Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 121 to 140 of 56,066
  1. Thomas Cook and Son Ltd: Storage record book

    This storage record book of Thomas Cook's Lisbon depot, is thought to be significant because it apparently contains the names of many Jews who left possessions during the years 1942-1943, much of which remained unclaimed, and was presumably disposed of by Thomas Cook staff in due course. The following notes were supplied by the depositor, who was (in 1977-1978) the Thomas Cook General Manager for Europe and who retrieved the volume from the Lisbon office of Thomas Cook

  2. [Interview with Fritz Kormis]

  3. Ruth Wiener collection

    The papers include pre-war documents and correspondence while Ruth lived in Amsterdam; material documenting life in Westerbork and Bergen Belsen camps including diary and plan of Westerbork; postwar correspondence from her father, who treated her as head of the family in his absence and after her mother's death; also papers of the Klemens family.

  4. Letter from Mrs. Adamkova, Prague

  5. Bernard Simon collection

  6. Meister des Bogens

  7. Regensburger family papers

    This collection of papers concerns the experiences of a German Jewish family which settled in Great Britain in 1939.

  8. Ilse Murray Collection

    The collection consists of personal papers of Holocaust survivors Ilse Murray neé Perl and her son Claus Nicholas Perl as well as of Red Cross worker Enid Fordham.Biographical materials of Ilse and Claus comprise official documents and eyewitness accounts, and allow insights into their persecution and imprisonment in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Included is an audio recording of Ilse Murray on her experiences during the Nazi era.A large bulk of post-war correspondence documents the respective compensation cases of Ilse and Claus against West Germany. A smaller part consists of personal...

  9. Refugee organisations UK: notes

    These contemporary notes on the various refugee aid committees based at Bloomsbury House, London, give some idea of the provision, which existed for refugees during the war.

  10. SS Oberreiter Emmerich menzer: Letter

    This letter, written by a member of a Waffen SS Veterinär Ersatzkompanie in Radan, Poland, offers a rare insight into the experiences of a rank and file member of an SS company. The letter is particularly noteworthy for the way in which the author expresses regret for having missed taking part in an action in which 3 Polish villages were raided and a great number of Poles were shot. Unfortunately the location of Radan is not known. It is therefore not possible to place the letter in its precise historical context.The letter is written in Sütterlin script.

  11. Report re conditions in France under German occupation

    Report re conditions in France under German occupation including detail on the following subjects: smuggling people out of the country; good behaviour and manners of the invading force; the price of goods. The report has been annotated thus: ‘Reliable report; not for publication'English. 5 pages 

  12. Last train to tomorrow

  13. Heinrich Stern collection

    Family correspondence and papers re emigration

  14. Copy documents re Bad Aussee resistance movement and Operation Bernhard

    This collection of copy documentation relates to the Austrian resistance movement during the Nazi era and to the attempt by the Nazis to wage economic warfare by flooding Britain with counterfeit British currency in the operation named Unternehmen Bernhard, after the Gestapo officer in charge, Bernhard Krueger

  15. Tony Berger collection

    This collection comprises the personal correspondence received by Tony Berger, a Jewish refugee from Duisburg who was the only one of her siblings to emigrate to England on a domestic visa. Despite her efforts to help her family leave the country, they did not manage to obtain the required documentation in time.Family letters of Tony Berger, mainly from her mother, siblings and grandparents, document her family's efforts and hopes for emigration with the help of Tony Berger's new contacts in England as well as Tony Berger's life in London as a refugee employed as a domestic maid. Also inclu...

  16. Kartell Convent: Miscellaneous material

    Kartell Conventus: Miscellaneous material 

  17. Leonard Montefiore collection

    Leonard Montefiore collection comprising draft writings, correspondence, printed material and press cuttings documenting his life and work