Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,621 to 1,640 of 3,432
  1. Oral history interview with Tina Strobos

    1. Testimony oral history collection
  2. Oral history interview with Edward Adler

    1. Testimony oral history collection
  3. Имперский суд и Прокуратура Германии (г. Лейпциг)

    • Reichsgericht und Reichsanwaltschaft (Leipzig)
    • Records of the Reichsgericht and Reichsanwaltschaft in Leipzig (State Court and State Prosecutorial Office)

    Investigatory records, letters, newspapers

  4. Управление службы безопасности (СД) в г. Штеттине

    • SD-Abschnitt (Stettin)
    • Records of the SD‐Abschnitt Stettin

    Correspondence and newspaper clippings relating to the Seventh-Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses, the confiscation of their printed materials, and one item about Jewish influence on churches.

  5. Материалы народного суда и других немецких судов

    • Records of Volksgerichtof and other German Courts

    Court files of investigation of people charged with state treason, sabotage, listening to foreign broadcasts, and other treasonable acts involving the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. Included are correspondence and orders regarding the investigation of Poles, Czechs, Jews, and Russians; excerpts from "highly treasonable" radio broadcasts printed in "Deutsche Volkszeitung" (October 1938) and broadcast over "German Freedom Station."

  6. Бюро имперского протектора в Богемии и Моравии (г. Прага)

    • Records of the Reichsprotektor in Böhmen und Mähren, Prague
    • Büro des Reichsprotektors in Böhmen und Mähren (Prague)

    Contains a March 1941 monthly situation report of the head of the SD in Prague that mentions the emigration and "resettlement" of Jews. Also included are letters to other German authorities that include a listing of all leadership offices, statistics on German nationals, and the reestablishment of Deutschtum ("Germanness") in the Protectorate.

  7. Правление синагогальной общины (г. Штеттин)

    • Vorstand der Synagogen-Gemeinde (Stettin)

    Archival records of the synagogue in Stettin (Szczecin, Poland) and the history of Jews in the region from 1906 to 1937: it consists of a bulletin and various documents of the "Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland" regarding the need to better organize statistics on Jewish organizations; correspondence, statistics and clippings on the emigration of Jews from Szczecin (Stettin).

  8. Petro ir Povilo bažnyčia su rodykle į HKP lagerį

    1. Rinkinių apskaitos ir apsaugos skyrius

    Vilnius. Petro ir Povilo bažnyčia su rodykle į HKP lagerį.Po geto likvidavimo apie 1000 žydų buvo palikti dirbti „Kailio“ fabrike, 1000 žydų liko dirbti kariuomenės autoremonto dirbtuvėse HKP, apie 50 – karo ligoninėje ir 70 – gestapo dirbtuvėse. Šie keli šimtai kvalifikuotų darbininkų su šeimomis prieš pat geto likvidavimą buvo perkelti į du Subačiaus g. 37 esančius šešiaaukščius pastatus (dabar nr. 47 ir 49). Daugiausiai tai buvo mechanikai, skardininkai, šaltkalviai, stikliai, t.y. tie, kurie dar iki įsteigiant stovyklą, būdami gete, dirbo Heereskraftfahrpark/Ost/562 (sutrumpintai HKP) k...

  9. Prayer book

    1. Frank Meissner family collection

    Prayer book carried and used by Franz Meissner with an inscription dated 1912 inside the front cover. Franz, age 16, left Czechoslovakia in October 1939 because of the increasing persecution of Jews as Czechoslovakia was dismembered by Nazi Germany and its allies. With the encouragement of his family, he left for Denmark with Youth Aliyah, an organization that helped people to emigrate to Palestine. In 1943, the Germans began to deport all Jews from Denmark. Frank was warned that the Gestapo was looking for him and he was smuggled on a fishing boat to Sweden. He had been receiving weekly le...

  10. Cohn/ Baer family papers

    The material consists mostly of birth and death certificates, permits and travel documents. Included are papers which document the increasingly oppressive measures taken by the Nazis against the Jews. At 628/9 is Martha Cohn's identity card with the conspicuous “J” on the cover denoting Jew and which bears the additional information that she was ‘evacuated' from Berlin on 16 December 1942. At 628/10 is the order from the Amtsgericht, Berlin, that she must adopt the forename ‘Sara' to identify her as a Jew, dated 11 Jan 1939. At 628/11 is an order stamped by the Gestapo that she must leave G...

  11. Jakob Zelnik collection