Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,701 to 14,720 of 55,824
  1. Funeral; construction, daily life in Warsaw, 1936

    A Christian funeral procession of an unidentified individual through Warsaw, several people walk behind the horse drawn carriage that carries the casket, the pallbearers are in elaborate uniforms. MS construction site in Warsaw, multi-story apartment buildings are going up, the foreman in a dark coat barks orders to all of the workers laying the concrete. MCU, kiosk featuring various newspapers.

  2. Funeral; German workers; Hitler Youth

    Contination of RG-60.5395. Funeral. Training camp. CUs of German workers in uniform. Marching in city. Hitler Youth.

  3. Funeral; Rabbis; Jewish Cemetery

    Magyar Híradó 473. An intertitle reads, “A Magyar úszósport nagy vesztesége. Általános részvét kisér-te utolsó útjára a magyar úszósport vilásikereinek leeks megteremtójét, Komjádi Bélát. M.F.J.” The funeral crowd outside a large building with two dead trees in front. Men in black carry the coffin amongst a sea of other funeral attendees. Photographers stand on the side. Two men carry pillows presenting the medals of the deceased. A man speaks to the crowd above the place where the coffin has been laid down. Includes shots of rabbis and the Jewish cemetery.

  4. Funeral; Speech in Brussels; Germans training; SS advance in Normany; Russian front

    29/44 No. 38. Part 1, Adolf Hitler speaks at the funeral of Gen. Dietl as Himmler and Keitel look on. Part 2, Leon Degrelle makes an anticommunist speech in Brussels. Part 3, German officer candidates train near the fighting front. Part 4, German coastal guns fire on a U.S. cruiser off Cherbourg and set it afire. Part 5, wrecked U.S. equipment on a beach and along roads, destroyed tanks in ruined villages, and captured U.S. paratroopers. Part 6, German SS troops and tanks advance in Normandy. Part 7, German tanks and rocket guns fire on the Russian front.

  5. Fünfbrunnen (Cinqfontaines)

    Records related to the Fünfbrunnen concentration camp: name lists of Jews deported from Luxembourg to occupied Poland, SiPo reports on arrested Jews and resistance members, Correspondence and documents relating to the occupants of the Jewish elder people's home Fünfbrunnen close to Ulflingen. General inquiries of the Consistory of the Jewish community in Luxembourg at the Task force of the Security Police (Einsatzkommando der Sicherheitspolizei), the Chief of Civil Administration (Chef der Zivilverwaltung) and the Gestapo. Further the fonds contains documents relating to emigration and depo...

  6. Fünfbrunnen (Cinqfontaines)

    The series of records Fünfbrunnen II (FMD-003) consists aiut of residence certificates of Jews in the camp Fünfbrunnen by the local administration in Asselborn, 1957-1962. Certificates of registration and deregistration with the police registration authority, 1941-1943.

  7. Funk at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 146) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 4, 1946. Dr. Fritz Sauter questions his client Dr. Walter Funk. MS, Dr. Funk testifying. (Munich 147) Scenes are same as above. The soundtrack is of translator's voice giving questions and answers in English.

  8. Funk cross-examined by Thomas Dodd at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 366) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 20, 1946. MCU, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd cross-examines Walther Funk. Funk is heard answering. MS, Dr. Fritz Sauter, counselor for Funk, at speaker's stand. MCU, British prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe questions Hermann Goering. Goering is heard replying to questions.

  9. Funk cross-examined by Thomas Dodd at Nuremberg Trial re: confiscated money and loot

    (Munich 357) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 15, 1946. Thomas J. Dodd of the US prosecution cross examining Walther Funk about loot taken from concentration camp prisoners and money from conquered countries. Funk calls some of these figures absurd and others he denies knowledge of. Dodd asks Funk about his relationship with Oswald Pohl. He asks Dodd how he could know nothing about the "strange deposit" of gold teeth in the Reichbank.

  10. Funk testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 359) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 15, 1946. Walther Funk testifying under questioning of his lawyer, Dr. Fritz Sauter.

  11. Fur jacket

    Fur jacket worn by child in Lampertheim DP camp.

  12. Furman family papers

    The Furman family papers document the pre-war lives of the Furman family in Krynki, Poland and Palestine, including Hanoch Furman’s education and employment at a Tarbut school in Krynki, his immigration to Palestine in 1926, and his mother Zelda Furman’s immgration to Palestine in 1936. Documents include Tarbut school certificates and report card, marriage certificate for Hanoch and Dina Flaumenbaum, a Ketubah, Palestinian immigration certificates for Hanoch and Zelda, Palestinian naturalization certificate for Hanoch, and Zelda’s Polish passport and health card for immigration. Photographs...

  13. The Furman family visits London en route to relatives in Poland

    The ocean. A man on a ship deck walks towards the camera several times, a big smile on his face. Ocean waves. A child runs around on the ship deck. A woman runs with her. They continue playing, holding hands. Small waves in the ocean. A ship with two funnels moves past, its deck crowded with people. Another large liner. A seagull flies. A man struggles with a large rod. People walk through city streets in London, officers, buses, and officers on horseback for annual The Lord Mayor's Show on November 9 to introduce the city to it's new Lord Mayor. The filmmaker stands opposite The Royal Cour...

  14. Fürsorgeakten

    • Welfare Records

    Der Bestand der Fürsorgeakten enthält folgende umfangreichen Gebiete: - Jugendfürsorge - Adoptionen.

  15. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung

    Auswanderungsfragebögen, statistische Aufstellungen, Dokumente, Korrespondenz, Erhebungsbögen und Merkblätter betreffend die Auswanderung (u.a. auch die Kinderauswanderung) Auswanderungsfragebögen: Der jeweilige Hausvorstand musste auf dem Fragebogen folgende Informationen angeben: Namen (auch der im Haushalt wohnenden Angehörigen), Geburtsdatum- und ort, Familienstand, Staatsangehörigkeit, Aufenthaltsdauer in Österreich, Beruf und letzte Stellung, Verdienst und wirtschaftliche Situation, Sprachkenntnisse, Auswanderungsziel, finanzielle Mittel, Reisepassinformationen sowie Beziehungen ins A...

  16. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung, Beratungsstelle für Berufsausbildung und Umschichtung

    Statistische Aufstellungen zur Auswanderung, Umschulung und Berufsumschichtung; Dokumente und Berichte zu Umschichtungskursen

  17. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung, Gildemeester-Auswanderungshilfsaktion

    Erhebungsblätter der Gildemeester-Auswanderungshilfsaktion über Schutzhäftlinge in Dachau, Mitarbeiterlisten der Gildemeester-Auswanderungshilfsaktion, Korrespondenzen sowie diverse Formulare (1938 bis 1941, 1944)

  18. Fürstengrube Sp.z o.o. w Katowicach

    • Fürstengrube GmbH. Kattowitz

    Sprawy organizacyjne (1937) 1941-1944: dokumentacja założenia spółki, zarządzenia, protokoły z posiedzeń rady nadzorczej, kontrakty i umowy (sygn.1-44, 19a-d); sprawozdania opisowe 1941-1944 (sygn.45-52), bilanse, plany i zestawienia 1941-1944 (sygn. 53-69), akta budowlano-techniczne 1941-1944 (sygn. 70-90, 70a, 75 a-b, 90 a-c), korespondencja z różnymi instytucjami, wycena wartości nowych obiektów 1942-1944 (sygn. 91-97), szkody wojenne, rozliczenia między posiadaczami akcji, sprawy podatkowe, koszta produkcji (1936) 1941-1944 (sygn. 98-103), utrzymanie dróg, zaopatrzenie w wodę 1942-1944 ...

  19. Fürstlich Plessische Bergwerks AG

    Zitierweise BArch R 9363/...