Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,661 to 1,680 of 3,433
  1. Getuigeverklaring van R. Hoess, kampcommandant van Auschwitz van mei 1940 tot 1 december 1943, daarna verbonden aan het WVHA, Amtschef I D, en als zod...

    1. Proces Eichmann

    Getuigeverklaring van R. Hoess, kampcommandant van Auschwitz van mei 1940 tot 1 december 1943, daarna verbonden aan het WVHA, Amtschef I D, en als zodanig de verbinding tussen RSHA en WVHA (IMT, XI, pp. 396-422, Duitse uitgave pp. 438-466. Höss verklaart dat hij in de zomer van 1941 bij Himmler werd ontboden en van hem vernam, dat Hitler opdracht tot de physieke vernietiging van de Joden had gegeven, dat deze in Auschwitz moest plaatsvinden en dat hij bezoek zou krijgen van Eichmann met wie hij de uitvoering moest bespreken. Van hem ontving hij ook alle verdere bevelen voor de tenuitvoerleg...

  2. betreffende de uitwijzing van een zekere Romhanyi, een Hongaarse Jood, zijn niet-Joodse echtgenote van Duitse afkomst en een van hun beide zonen. Dit ...

    1. Proces Eichmann
    2. Brieven van Eichmann aan het Auswärtige Amt (von Thadden)

    betreffende de uitwijzing van een zekere Romhanyi, een Hongaarse Jood, zijn niet-Joodse echtgenote van Duitse afkomst en een van hun beide zonen. Dit gezin heeft een verblijfsvergunning, die op 12 februari 1943 afloopt. Het echtpaar bezit in Hamburg een bioscoop, waarover de vrouw en de oudste zoon de directie voeren. Deze laatste heeft zich tijdens een ondervraging door de Gestapo te Heidelberg laatdunkend over deze instantie uitgelaten en heeft door een brutaal optreden de Duitse gastvriendschap op grove wijze misbruikt. Eichmann wil hem in een concentratiekamp laten opsluiten. Voor hij t...

  3. Afschrift van de richtlijnen voor Sonderbehandlung bij Kriegsdelikte. Het stuk is opgesteld door de afdeling II A (Amt II was sinds 1938 het Amt Polit...

    1. Proces Eichmann

    Afschrift van de richtlijnen voor Sonderbehandlung bij Kriegsdelikte. Het stuk is opgesteld door de afdeling II A (Amt II was sinds 1938 het Amt Politische Polizei van het Hauptamt Sicherheitspolizei en werd later bij de oprichting van het RSHA Amt IV); het stuk heeft duidelijk betrekking op Duitsland, mogelijk ook al op het bezette Poolse gebied. Sonderbehandlungen (executies) worden met uitzondering van de clerus, theologen en Jehova-getuigen (zij vallen onder II B) door II A geregeld. De Stapoleitstellen moeten zelf met voorstellen komen; zij ontvangen geen concrete aanwijzingen. Op deze...

  4. Telegram van het Auswärtige Amt aan de Reichsbevollmächtigten in Boedapest met het verzoek om opheldering n.a.v. een Engelse radio-uitzending. Volgens...

    1. Proces Eichmann

    Telegram van het Auswärtige Amt aan de Reichsbevollmächtigten in Boedapest met het verzoek om opheldering n.a.v. een Engelse radio-uitzending. Volgens Londen wordt er in Turkije onderhandeld tussen de Hongaarse regering en geallieerde vertegenwoordigers over de emigratie van alle Hongaarse Joden als Engeland en Amerika medicamenten en vrachtwagens aan Hongarije leveren op voorwaarde, dat het transportmateriaal niet aan het Westelijk front gebruikt zal worden. In Engeland wordt het voorstel als een onbeschaamd, botte poging opgevat de Russen en geallieerden tegen elkaar op te hitsen. Dit is ...

  5. Odeljenje Specijalne policije Uprave grada Beograda

    1. Управа града Београда
    • Special police of the Administration of the City of Belgrade

    The Serbian Special Police was the principal collaborationist institution from 1941 to 1944. It operated under the control of the Administration of the City of Belgrade and the Gestapo. Among their duties: fighting against Communists and Chetniks, controlling and arresting Jews and Roma, shooting hostages.The archive materials includes files of I, II, III and IV Section. Archivals of the first three sections consist of correspondence and files of arrested persons. It concerns of politically characterized punishments and information on general political situation in Serbia and other parts of...

  6. Verschiedene Unterlagen des KL Dachau: - 1) Eine Nachricht des KL Dachau an die Ehefrau eines sich in Schutzhaft befindlichen Häftlings, 1938 - ...

    1. Dokumente und Quellen anderer Archive. Deutsche Archive. International Tracking Service (ITS), Bad Arolsen
    2. Listenmaterial Dachau
    • KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau
    • 2321000
    • German
    • Ursprünglich wurden 116 Seiten inventarisiert. digital reproductions 139 Fotokopien

    Verschiedene Unterlagen des KL Dachau:1) Eine Nachricht des KL Dachau an die Ehefrau eines sich in Schutzhaft befindlichen Häftlings, 19382) Namentliche Liste der sich im Lager befindlichen Belgier (Aufstellung nach Blocks St. 07.03.44 und 18.01.45)3) Namentliche Listen der Arreststrafen vom 12.12.444) Eine Unfallmeldung vom 22.12.445) Anforderung der Pol. Abteilung und der Gestapo zur Vorführung von Häftlingen zwecks Vernehmung und Unterschriftsleistung, 11.01.45 und 24.04.456) Röntgendurchleuchtungen 08.05.437) Überstellung vom SS-AL Allach, Lager II zum KL Dachau, Häftlingskrankenbau, 19...

  7. Bund deutsch-jüdischer Jugend, Ortsgruppe Erfuhrt 1934

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The files contain information regarding the 'Bund deutsch-jüdischer Jugend, Ortsgruppe Erfuhrt 1934' (German-Jewish youth group). The idea, which was presented by the National Socialist German Workers' Party, of this youth group was to help the Jewish youth to integrate in the German society, with collective mental and physical activity. The Nazi Party build youth camps especially for that purpose. Every Jewish youth organization was obliged to join the 'Bund deutsch-jüdischer Jugend'. All informations about members and activities of the 'Bund deutsch-jüdischer Jugend' were passed directly ...

  8. [Jews in Italy]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains mostly diplomatic correspondence exchanged between 1940 and 1943 between the diplomatic representation of Nazi Germany in Italy and the German Foreign Office. The documents include letters, reports, and telegrams regarding the appointment of Herbert Kappler as member of the Gestapo at the German Embassy in Rome, but also on the collaboration with Italian representatives on the persecution of Jews from Italy and on the property of Jews emigrants from Germany in Italy. Furthermore, the file contains a typewritten report written in German in 1942 and discussing the Italian po...

  9. [Wir rufen die Gemeinde auf]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    On the 5th of September 1938 the "Altfreundeverband" and the "Deutsche christliche Studentenvereinigung" was unraveled by the Gestapo. In this file publications of the DCSB in the years of 1938 and 1939 are seen. Dr. Reinold von Thabben discribes how the DCSV was foundet in 1890, how the association was working and how the faith and the guidance of God helped their members and inspired their work. It is pointed out that they should not lose their faith, eventhough the DCSB is forbidden now. Furthermore he is calling the Christian community for denomination.

  10. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains the verdict of Wenzel (born on 11 February 1897 in Prague) and Karoline Limbursky (born on 27 July 1907 in Prague). The couple's crime had been to give shelter to a member of the Czech army who was wanted by the "Gestapo". Furthermore, Karoline Limbursky supported the man by providing him with food. The couple was was found guilty and sentenced to death in 1944.

  11. Jüdischer Kulturbund Erfurt

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains informations about the Jüdischer Kulturbund in Erfurt. A list of active and former members, including their birthday and birthplace, as well as their occupation and adress is given. Furthermore it contains a circular letter, announcing the necessity to get Hans Hinkel's permission for planed activities. Also a report about a cultural evening of the Kulturbund Erfurt, written by the Gestapo, is attached. The report includes informations about the topics which have been discussed, the appearance of members and gerneral observations of the evening.

  12. Buchenwald I. Prisoners List & Statistics

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    A general view of the file content: list of surviving prisoners ; statistics that include the number of exterminations ; unnatural deaths ; extermination transport to Auschwitz, Bergen Belsen and Lublin ; incomplete list of Kommando 99 (Buchenwald) ; list of belongings of Dutch prisoners and correspondence with the Gestapo in Holland.

  13. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains the verdicts of Beatrix Sláma (born on 18 February 1920 in Moladotitz) and Barbara Lang (born on 25 December 1912 in Kunowitz). In 1943 Wenzel Lang escaped Communist persecution by the Gestapo. Lang was given shelter by Beatrix Sláma's husband who was a friend of his. Beatrix Sláma disapproved of Lang's stay but did not report him to the police. Later Wenzel Lang took refuge in Barbara Lang's home who was his sister-in-law. She was aware of his political activities and let him stay in her home. The defendants Beatrix Sláma and Barbara Lang were found guilty of having suppo...

  14. Eingangsbuch ‫‪‎‫‏über Häftlinge

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains a list in alphabetical order of prisoners of the Gestapo Sonderkommando in Berlin in the Lehrterstrasse (Streetname) from August 1944 till March 1945. The list was copied and translated from the original 'Eingabebuch ‫‪‎‫‏über Häftlinge'. It shows the names of the prisoners, the dates of arrest and dates of dismissal. The 'Royal United Service Institution' got the original 'Eingabebuch ‫‪‎‫‏über Häftlinge' in 1958 as a present from an anonym donor.

  15. [Prisoners of War and forces laborers: treatment and punishment in Nazi Germany]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains various documents regarding the treatment of forced laborers from Poland and the Soviet Union in Nazi Germany between 1940 and 1943. Most of the documents are circulars issued by the Gestapo and signed by Heinrich Müller and Reinhard Heydrich giving instructions and regulations on the punishment of Polish and Soviet forced laborers who are accused of sexual intercourse with German women. While some documents also discuss the possibility of “Germanization” of foreign laborers, most regulations turn around the use of the so-called “Sonderbehandlung” which meant execution. So...

  16. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Nazi Justice collection

    The file contains the verdict of Wenzel Hendrich (born on 26 November 1907 in Franzendorf), Marie Hendrich (born on 12 December 1911 in Doerfel) and Wanda Moucka (born on 13 September 1911 in Prague). On 31 December 1943 two Jewish prisoners (Weisl and Liebl) were able to break out of the Gestapo prison in Prague. Marie Hendrich, the neighbour of Ottokar Weisl's mother, helped considerably in establishing contact between the two, whereas Wenzel Hendrich tried to stay out of this as far as possible. They were sentenced to spend five years in a penitentiary. The third defendant, Wanda Moucka,...

  17. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Nazi Justice collection

    The file contains the verdict of Wenzel (born on 11 February 1897 in Prague) and Karoline Limbursky (born on 27 July 1907 in Prague). The couple's crime had been to give shelter to a member of the Czech army who was wanted by the "Gestapo". Furthermore, Karoline Limbursky supported the man by providing him with food. The couple was was found guilty and sentenced to death in 1944.

  18. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Nazi Justice collection

    The file contains the verdict of Josef Hocke (born on 1 May 1894 in Prag). In 1938 Josef Hocke got to know Ulrich Hlavin, a former major of the Czech-Slovak military staff, through mutual friends. They met again in 1939 and 1941 – that's when Ulrich Hlavin told the defendant that he was being searched for. In early 1942 Josef Hocke allowed Ulrich Hlavin to hide in his warehouse twice. In January and December of 1943 he showed up again – however, Josef Hocke declined his request out of fear of the Gestapo. The defendant was found guilty of not notifying German authorities about a wanted pers...

  19. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Nazi Justice collection

    The file contains the verdicts of Beatrix Sláma (born on 18 February 1920 in Moladotitz) and Barbara Lang (born on 25 December 1912 in Kunowitz). In 1943 Wenzel Lang escaped Communist persecution by the Gestapo. Lang was given shelter by Beatrix Sláma's husband who was a friend of his. Beatrix Sláma disapproved of Lang's stay but did not report him to the police. Later Wenzel Lang took refuge in Barbara Lang's home who was his sister-in-law. She was aware of his political activities and let him stay in her home. The defendants Beatrix Sláma and Barbara Lang were found guilty of having suppo...

  20. Factory-printed Star of David badge printed with Jude, worn by a German Jewish prisoner

    1. Hans Benjamin Marx collection

    Yellow cloth Star of David badge worn by Hans Benjamin Marx while he was confined at Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp between February 18 and May 8, 1945. All Jews in the Reich were required to wear Judenstern on their outer clothing at all times to identify themselves as Jewish. Hans spent most of the war in Frankfurt with his older sister, Claire, and their mother, Elise. Elise was a Protestant, but converted to Judaism before getting married to Hans’s father, Ernest. In November 1938, following the Kristallnacht pogrom, Ernest was arrested and transported to Buchenwald concentr...