Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,481 to 18,500 of 55,824
  1. Documentation regarding David Frankfurter and his trial in Switzerland following an attempt to assassinate Wilhelm Gustloff, 1936

    Documentation regarding David Frankfurter and his trial in Switzerland following an attempt to assassinate Wilhelm Gustloff, 1936 In the Collection there is documentation regarding the assassination of Wilhelm Gustloff, Landesgruppenleiter Schweiz NSDAP (head of the Nazi party in Switzerland) in his home in Davos by David Frankfurter, a Jewish citizen of Yugoslavia, who was a medical student in Berne, 04 February 1936. David Frankfurter was the youngest of the three sons of an Orthodox rabbi with an excellent general education, who served as a community rabbi in Yugoslavia. His oldest broth...

  2. Magyar Rádió és Telefonhírmondó, ügyviteli iratok

    • The Hungarian Radio and Telephone News Agency, administrative documents

    The collection contains various documents of the Hungarian Radio and Telephone News Agency. The documents concern its general meetings, the activities of its executive committee, its directorate, the central administrative unit as well as of the screening committee that operated between 1945 and 1948. The collection also contains documents on the personnel of the Hungarian Radio and Telephone News public company, such as the personnel cards from 1939 when the anti-Semitic laws were being enforced, on its economic matters and also documents that were created during the editing of the radio s...

  3. Akta gminy Sobolew powiat Garwolin

    • Files of the commune of Sobolew

    z okresu 1944-1950 - sprawozdania, regulaminy, wykazy analfabetów, sprawy podatkowe, oświata rolnicza, pomoc sąsiedzka, drogi, sprawy osobowe pracowników i członków organów kolegialnych, opinie o zachowaniu się w okresie okupacji, wykazy majątków kościelnych pozostających w rękach kościoła, sprawozdania sytuacyjne, wysiedlanie obywateli radzieckich przebywających nielegalnie w Polsce z okresu 1951-1954 [1955] - protokóły z posiedzeń rady i komisji, kontrole, Komitet Redakcyjny Radiowęzła, sprawozdania z działalności, wybory sołtysów, podatki, wydatki budżetowe, sprawy budowlane, metryka sta...

  4. Airship hangars in countryside

    Airship hangars in the German countryside.

  5. Einstein in Caputh and Oberwesel

    Horse-drawn cart piled high with logs moves down the street. Couple in a horse-drawn wagon. CU, sign: “KINDER LANDHEIM CAPUTH, Gertrud Feiertag.” Bavarian home decorated with flower boxes. Women pose for camera. Albert Einstein, clad in pajamas, stands with a woman on the front porch of his summer house in Caputh, Germany. She ushers two younger ladies into the shot. They hold notebooks in their arms. View from the second story of the Einstein house of the surrounding property, homes, and gardens. Woman tends to crops. An older woman carries a basket full of goods on her back. Dining at a r...

  6. Judenrat in Opatów Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Opatów (Sygn. 249)

    Records of the Judenrat in Opatów, Poland. Consists of financial documents of the Strassenbaugesellschaft Oemler-Opatów, the German road construction company. Documents relate to payments for employed Jews between December 1942-January 1943.

  7. Harry Langsam papers

    The Harry Langsam papers include a letter written by Harry Langsam to his gentile neighbor, Mr. Glazar, inquiring about his family and the rest of the Jewish population as well as a translation of the letter, in English. Also included are two photographs of Jewish policemen in the Ziegenhain displaced persons camp and a photograph of a group of men learning the bricklaying trade as part of vocational training provided by the ORT.

  8. Powiatowy Oddział Państwowego Urzędu Repatriacyjnego w Biłgoraju

    • State Repatriation Office. Biłgoraj County Branch

    Sprawozdawczość, 1945-1950, sygn. 1-3 Ewidencja gospodarstw przeznaczonych do nasiedlenia, 1947-1948, sygn. 4-6 Ewidencja repatriantów i poszukiwanie osób zaginionych, 1945-1950, sygn. 7-11 Protokóły posiedzeń Powiatowej Rady Przesiedleńczej, 1947-1949, sygn. 12 Karty przesiedleńcze, 1947, sygn. 13-14

  9. Zbiór afiszów okupacyjnych powiatu sokołowskiego

    • Collection of bills from the occupation for the Sokołów Podlaski county

    Afisze ułożono w układzie chronologicznym. Zachowane ogłoszenia dotyczą następujących problemów: - rekwizycji mienia, - rejestracji ludności, - ograniczenia swobody poruszania się, - walki z ruchem oporu, - deportacji na przymusowe roboty do Rzeszy, - zajęcia mienia, kontyngentów.

  10. Raven, Winfried (Kapitän z.S.)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Kapitän z.S. Winfried Raven geb. am 13. 05. 1880 in Lüne, gest. 1954 1898 - 1899: Eintritt als Kadett in der MSM Kiel und auf der SMS Moltke 1899: Beförderung zum Fähnrich zur See 1900: SMS Wörth 1901: Beförderung zum Leutnant zur See, SMS Viktoria Luise 1902: Beförderung zum Oberleutnant zur See, SMS Stein und SMS Mars 1905: II. Torpedo-Abteilung, Schul-Torpedobootsflotille, SMS Wörth 1906: Schul-Flotille 1907: Beförderung zum Kapitänleutnant, II. Torpedo Division, Marineakademie 1909: AstO 2. Admiral des 1. Geschwaders 1911: Admiralstab Marine 1913: Beförde...

  11. Woebbelin concentration camp; Russians and GIs; US generals at bridge

    (LIB 6299) Prisoners of Concentration Camp, Wobbelin, Germany, May 4, 1945. MSs, CUs, weak starved inmates of the camp. CUs, extremely emaciated individuals. Seq: Emaciated prisoners are helped by other inmates into trucks. In many cases victims cannot stand on their feet. MSs, CUs, weak, sick prisoners lying on ground near barracks pleading for help. (LIB 6300) Russians and GIs, Sandau, Germany. INT, banquet given by Polish and Russian officers to liason pilots of the 102nd Division. Short scene: Russian and US soldiers speaking on the banks of the Elbe River. (LIB 6301) PWs and Infantry, ...

  12. Ukrainian crimes against humanity

    Ukrainian Newsreel and Documentary Film Footage about the crimes committed by Ukrainian fascists--bourgeois nationalists-who murdered Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, and Jews in September 1942 near Lake Pisotska in the Vollin area. Shots of criminals and the commandant of Ukrainian police. It is forty years since their crimes, but since there is no statute of limitations for crimes against humanity, the Soviets bring the Ukrainian fascists to trial. Trial footage, including testimonies, witnesses, and shots of civilian audience. Narration argues that Zionists and the Jewish Defense League trai...

  13. Performers at convalescent homes and DP camps in Italy

    Soprano Marguerite Kozenn and pianist and composer Julius Chaje shake hands with two men in front of a gate at a rest home or DP camp in Italy with the sign “AMERICAN JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE.” Kozenn and Chaje tour the terrace with a large fountain and several small statues. CU of a statue of a cherub. Kozenn, Chaje, and the two men walking down a set of steps in a garden. INT, CU hands playing piano. Chaje plays piano, then stands up, bowing to the camera. Chaje plays piano accompaniment as Kozenn sings for the audience of refugees. Chaje and Kozenn talk to several young refugees in t...

  14. Reichsinnungsverband des Uhrmacherhandwerks

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Bestandsgeschichte Die Akten gelangten 1969 im Rahmen der Flurbereinigung mit dem Geheimen Staatsarchiv Berlin-Dahlem ins Bundesarchiv. Bestandsbeschreibung Überliefert sind nur zwei Aktenbände mit Nachrichtenblättern des Uhrmacherhandwerks bzw. Schriftwechsel mit dem Reichsstand des Deutschen Handwerks zu Lehrverträgen und Erziehungsbeihilfen des Uhrmacherhandwerks. Erschliessungszustand Findbuch (1983) Zitierweise BArch R 97-III/...

  15. Selected records of the Swedish Red Cross

    Contains selected records from the Swedish Red Cross concerning the "White Buses." In 1945 "White Buses" were sent by Sweden to Germany to bring liberated camp prisoners from Sachsenhausen, Dachau, Ravensbrück, and other camps as refugees to Sweden. Collection contains a transport list of 875 prisoners, diaries of transport personnel, reports and correspondence regarding White Buses' operations, lists of French, Danish, and Norwegian liberated prisoners, and the private collection of Major Sven Frykman (Chief of Swedish Red Cross Operation). Some records relate to the food supplies to Hung...

  16. Scrap book on the Adolf Eichmann trial. Collection

    This scrap book contains hundreds of clippings from presumably French, Belgian and Italian newspapers on the trial of Adolf Eichmann.

  17. Processo de pedido de visto para Macyr Ferreira, mulher de Macyr Ferreira, filho de Macyr Ferreira, Torquato da Silva Guimarães, mulher de Torquato da Silva Guimarães, filha de Torquato da Silva Guimarães e Wolf Aschkenas

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Paris para Macyr Ferreira, de nacionalidade brasileira, com destino ao Brasil. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Paris para mulher de Macyr Ferreira, de nacionalidade brasileira, com destino ao Brasil. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Paris para filho de Macyr Ferreira, de nacionalidade brasileira, com destino ao Brasil. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Paris para Torquato da Silva Guimarães, de nacionalidade brasil...

  18. Stricker, Marie (Krankenschwester)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners 10.8.1969 geb. in Vegesack; 19.3.1963 gest. in Achim; Verwendungen als dienende Schwester des Johanniter-Ordens (Pat.Nr. 909 von Nov. 1897) 5 - 9 1897 Ausbildung in der Diakonissenanstalt in Flensburg; 1898/99 Städt. Krankenhaus Osnabrück; 4/1898-1914 Gemeindeschwester in Achim; 2.10.1914 Einberufung zum Kriegsdienst; 14.10.1914 St.Quentin, Etappe der 2. Armee; 31.10.1914 Feldlazarett I, 21.A.K.; 23.2.-17.8.1915 Schloß Caulaincourt /Vermandois), Res.Laz.120, 4. Res.Korps - FeldLaz. I, 10. bayer.I.D. - FeldLaz.I, I. bayer.A.K.; 20.10.1915-12.2.1916 Verwundeten...

  19. Preskovsky family papers

    Collection of documents and photographs relating to Chana Tykocka Preskowski (donor’s mother) who together with her two small daughters, Bella (b. 1933) and Lea (b. 1935) travelled in the spring of 1939 from Tel Aviv to Grajewo, Poland to visit her parents, Mordechai and Ryvka Tykocki. With the German invasion of Poland and the Soviet annexation of Eastern Poland, Chana and her daughters were unable to leave. Jacob Preskovsky, Chana’s husband and the father of the two girls, was a Palestinian citizen, and he managed to arrange for “Emergency Certificates” for his wife and children. They rea...

  20. Ralph M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ralph M., who is a retired United States Army colonel. He recounts encountering Dachau during his unit's advance through Germany; the fatal wounding of a lieutenant in the fight for Dachau in April 1945; killing a number of Germans while entering Dachau; their complete lack of knowledge regarding concentration camps; encountering freight cars packed with corpses and a few living prisoners outside the camp; seeing crematoria with four ovens, basements full of stacked corpses, and the room where human medical experiments were conducted; arranging medical assistance for ...