolescent) boys practicing boxing techniques. They are in a gym and at times in a boxing ring. Intertitles in Boxen der Jugend 8: Gewhonung an finten Dopplestobe zum kinn und zum korper und umgekehrt. Translation: Practicing the art of the 'fake' or the 'dodge' Doublehook to the chin and the body and reverse hook.

  6. German educational film: African apes

    This short educational film features the apes of Africa in their natural habitat. VS of gorillas interacting with each other. There is a long sequence of two gorillas fighting, and VS of gorillas climbing trees. The subject shifts from Gorillas to Baboons. VS of baboons in their natural habitat, eating, interacting, etc. There are several good shots of a mother cleaning her young and teaching a baby to climb a tree. Sequence of baboons escaping some sort of unseen danger, CU of one alerting the group and then VS of the group running away across a stream (in slow motion.) They leap through t...

  7. German educational film: domesticating the African elephant

    This short film first depicts the African elephant in its natural habitat, aand then as domesticated elephants being used as work animals for a variety of tasks. All the scenes are EXT scenes. There are some interesting scenes shot at night in the camp, where the elephants can be seen with people riding them, etc. VS, of elephant hunting. There is a long, arduous scene where approximately 10 men try to rope and restrain a wild elephant. They are successful in roping one of his hind legs, but the elephant continues to fight off some of the men with his forelegs and his trunk, this struggle i...

  8. German educational film: birds and their habitats

    German educational film, begins with the following intertitle: "Sturm-und Mantelmowen": VS, of birds along the shore, some shots with them standing on the sand, at the waters edge, other shots of them flying above the water. Second intertitle reads: "Strandlaufer" : VS, birds along the beach, walking, poking their beaks in the sand, etc. Third intertitle reads: "Steinwalzer": VS, birds continue to walk along the water's edge. Fourth intertitle reads: "Austernfischer": VS, birds of a different species at the water's edge. They take flight. One of the birds lands in marsh grass. CU, three unh...

  9. German educational film: soldiers build an igloo

    This short instructional film depicts German soldiers, in uniform, in an unidentified mountainous region surveying a snowy hillside to determine a fitting location to build an igloo. EXT, VS, a group of approximately 8 soldiers at work with shovels and saws in the snow, cutting and moving uniform 'bricks' of snow to construct their shelter. They load the blocks of snow onto a sled to transport them more easily. The soldiers work diligently to perfect their igloo, making sure to even out rough spots, and keep the bricks uniform and level. The igloo begins to take shape, there are now shots f...

  10. German educational film: 1936 Olympics, Berlin

    This short film depicts the scene at the 1936 Olympic Games held in Berlin, Germany. General, establishing shot of the entrance to the stadium, followed by a series of shots inside the stadium, of crowds saluting Hitler, and of the procession of participating countries. MCU of Italian delegation marching on to the field, their athletes in black shirts, saluting Hitler. CU of Hitler surveying the crowds. Cut back to the various countries rounding the track inside the stadium. CU of Hitler saluting, cut to Nazi flag being carried into the stadium. MS, crowds in the bleechers wave and cheer. L...

  11. German educational film: Alfred Wegener and The Greenland Expedition

    This is part one of a three part film of which USHMM has all three parts. (Film IDs 2587, 2591, and 2602). Footage of Alfred Wegener and his crew as they embark on the first phase of their journey (via ship) to Greenland to explore the island. CU of Wegener, smoking a pipe, and another crew member on the ship's deck. VS of the cargo being loaded and unloaded from the ship, the cargo included supplies, food, horses, etc. MCU of the ships helm, the ship is named the Gustav Holm. VS of the icy waters that the ship encounters. The natives of the island come to meet the ship at its port of call,...

  12. German educational film: daily life and activity in a mill town

    This short film depicts the daily life and activity in a German mill town. Their are VS of horses and a horse drawn wagon, men and boys working with the animals, and sifting grain into sacks. LS, windmill. Man and boy arrive with wagon full of grain at the windmill. Sacks of grain are hoisted up into the windmill. The grain is stored inside. VS, the windmill operator demonstrating how to use the mill. He hands cranks the equipment from the outside to get it started, and then climbs inside to get the main mechanism going. INT shots of the windmill at work, a series of interlocking gears, etc...

  13. German educational film: Geysers in Iceland

    This short educational film depicts two men's journey by horseback to a geyser on the island of Iceland. One of the men is identified by name, Dr. Erich Dautert. In several EXT shots a man is seen exiting his home with a grass thatched roof, and gathering together horses as well as supplies. He saddles some of the stout, long-haired horses with supplies, and he and another man ride two of the other horses. VS of the beautiful countryside of Iceland. The two men make their way over hills and much rugged terrain to reach the geyser. Beautiful scenes of waterfalls and jagged rock formations. V...

  14. German educational film: birds: egg laying and hatching

    Opening title: Die Lachmowe. VS of birds in a marshy area, flying, sitting in the water, etc. VS, of the birds in their natural habitat, laying and hatching eggs, socializing, etc. Several good CU's of chicks hatching from eggs.

  15. German educational film: birds and their natural habitats

    VS of various species of birds in their natural habitats, taking flight, feeding, laying eggs, hatching eggs, etc. There are several intertitles throughout the film [in German] that provide more information about the specific birds and their habits and habitats.

  16. German educational film: the codfish industry in Iceland

    VS, views of a port in Iceland. Fishermen along the shore in a small schooner. VS, CU's buckets of fish (presumably cod fish) men cleaning and sorting fish. CUs, men deboning and skinning the fish, Once the fish are cleaned, several are laid out and salted. and left to dry/cure in the sun. CU, layers and layers of dried, salted fish. Man carries the dried fish away in a wheel barrow. Women working at the docks cleaning fish, scrubbing the skin with water and brushes. VS, of vast amounts of fish laid to dry on the rocks near the shore, several people, mostly men and some women, sorting and l...

  17. Liberation: Germany; Czechoslovakia: Soviet and American Armies

    VS, high angle, woman in an overcoat walking down street; man in U.S. Army uniform holding a box, walking down street. Two separate shots of the woman walking. Cut to VS, pan of sky and clouds, for a brief moment a small plane is visible, flying low. Plane on an airstrip, the man in Army uniform seen earlier in a very LS walking on a concrete walkway between two buildings, presumably a U.S. Army base of some sort. Two airplanes are parked on the air strip. A group of boys and girls (4-6 years old) in FG, all dressed in red shorts and white shirts, walking hand in hand in an open field, tree...

  18. Prague; field surgery; London; German submarines

    Color footage. A man waking up in a military cot (very underexposed). Two windows behind his bed provide a small amount of light for the shot. The man sits up in bed and speaks to the cameraman. Col. Zabin walks down street in Prague in his U.S. Army uniform carrying a shoulder bag. He tips his hat to the cameraman, cars in BG, and a civilian in FG. Col. Zabin boards a streetcar. He removes his helmet and tips it to the cameraman. Pan of streetcar full of civilians, Col. Zabin walks in front of the car as the camera pans, large "N" inside of a circle on streetcar. MS, pan of castle with the...

  19. Celebration in Luxembourg; Nice, Monaco coastline; returning to New York

    MLS, jumpy scenes of young men running across a field, wearing red shorts and no shirts. Young women in red and blue skirts with white shirts processing around the field where the boys were running (also very jumpy). Girls hold and wave white handkerchiefs. LS, young men perform calisthenics on the field. MS, young women on the field. END VS, Col. Zabin horseback riding and jumping. VS, Col. Zabin waterskiing in Nice and Monaco. VS, high angle views of the beach and coast, people walking along a paved path by the beach. END LS, high angle, hills, coastline, and the water beyond, red-tiled r...

  20. U.S. Army soldiers; surgery; hospital; Gen. Patton; liberated villagers

    CU of an open wound, the camera pulls back and pans the body, the wound is on a man's inner thigh, it is a large, open wound that penetrates several layers of muscle. The doctor lifts up the man's penis and cleans around the wound, prepping for surgery. The man is covered by a blanket from the waist up. CU of another wounded man with a small bandage on his head. He takes the bandage off and blood begins to stream down his forehead. The top of the man's head is out of frame, he continues to look directly at the camera, he is wearing a torn T-shirt. He reaches to put the bandage back on his h...