Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,861 to 1,880 of 3,433
  1. Коллекция документов (август 1942 – январь 1943 гг)

    • Collection of documents (August 1942 - January 1943)

    Воззвания, приказы, объявления германских властей о новом порядке землепользования, к населению Кавказа, о взятии на учет нефтепродуктов, о введении табачной монополии, наставление бургомистру. Сообщения Совинформбюро, написанные от руки и распространяемые майкопскими партизанами во время немецкой оккупации Адыгеи Сообщение военного трибунала Северо-Кавказского фронта о расстреле немецких пособников (служивших в полиции, гестапо, разведке и пр.) по г. Майкопу.

  2. Союз австрийских евреев (г. Вена)

    • Union österreichischer Juden (Wien)

    The entire Fond 714, 1903-1938 (134 Dela) contains the Austrian Jewish Union charts for 1903-1937, minutes, correspondence with local Jewish organizations campaigning against antisemitism and fundraising for charitable purposes; circulars on rules for electing boards of Jewish religious communities; accounts of the activities of Jewish religious community of Vienna, 1925-1928; brochures, and issues of the Jewish newspapers “Jűdische Welt”, “Jűdische Rundschau”, “Die Wahreit”, and “Jűdische-liberale Zeitung”, as well as issues of the German newspapers “National Zeitung” and “Reichspost”, and...

  3. Австрийский союз еврейских легитимистов (г. Вена)

    • Verband der jüdischen Legitimisten österreichs (Wien)
    • Records of the Verband der jüdischen Legitimisten Österreichs (Association of Jewish Legitimists of Austria), Vienna

    The records of Fond 1189 contains materials related to the activities of the Union of Austrian Jewish legitimists, its board, and departments: the youth group, the legitimist Union of Jewish Women, the legitimist Jewish Veterans organization, and the editorial Office of the newspaper "Legitimist” the organ of the Union of Austrian Jewish Legitimists. Deposited in the collection are charter documents; minutes of general assembles of the union and of meetings of its board; correspondence with affiliated Jewish organizations and with organizations of war veterans and other organizations; finan...

  4. Komendant Policji Bezpieczeństwa i Słuzby Bezpieczeństwa dla Dystryktu Krakowskiego Der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD für den Distrikt Krakau (GK 903)

    Consists of files related to prisoners, including files (Schutzhaff-Kartei) of persons arrested for anti-German activities (professors of the Jagiellonian University), and imprisoned in Kraków (Montelupich, Senacka prisons), Tarnów, Rzeszów, Sanok and others; detention of persons arrested by the security police at ul. Montelupich in Kraków and the court prison at ul. Senacka. Includes a name list of arrested and imprisoned in the Płaszów camp; various copies of prison admissions, release orders, and the investigatation files.

  5. Selected records of the Ministry of Justice of the Government of the Republic of Poland in London Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości Rządu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Londynie (GK 160)

    Contains selected records of the Ministry of Justice of the Polish government-in-exile in London: interrogations of witnesses regarding German crimes during the war in Stanisławów, District of Lviv (liquidation of the ghetto), list of Gestapo members in Stanisławów (15 names), testimony of Stanisław Kocyan about SS-man in KL Auschwitz Concentration Camp. „Central registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects “prepared in 1945 and 1946.

  6. Anti-Jewish enactments in the Reichsprotektorat

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.It also includes some material on the deportation of Jews from Vienna, Prague and Brünn. In addition there is some reference to the deportation of Gypsies from Berlin and former Czechoslovakia. The papers provide a detailed insight into the logistics of deportation including the appropriation of belongings over the years 1939-1944. Reference is made to the preparation of Theresienstadt as a camp for deported Jews.Correspondents include the Zentralstelle jüdische Auswanderung, Prague; Israelitische Ku...

  7. Copy report of transport of Jews from Düsseldorf to Minsk

    This is an apparently authentic certified copy of a report about a transport of Jews from Düsseldorf to Minsk, which commenced on 10 November 1941. The author was Hauptmann der Schutzpolizei, Meurin. The document is countersigned by Oberwachtmeister der Sch[utzpolizei?] [illegible]. Whilst the addressee is not explicit, the tenor of the report and the list of recommendations for future transports in the penultimate section suggest that it was written for the attention of the Gestapo, Düsseldorf, ie the organisation responsible for deporting the city's Jews. The description of the embarkatio...

  8. Book

    1. Arthur Cohn and Leo Nast collection

    Von den Mysterien. 3, Fortuna - Scientia, a book brought brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, the...

  9. Wohin?

    1. Anti-Nazi resistance and opposition

    The booklet asks the question “Wohin” (Where to?) by Max Sievers with observations on the progress of the war after seven months of fighting. The feeling that it has not yet fully started and therefore will last for a long time is prevalent. Sievers analyzes the failures of Western countries (Finland). The entry of the United States in an eventual alliance is hoped for and the role of the Soviet Union and Italy in the progress of the war will most likely become more active. The second essay “Deutschlands innerer Kriegsschauplatz” (Germany’s inner front) by Manfred discusses the terror withi...

  10. Kampf gegen den Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts

    1. Anti-Nazi resistance and opposition

    The publication discusses a reprint of an answer addressed to the writing of "The Myth of the 20th century", which was anti-church and anti-Christian. How this publication was created, printed and distributed in 1934 is recounted. After a disturbing meeting with Hitler, the archbishop of Cologne initiated the creation of a defense office against national-socialist anti-Christian propaganda. Anti-Christian publications were collected, counterpropaganda produced which was often immediately confiscated by the Gestapo. Overall, about 17 Mio. were distributed. Also conferences, meetings, lecture...

  11. Documentation from the concentration camps and the POW camps in Germany from the OSOBY Archive in Moscow, 1938-1944

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 10633850
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1938-1944
    • Administrative documentation Financial accounts List of Nazi war criminals List of POWs Map Names of perpetrators Official documentation Order Personal documents Statistical data

    Documentation from concentration camps and POW camps in Germany from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1938-1944 The collection contains files regarding personnel matters, among them reports concerning transfers of staff members (including members of the Totenkopf units), promotion and the awarding of medals, and personal files of staff members; guidelines for Inspektion der Konzentrationslager (the supervision of the concentration camps) and guidelines issued by the Reichsfuehrer SS concerning administration of the concentration camps and the handling of the inmates, including matters pertainin...

  12. Dehmel, Richard Fedor Leopold, 1863-1920

    1. Biographical press cuttings collection (1945-1970s)

    "Richard Fedor Leopold Dehmel (18 November 1863 in Wendisch-Hermsdorf, Prussia – 8 February 1920 in Blankenese, Germany) was a German poet and writer." -- Wikipedia "Dehn, Günther Karl (Apr 18, 1882, Schwerin – Mar 17, 1970, Bonn). After studying in Berlin, Halle, and Bonn, Dehn was employed from 1907 on as a parish priest in Berlin and worked from 1911 to 1931 in the labor district of Moabit. During these years, he concerned himself with the relationship between the church and workers. In 1926, the University of Münster awarded him an honorary doctorate. In 1931 he was appointed professor ...

  13. ["Judenangelegenheiten"-Bayern I]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is the first part of a series of files containing correspondence by the Ministry of the interior, the Bavarian political police and the Gestapo Würzburg and press clippings. Included is a confiscated copy of the magazine “Der Stürmer” held back because of an article about the ritual slaughter of Christian children. Correspondence includes dealings between “aryan and non aryan ” businesses and an investigation of a boycott of „Arian“ shoe factories by Jewish businesses. Further documents about the confiscation of Jewish newspapers and magazines from news stands,the boycott of Jewish...

  14. [Correspondences regarding racial desirable children, 1941-1943]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    All the correspondences in the file regard racial desirable children for the purpose of Germanization in special homes and institutions. Among them is an order to Germanize the names of the children before placing them in German families, a letter from Himmler to Sollmann, sending Sollmann to Prague to discuss the matter of the children spared from the Lidice massacre, that have been found racial desirable. Appendant, a notification from the Gestapo to the immigrations center of Litzmanstadt follows, stating the arrival of 90 unaccompanied children from Lidice between the ages of 1-16 years...

  15. [Eichmann-trial, Witness statements multiple IV]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is part of the witness statements acquired in Germany and Austria of former functionaries in Nazi Germany on behalf of the prosecutor of the Eichmann trial in 1961. The witnesses are Dr. Eberhard von Thadden, who gives insight into the Klessheim meeting between Hitler and Horthy and Alfred Slawik, who was a servant of Eichmann during his time in Budapest (April to November 1944). He describes the layout of the confiscated Villa Aschner in Budapest, where Eichmann and his subordinates stayed while in Budapest. He is also asked about a Jewish boy who was apparently hit by Eichmann at...

  16. Służba Bezpieczeństwa Naczelnego Dowódcy SS, Kierownictwo Oddziału w Katowicach

    • Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers SS-SD Leitabschnitt Kattowitz

    Informacje o życiu społeczno-politycznym, nastroje ludności, sprawozdania sytuacyjne, raporty z lat 1930-1944, sygn. 1-11

  17. Gmina Żydowska Gliwice

    • Synagogen Gemeinde Gleiwitz
    • Jewish Community in Gliwice (Gleiwitz)

    Akta gminy żydowskiej w Gliwicach (1910- 1943), - Protokoły posiedzeń zarządu gminy 1914-1942, - Okólniki, ogłoszenia i zarządzenia nazistowskie 1938-1942, - sprawy gminy i Bezirkstelle Gleiwitz 1938-1943, - korespondencja gminy z władzami, gminami (Berlin, Wrocław, Opole, Racibórz), instytucjami żydowskimi, osobami prywatnymi. 1919-1943: - legaty, fundacje 1910-1939, - dokumenty bractwa pogrzebowego (Chewra Kadisza) 1931-1939, - statuty i korespondencja dotycząca domu starców 1926-1942, - sprawy własności gminy i majątku jej członków 1933-1943, w tym sprawy procesowe, spisy przejmowanych m...

  18. Odette Pilpoul

    1. Archives de la Commission d'histoire de l'occupation et de la libération de la France (CHOLF) et du Comité d'histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, fonds privés et documents divers relatifs à la période 1939-1945
    2. Fonds d'origine privée
    3. Résistance et déportation
    4. Résistant(e)s et déporté(e)s

    Listes originales diverses de déportées ; chronologie de la libération de Hasag ; notes manuscrites concernant notamment le recensement et la recherche des compagnes de déportation françaises et étrangères d'Odette Pilpoul ; brochures retraçant les activités du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale ; correspondance ; bulletins et circulaires d'amicales.

  19. 211. Donati Angelo

    1. Vicissitudini dei singoli
    2. Vicissitudini dei singoli - Serie I

    "Documents du temps de guerre concernant A. Donati" relativi al periodo 1940 - 1943; "Documents d'apres guerre concernant A. Donati" relativi al periodo 1944 - 1947; "Rapport sur les activites menees par le Comité de l'UGIF au cours du mois de juin 1943 à Saint Martin Vesubie; rapporto, in francese, di Angelo Donati sull'attività svolta in favore degli ebrei nella zona di occupazione italiana in Francia; Angelo Donati a Leon Poliakoff del Centre de documentation juife contemporaine del 17 giugno 1946 su madame Meyer; lettera dell'ispettore Brun del Service des Menées antinationales di Nizza...

  20. 49.

    1. Località di internamento, campi di concentramento e carceri in Italia
    2. Campi tedeschi di polizia e di transito

    "Relazione sul campo di concentramento di Bolzano"; "elenco dei 23 italiani soppressi dalla Gestapo il giorno 12 settembre 1944 a Bolzano e a Bolzano sepolti nello stesso giorno nella fossa comune"; fotografie del campo di concentramento di Bolzano scattate dal signor Pedrotti di Bolzano nel primo dopoguerra; cartine di segnalazione dei campi di concentramento e delle sedi di confino in Italia; "diario di Emilio [Sorteni] donato da Pietro Ruberl nel 1981"; "documenti raccolti dalla dott.ssa [Giacomozzi] del Comune di Bolzano versati in copia al CDEC nel 1995; "testimonianza di Ada Buffulini...