Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,681 to 18,700 of 55,889
  1. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    (Munich 486) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. MS, rear view, Prosecutor James McHaney cross-examines Walter Neff. Neff admits that the high altitude experiments were conducted for the benefit of the Luftwaffe.

  2. American propaganda film to educate US soldiers going to France

    An American propaganda film produced by the U.S. Office of War Information to educate US soldiers before going to France. Some scenes are staged. Reel 3: French peasants hide their parachutes and a French priest (actor) hides the fliers and tells them of the French defeat. The fliers are secreted back across the English Channel. French soldiers retreat as the Germans advance. Gen. Petain calls for collaboration with Germany. General de Gaulle broadcasts a call for continued French resistance and speaks to French officers on a warship. Petain visits Hitler. Germans execute French hostages an...

  3. Manufacturing locomotives/trucks; Shipyard; Inspecting factory/artillery

    Reel 4: (Symphonic audio track in part of reel) 07:17:00:17 "20 Jahre Lokomotiv und Kraftwagenbau bei Krupp." ; "Lokomotivbau" ; "1919 Die erste Lokomotive" Decorated locomotive is paraded through streets. 07:17:45:11 "1939 Die 2000. Lokomotive" Workers at Krupp manufacture locomotives. Men in suits exiting railroad car. HAS, locomotive traveling on track. 07:19:19:05 "Kraftwagenbau" Trucks are manufactured in a Krupp factory. 07:19:34:09 "Der Fuehrer besucht den Krupp-Stand auf der Deutschen Automobil-Ausstellung" Hitler visits the Krupp display at an auto show. Seen looking, talking with ...

  4. War Crimes Commission: Leipzig and Penig Concentration Camps

    Title: "Nazi Concentration Camps" Foreword: "This is an official document made by U.S. military photographers as they advanced into Germany," etc. Two exhibited affidavits attesting to the authenticity of scenes in the film are shown, one signed by Lt Col George E. Stevens and the other by Capt John Ford. A map shows the location of concentration camps in Germany and Europe. "Leipzig Concentration Camp" MLS, empty field, barbed wire, remaining foundation of burnt out building. Three men stand near bloody and burnt corpse. CUs, piles of burnt bodies by barbed wire. At the Leipzig camp more t...

  5. Oil painting depicting the American response to the Holocaust

    Oil painting, American response, created by William Sharp, in the United States

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- Various signs/posters

    CU, poster "Boycott Nazi Goods and Services." "Boycott Nazi Germany" pin. CUs, poster. CUs, German papers and magazines. "Der Stuermer." CU, "16 Droysenstrasse" door plate; "Karl Reimer" door plate. Poster, "Bekanntmachung" dated 15 July 1937? with text: Wegen Hochverrates am deutschen Volke wurden heute hingerichtet: Joachim Klauser, Heinz Kuhnert, Wolfgang Bart. CUs posters: "Hitler Jugend - Hitler Youth"; "Arbeitsdienst - Labor Service"; "Jungmaedels - Young Girls"; "Schutz Staffel - Black Shirts"; "Kraft durch Freude - Strength through Joy." Newspaper headlines about trial of religious ...

  7. Red Cross ship at NY harbor

    REEL 3: Unedited footage shows Canadian and American Red Cross parcels and mail being loaded aboard ship for delivery to prisoners of war in Japanese camps, stocks of food supplies on the ship, two women in their cabins, and customs inspectors examining baggage.

  8. War Crimes Trials: Einsatzgruppen Case

    (Munich 638) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 9 (Einsatzgruppen Case). US assistant prosecutor John Glancy reading prosecution's opening statement and discussing the evidence against the four units of the Einsatzgruppen. He specifically addresses the crimes of Adolf Ott (Commander of Sonderkommando 7b of Einsatzgruppe B), Waldemar Klingelhoefer (Leader of Vorkommando Moscow of Einsatzgruppe B), and Franz Six (Leader of Vorkommando Moscow of Einsatzgruppe B). Einsatzgruppe C killed 80,000 people. Glancy specifically refers to the crimes of Erwin Schulz (Leader of Einsat...

  9. Damaged planes; corpses at Dachau; Berchtesgaden

    Tank. Train. Damaged plane at edge of road and forest, tanks going by. 11:03:32 LS enormous pile of naked corpses at Dachau. Damaged planes. 11:05:38 Beautiful vistas of alpine countryside and mountains, Hitler's Mountain Retreat. Bombed out mountain houses, villages. CU, (bust size) of colored portrait of Hitler. View into train of stolen art, rugs; soldiers display the items of loot delivered to Berchtesgaden. CU (dark), religious artworks in train. 11:11:08 Alpine views. Four hikers, CUs. Tent damage. More mountain views. Destruction of village homes.

  10. Ferencz lecture: Wiesenthal Holocaust Center

    Ferencz lecture. Wiesenthal Holocaust Center, Los Angeles, CA. Second in five part series on Nazi war crimes trials. Ferencz discusses how the Nuremberg proceedings informed his life, his involvement in major restitution programs, and his understanding of "Never Again" through developing international law, an international criminal court, and defining aggression. He explains the legal precedents established at Nuremberg, including a) crime of aggression; b) crimes against humanity; c) trying heads of state; and d) guaranteeing rights to every prisoner (innocent until proven guilty in a cour...

  11. American propaganda film to educate US soldiers going to France

    An American anti-war propaganda film produced by the U.S. Office of War Information to educate US soldiers before going to France. Some scenes are staged. Reel 4: Shows French POWs in a German camp, the Free French fleet and air squadrons, scuttled French warships in Toulon, and advancing Allied troops. French troops are reviewed by de Gaulle and in Great Britain, and Russian and French underground fighters kill German sentries, blow up bridges, and ambush German motorcycle columns. Germans seize and execute French hostages.

  12. Dachau Concentration Camp & Trial

    (Paris 446) Dachau Concentration Camp Trials, Dachau, Germany, December 11-12, 1945. LS, truck passes through entrance of camp. VS, building and church on the grounds. HAS, barracks. VS, German prisoners unload huge containers from trucks. LS, German civilian and military prisoners marching on grounds. LS, ovens in crematorium. LS, wax figures of guard beating prisoner. Prosecution counsel during summation in court. LS, commission at bench. Pan to courtroom and spectators. MSs, accused prisoners in courtroom. Pan, MSs, judges seated at bench include Col PO Ward, Col Blanchard, Col Richards,...

  13. Euthanasia

    Hanna, the wife of medical doctor Thomas Heyt, suffers from multiple sclerosis. He decides to 'redeem' her through a sleeping draught, giving her a 'merciful death.' Hanna thus voluntarily and peacefully ends her own life after unbearable suffering. Dr. Heyt's friend and colleague Dr. Lang (Mathias Wiemann) denounces him to the police, but changes his mind when a child he saved from death becomes mentally disabled. A court jury comprised of a cross-section of German society discusses all the moral, religious, and medical arguments in favor of and against euthanasia. Dr. Heyt argues, with gr...

  14. Ferencz lecture: Unitarian Forum

    Final lecture in the 1986 series, Unitarian Forum, San Francisco. Practical Programs for Peace. Benjamin Ferencz speaks about the evolution of the concept of world law, the role of the US constitution at Nuremberg, using law as the instrument for protection of peace, and what people can do today to effect peace. Ferencz emphasizes the need for social justice. He indicates law, courts, and enforcement as critical to the peace process. Responding to a question near the end of the session, Ferencz says, "It's my conviction that if humankind has the intelligence to develop the means of destroyi...

  15. Rescuing Allied airmen

    Project Gunn, Office of Strategic Services, Field Photographic Branch, Unit 24, 1944. Film Report: On a mission headed by Lt. Col Gunn during World War II to rescue by air Allied airmen in a POW camp southwest of Bucharest, Romania. REEL 1: AVs, Albanian coastline and Danube River as plane approaches Ploesti airfield. Romanian officials greet O.S.S officers to arrange evacuation of the prisoners.

  16. 24 drawings from the concentration camps in Germany Print

    One of a set of twenty-three prints of drawings created by George Zielezinski

  17. Oral history interview with Gerald C. Caskey

  18. Senators visit Buchenwald; checking IDs; destroyed trains; military vehicles

    (LIB 5927) Congressional Group, Weimar, Germany, April 24, 1945. MSs, CUs, officers speaking to the Senators at Buchenwald concentration camp. MSs, Senators viewing stack of naked bodies. MS, Senator Alben W Barkley standing next to pile of bodies. MSs, black soldiers speaking with group of senators. VS, Gen Omar N. Bradley talking with the senators. Seq: Senatorial group is met by Lt Gen Walter B Smith at the airfield. MS, Gen Dwight D Eisenhower and group of Senators come out of building and enter car. (LIB 5928) Checking Civilians at Duisburg, Germany, April 23, 1945. Seq: Soldiers of th...

  19. Polish Refugees Leave Teheran for Palestine

    350 Polish Refugees Leave Teheran for Palestine, (no date, originally reviewed March 27, 1944) INTs, Teheran railroad station. Polish refugees on platform bustle about as some bid farewell to departing friends. Persian/Arabic inscriptions. Pan, wall of newsstand/booth. Dolly shot, relatives and friends bid one another farewell from train windows; along railcars, more crowded, various men in uniform. Belongings on platform. Men, women, and children mill about, looking anxious and excited, some dressed well, some with hats (mix of Middle Eastern and Baltic looks). CU, native porter salutes in...

  20. Ration card

    Ration card issued to Helene Wiesenberg, March 1945.