Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,461 to 18,480 of 55,824
  1. Oddział Policji Kryminalnej w Katowicach - Posterunek w Mikołowie

    • Kriminalpolizeistelle Kattowitz - Aussenposten Nikolai

    Zarządzenia, instrukcje i rozkazy, meldunki, sprawozdania sytuacyjne, statystyka, wykazy zmarłych przestępców, rejestry karne, meldunki o znalezieniu zwłok, statystyka samobójstw i nieszczęśliwych wypadków, kradzieże, fałszerstwa, konfiskata czasopism, zakazy urządzania widowisk publicznych, wystąpień, rejestracja drukarń, nadzór nad działalnością gmin wyznaniowych, nad jeńcami wojennymi i obcokrajowcami-robotnikami cywilnymi, ściganie zbiegów i dezerterów, dochodzenia, nakazy aresztowania nieletnich przestępców i Cyganów, meldunki o aresztowaniach, listy gończe, nakazy aresztowań, wywiady,...

  2. Goering interrogated at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 54) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 18, 1946. HASs, MSs, front view of Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson (US) interrogating Hermann Goering. (Goering is not visible in these shots.) Subject of the cross examination is the plan to overthrow the Weimar Republic and break the opposition. Goering says that, yes, they had been in opposition long enough and were eager to get to power. MS, pan, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, and Walther Funk seated in the prisoners' dock. MS, Justices Francis Biddle and John J. Parker. A point is made to the Tribunal that defendants answer ...

  3. Correspondence and photographs of Julius Bloch

    This collection of correspondence documents, in part, the life of Julius Bloch, a German Jewish immigrant, and former memberof the Jewish cultural communities in Frankfurt/ Main and Pforzheim. Also included is a photo album documenting the work of apprenticeshop workshops for Jewish teenagers in Frankfurt am Main, and a draft statement about the establishment and role of the workshops.

  4. Eva B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva B., who was born in Prague. She describes German and Czech nationalism in prewar Prague; the German occupation of Prague; conditions and experiences in Theresienstadt, where she and her mother remained for two years, and in Auschwitz and various German labor camps; and their liberation from Theresienstadt, to which they had been transported again shortly before the end of the war. Mrs. B. speaks of her boyfriend, who did not survive the war and whose loss she still mourns; the psychological coping mechanisms which aided her survival; postwar adjustment and effects...

  5. M.70 - Documentation from Archives in Croatia regarding the Holocaust

    M.70 - Documentation from Archives in Croatia regarding the Holocaust There was official documentation from archives in Yugoslavia in the original Record Group; however the disintegration of Yugoslavia into various countries necessitated the creation of new Record Groups. This Record Group contains documentation from various archives in Croatia alone. Included in the Record Group: -Correspondence among various institutions in the Independent State of Croatia during World War II; - Reports submitted by Ustasha institutions regarding Jewish affairs; - Documentation regarding Jewish refugees; ...

  6. Luftgaustab z.b.V. 17

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Die Akten stammen aus Rückführungen aus den USA und Großbritannien an die Dokumentenzentrale des Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamtes. Von dort wurden die Akten 1968 an das Bundesarchiv, Abteilung Militärarchiv abgegeben. Diese Akten waren bisher im Sammelbestand RL 19 (Luftgaukommandos und Luftgaustäbe) zusammengefasst. Zur besseren Darstellung der einzelnen Provenienzen wurden Nebenbestände zu RL 19 angelegt. Bestandsbeschreibung Es liegt nur eine Akte über Sabotagemeldungen vor. Zitierweise BArch RL 19-39/...

  7. German troops advance in Russia; captured Russians; wounded soldier

    Reel 1: A tank rolls past several waiting trucks. German soldiers mill about next to a burning Russian tank. Panning shot of German military vehicles and soldiers at the edge of a forest clearing. 00:01:10 Box marked "Akten" [files] and box marked "I a" with other items at outdoor HQ. CU of a soldier sleeping next to the base of a tree. A German soldier looks at a grieving Russian soldier (?). Panning shot of captured Russians. 00:01:55 General Baron von Funck (Commander of the 7th Panzer Division) without hat, exits large vehicle. 00:02:07 Gen. Zorn (?) in coat and hat, close view (before ...

  8. Paul D. edited testimony

    Illustrating his recollections with photographs, Paul D., a child survivor from Humenné, Slovakia, describes an early childhood full of love and warmth in spite of the death of his father when he was three years old. With evident pride in his own resourcefulness and that of the adults who cared for him, he relates his wartime experiences of flight, hiding, and living "on the Aryan side" in the manner of an adventure story, though it is told against the backdrop of the disappearances and deaths of family members - grandfather, favorite cousin, beloved stepfather - until only he and his mot...

  9. Germany Navy; World War I

    Large steamships docked in Ösel. VS of cargo, including military supply wagons and cannons being loaded onto freighters/warships by German naval personnel (in uniform). Sailors in uniforrm operating hoist. Horses are also being loaded onto the ship. Sailors pose alongside the ships, smoking, walking, socializing, smiling for camera. Overhead shot, hundreds of men boarding the ships with their gear on their backs. Horses and more cargo go on with them. Tracking shot of ship leaving harbor, in the foreground the image is a teaming sea of sailors' hats on deck (viewer can only see the tops of ...

  10. Комсомольские подпольные органы Пинской области в годы Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945гг.

    • Komsomol-Organe im Untergrund, Pinsk

    Пинский подпольный обком ЛКСМБ. Приказы Верховного Главнокомандующего И.В. Сталина, постановление ЦК ЛКСМБ от 31 марта 1944г. о работе Пинской областной комсомольской организации , указания, рекомендации обкома, протоколы заседаний подпольных РК ЛКСМБ, собраний первичных комсомольских организаций партизанских отрядов и подпольных комсомольских организаций. Планы работы, отчёты, докладные записки Пинского подпольного обкома, подпольных РК ЛКСМБ, первичных сельских подпольных комсомольских организаций и комсомольских организаций партизанских отрядов, сводки совинформбюро, письма партизан, све...

  11. Josef Kaufmann papers

    The papers consist of correspondence between Josef Kaufmann in Cairo, Egypt, and his paternal aunt, Thekla Kaufmann, who was interned in Camp de Gurs in France; an employment book ("Arbeitsbuch") issued to Thekla Kaufmann in 1937; and a vaccination certificate issued to Thekla Kaufmann in Camp de Gurs.

  12. German military power on display at Nuremberg stadium

    Parteitag 1936 (Nazi Party Congress) in Nuremberg in September 1936. Nazi soldiers with armbands march up a narrow street. Crowd gathers for the events, numerous large Nazi banners, marching band, WWI vet with still camera. Street views. SS soldiers run beside stadium decorated with swastika flags. Hitler youth, crowds and military fill the stadium. Hitler, Goebbels, other Nazi officials converse on the podium. Hitler is introduced, and begins his speech to the troops in neat rows on the field. 05:34 CUs, Nazi officials in the stands. Pan of stadium grounds with spectators, grandstand, Nazi...

  13. MFS 9 Bezirksverwaltung für Staatssicherheit Karl-Marx-Stadt

    • Bundesarchiv-Stasi-Unterlagen-Archiv Chemnitz
    • MFS 9 Bezirksverwaltung für Staatssicherheit Karl-Marx-Stadt
    • German
    • 1970
    • 3 Vorgänge innerhalb der Klassifikationspunkte 1.2 Stellvertreter Operativ, 4.2.3 Politische Repression insbesondere in Staatsapparat, Kirche, Kultur, Sport, Oppositionsgruppen bzw. 5.1 Untersuchungsorgan

    Strafsache gegen den Lagerarzt des KZ Auschwitz III Monowitz Horst Fischer; Recherchen zu Mitarbeitern der Gestapoleitstelle Breslau; Übersicht zu Häftlingen der Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück und Auschwitz.

  14. Yugoslavia: damage; village; soldiers marching; liberation ceremony in village square; food truck

    Reel 5: Destroyed bridge in Vinkovci. Street scene, troops marching through village; soldiers' feet as they are marching revealing ragged shoes; partisan soldier band playing in honor of late FDR. Tanks lined up, men standing at attention, bugler plays salute. Infantry troops firing volley of shots. Troops crossing destroyed bridge carrying Yugoslavian flag, supplies, ammunition. Speakers and dignitaries standing on flag-draped balcony; citizens of Vinkovci gathered in streets to celebrate the liberation of their village. Mayor Nikola Jaksic speaking to crowds, cheering. Col. Mijaklo Todoro...

  15. Fabian Gerson memoirs

    Consists of the memoirs of Professor Fabian Gerson, originally of Łódź, Poland. The memoirs are written in two parts. In part I, titled "The Road to Annihilation," 13 pages, Professor Gerson describes his childhood in Łódź, pre-war antisemitism, and the German invasion. In December 1939, Fabian's mother, Dora (neé Kon) and sister Franciszka moved to Czestochowa; Fabian and his father, Pinkus, escaped the ghetto to join them in October 1940. On September 22, 1942, Fabian was separated from his family during the liquidation of Czestochowa and taken to forced labor at an armament plant owned b...

  16. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Loir-et-Cher

    Files concerning the internment of enemy aliens (Germans and Austrians in the camps of Francillon, Marolles, Villerbon and Villemalard) from September 1939 until June, 1940; arrests and sentences by the Germans; register of foreigners listed by country; sequestering of property belonging to the enemy; Jewish affairs including lists of Jews and Jewish businesses; internments; a prison register to indicate that Jews were held there before being sent on to Drancy; and restitution of property. The sanatorium called “Les Pins” in the town of Lamotte-Beuvron was used to intern Jews during the war.

  17. Processo de pedido de visto para Czerna Szjniuk, Louise Alexandrine Boutonnet (nascida Ghigliotti), Sulamith Spiegel, Petr Brull, Chaim Szejniuk e Marketa Brullova

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Baiona para Czerna Szjniuk, de nacionalidade polaca e residente na Bélgica, com destino aos Estados Unidos da América. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Baiona para Louise Alexandrine Boutonnet (nascida Ghigliotti), de nacionalidade francesa e residente em França, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Baiona para Sulamith Spiegel, de nacionalidade polaca e residente em França, com destino aos Estados Unidos da América. Visto autorizado. ...

  18. Processo de pedido de visto para Sr. Wellner, Srª. Welliner e quatro filhos, John Condon, Joseph Gallagher, Raymond Beaulieu e Ernest Ferlaud

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Bordéus para Sr. Wellner, de nacionalidade polaca, com destino aos Estados Unidos da América. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Bordéus para Srª. Welliner, de nacionalidade americana, com destino aos Estados Unidos da América. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Bordéus para quatro filhos do Sr. Wellner, de nacionalidade americana, com destino aos Estados Unidos da América. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Bordéus para...