Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,401 to 18,420 of 55,889
  1. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    (Munich 488) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Dr. Leo Alexander speaking in English describes a mutilating scar on Maria Kusmierczuk's leg. Kusmierczuk, a messenger in the Polish underground, received the wound at Ravensbrueck concentration camp. MCUs, prisoner's dock. Pan from defendants to Dr. Alexander. He examines Kusmierczuk as she sits on the stand. The doctor explains the leg wound. MS, doctor and Kusmierczuk as seen from the attorney's podium, shot of the attorney's back. More of Dr. Alexander, Kusmierczuk, and defendants.

  2. Majdanek: objects of former inmates

    Pan, "graveyard" outside death chambers, bones on the ground. The cremation ovens are shown, also the family photographs of a victim. CUs, women weeping. Pan down, from one woman to a pile of bones. The tall chimney of the camp and burial ground are shown, also the vegetable garden. CUs, clothing and piles of belongings salvaged by the Nazis. These include: shoes, gloves, toys, glasses, etc. The commission continues questioning. CUs, passports,indicating prisoners from Poland, Holland, France and other countries. CUs, prisoners who survived. Ceremony for the dead. A monument is dedicated; a...

  3. Dachau Concentration Camp

    (LIB 6519) Dachau Concentration Camp, Germany, May 1-4, 1945. CUs, dead bodies in railroad cars. MS, huge pile of discarded prison uniforms. CUs, prisoners unloading bodies from wagons in front of cemetery. Large group of prisoners is sprayed with DDT powder. MS, prisoners in courtyard waving from behind barbed wire fence. In FG can be seen dead German guards. VS, prisoners parading in camp, carrying flags of various nations and pictures of Stalin and Tito. CUs, prisoners quarreling and fighting for food container (seems staged). MS, CUs large pile of bodies in front of building. CUs, sick,...

  4. Dress worn by a child while in hiding

  5. Leica camera and camera case

    The camera was purchased with money awarded as war reparations.

  6. Ben Shahn poster with an image of a hooded man protesting the Nazi destruction of Lidice

    Poster created by Ben Shahn for the US Office of War Information as a response to the Nazi-led annihilation and destruction of communities throughout the Czech Republic, including Lidice. It also protests the retaliatory measures taken for the attempted assassination by Czech resistance members of Reinhard Heydrich, director of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, under the Nazi occupation.

  7. Oral history interview with Sarah Lenson

  8. March of Time -- outtakes -- Clearing ruins/rubble of Warsaw

    LS ruins of Warsaw. In FG, Polish cart. German prisoners of war clearing the ruins of the Ghetto. German prisoners of war working on future tram line which will cross the ex-Ghetto as a prolongation of the main street of Warsaw. A detachment of the garrison of Warsaw marching among ruined houses with shovels on their shoulders. In FG, civilians working among rubbish. Soldiers marching and singing. Soldiers loading lorries with rubble. LS at sunset, ruins of highest concrete building in Warsaw. Men and women clearing the ruins of Warsaw.

  9. Berghof: Sepp Dietrich, Eva's family, dogs, colleagues

    Reel 3A of the private motion pictures of Eva Braun (Seized Enemy Records). COLOR. Scenes taken from an airplane. Woman with two young children. Gen. Joseph (Sepp) Dietrich, Chief of Waffen SS, CUs on terrace reading documents, playing with Albert Speer's children, holding little girl on lap. Eva with members of family. Scenes of a town. B/W. People conversing possibly on a moving train, including Otto Dietrich, Dr. & Mrs. Morrell, Braun sister, and a woman in suit and tie. COLOR. Scenes of dogs playing on terrace. Black Scottie with German Shepherd pups; black Scottie pups. B/W. Puppie...

  10. Program on the Bush administration, peace, and nuclear arms

    Host: Marvin Kalb. First aired during Election 1988 as part of the national security debate. Program discusses how the Bush administration could reduce the risk of nuclear war while maintaining national security. It assumes our greatest challenge is making sure that nuclear weapons are never used again. Program offers four policy options: 1) military superiority; 2) arms control; 3) building missile defenses; and 4) eliminating all nuclear weapons. The segment provokes discussion about the nuclear future.

  11. Eva Braun with her family; Berchtesgaden terrace on Easter

    Reel 4 of the private motion pictures of Eva Braun. (Seized Enemy Records.) COLOR. Scenes of buildings, boats, in Copenhagen. Eva with her family on a boat. Scenes of city and the water. Women selling fish. Out at sea, military boats, other boats. Hands from deck of boat in Nazi salute. Docking, man shaking woman's hand. Scenes in countryside taken from car. Herta Schneider and her two children on Berchtesgaden terrace playing with Easter toys. Women and children playing with rabbits. Woman in a rowboat. Children playing, scenes with dog. Military man with wife and toddler. Woman playing wi...

  12. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy

    (Munich 176) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, May 21, 1946. Kenneth E. Kingston, former American officer, tells how he and his unit surrendered and how some of the soldiers were massacred. Kingston is questioned by Lt. Robert E. Byrne, US prosecutor. K. Ahrens, another former soldier, testifying about his surrender and how US soldiers were killed. Pointer on map indicates the route which Ahrens' unit followed. MS, Capt Ralph Shumacker, prosecution counselor, questions Ahrens.

  13. German civilians view atrocities

    (LIB 6215) German Atrocities, Suttrop, Germany, May 3, 1945. MSs, German men, women, and children walk past exhumed, decomposed bodies of murdered Russians lying in woods. CUs, various types of civilians and their reactions as they view the dead. VS, bodies including a woman with a month-old baby. CUs, several bodies with their skulls crushed. CUs, German civilians remove bodies from common graves and bury them individually. MSs, Russian woman puts flowers in grave. MCUs, 95th Div. chaplain conducts services. MS, sign in Russian at burial site.

  14. Idealized picture of Prussia to garner German support for total war

    Reel 2 opens inside a busy cafe, where Mayor Nettelbeck discusses Napoleon with two other men. Young Claus, the son of Nettlebeck's close friend Werner, hands Nettlebeck a proclamation in which Napoleon claims that he wants only to secure peace and prosperity in Europe. Nettelbeck is the only one of the three who thinks that Prussia should attempt to stand up to Napoleon. Back to the festival, where Nettelbeck's goddaughter Maria (Claus's sister) breaks off her dance to join Nettelbeck and her father inside their farmhouse. Nettelbeck tells Maria that he worries about her brother, who has b...

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Studio scenes of German-American life & maps

    563 AA Exchanging US dollars and German marks. Drawing: "Design for Summer Camp, German American Bund, Fritz Kuhn, National Chairman." Der Stuermer, CUs of antisemitic drawings. Reading "Mein Kampf." Newspaper clippings re: zoning code for Bund Camp (September 1937). Christmas ornaments of a Jew hanging. More US newspaper clippings, CUs headlines, antisemitic caricatures. 563 EE Maps of Africa, US, Germany, and Western Europe.

  16. U.S. War Bonds anti-Nazi leaflet

  17. Jewish Infantry Brigade celebrates Passover

    Jewish Infantry Brigade of the British 8th Army, Faenza Area, Italy, March 27-29, 1945. LS, hillside farm. LS, column of brigade marching along mountain road, past evenly spaced trees. MLS, men walking in single file towards the camera, farm in BG. Men with British military gear carrying weapons, camoflauge on helmets. CUs, faces. MLS, long line of soldiers moving along road, squad leader puts arm up and line halts, points to side of road and soldiers rest against embankment. MCU, two men smoking, Star of David patch on uniform. Soldier checking equipment. CU, individual faces. LS, column o...

  18. American propaganda film to educate US soldiers going to France

    An American propaganda film produced by the U.S. Office of War Information to educate US soldiers before going to France. Some scenes are staged. Reel 2: Shows Nazi, fascist, and Japanese leaders and their followers, including Adolf Hitler, Pierre Laval, Oswald Mosley, Fritz Kuhn, Japanese Emperor Hirohito, Rudolph Hess, Julius Streicher, Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, and Benito Mussolini. Flashbacks to World War I show the German Kaiser reviewing troops, French posting mobilization orders, the French taxicab army leaving Paris, scenes of the battles at Verdun and Chemin des Dames, Llo...

  19. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    (Munich 486) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Continuation of Walter Neff testifying and identifying pictures in book of evidence. When asked whether experiments were made on prisoners other than those condemned to death, he answers in the affirmative. Neff admits that out of 70 prisoners who were not condemned to death, 40 died when they were used for experiments in the pressure chamber.

  20. Interviews with Buchenwald survivors

    Concentration Camp, Buchenwald, Germany, April 26, 1945. CUs, MSs, internees of Buchenwald concentration camp are interviewed with other survivors. [Image is scratched] CUs, internees from Vienna, Brussels, Czechoslovakia, Netherlands speaking of the horrors of the camps in which they were held prisoners. MSs, CUs of the following persons: Kurt Gatner, former chief of bodyguard of Kurt von Schuschnigg of Vienna, Austria; Jean Blum of Brussels, Belgium; Victor Herskovics of Prague, Czechoslovakia; Serge Kaplan of Eindhoven, Netherlands; Otto Feuer of Hamburg, Germany; and George Henning of B...