Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,001 to 1,020 of 3,449
  1. Gisevius testimony at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 128) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 26, 1946. LSs, Dr. Rudolf Dix, counselor for Schacht, questions the witness Hans Bernhardt von Gisevius. MLS, Gisevius testifying. Pan to Hermann Goering scribbling notes. 19:02:40 Pan to dock, Ribbentrop. CU, Gisevius testifying. MCU, Dr. Otto Stahmer and another defense counselor making notes. 19:07:33 MCS, right side of dock, including Speer, Von Hindenburg, Fritsch, Frank, Frick, Streicher, and Funk listening to Gisevius testify. LSs, Gisevius speaking of the relationship between the German Army and the Gestapo. Pan from Chief Pr...

  2. War Criminals Hunt

    (LIB 7228-7229) War Criminals Hunt, Norway, June-July 1945. SEQ: US, British, and Nilorg (Norwegian Underground) troops entering German POW camp in the early morning and routing the prisoners from their sleep. The Germans are lined up outside of barracks and informers pass along the lines in an attempt to identify former Gestapo men. MLSs, MSs, German prisoners rush from their barracks in all manner of dress. In many instances the Norwegian troops boot the prisoners to hurry them along. MSs, informers pass along a line of women who had worked for the German government and are presently inte...

  3. History of Kaltenbrunner presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 474) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 2, 1946. LS, Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence states that it would be better to hold Ernst Kaltenbrunner's case because of his absence. MLS, rear view, US prosecutor Robert G. Storey asking the Tribunal to proceed with the evidence as the case against the Gestapo and Kaltenbrunner are linked. Rear view, defense counsel for Kaltenbrunner speaking to the Tribunal on behalf of his client. Defense counsel says that he has been appointed for the defense of "criminal organizations" summarily, and as such has no immediate client to be r...

  4. "A Hungarian Jew Looks Back: A Personal Account of the Pre-World War II Times and the War Years"

    1. Robert Winkler collection

    Contains a memoir written circa 1992, with information about Robert Winkler's childhood; family experiences and national events in Hungary during the war years; the German occupation of 1944; Winkler's forced labor in Hungary; escape and capture; forced service with a Gestapo unit; re-escape and "passing" with false identification as a Hungarian gentile; service as a "gentile" in the Hungarian army; liberation by the Red Army. Also included is a postscript with information about the subsequent fate of some of the people mentioned in the memoir.

  5. Final argument for the United States of America on the indicted organizations

    1. William Mandel collection

    Consists of a copy of the "Final argument for the United States of America on the indicted organizations." The transcript contains information on the Reich Cabinet; the political leadership of the SS, the Gestapo, and the SA; and their criminal activities during World War II. Final argument given by Thomas J. Todd. Also includes speech by Henry S. Ott.

  6. Gisevius testimony at Nuremberg Trial; Streicher sworn in

    (Munich 128) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 26, 1946. Continuation of Hans Bernhardt von Gisevius testifying under questioning by US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson. Pan from prisoners' dock to Jackson and Gisevius. Gisevius talks about the torture and murder of thousands of prisoners and the confiscation of civilian property by the Gestapo. MSs, prisoners' dock showing Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, and Franz von Papen. 19:18:37 LSs, Julius Streicher is sworn in and questioned by his attorney, Dr. Hans Marx. Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence is heard saying to Streiche...

  7. Dodd presents evidence at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 386) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany. HSs, MSs Thomas J. Dodd of the American prosecution, tells of the great mass of evidence presented during the trial and the criminal tendencies of the Gestapo, SA, SS. HS Col. Andrus, Provost Marshal, speaking to prisoners in dock at end of session. HS prisoners conversing after the court adjourns; Col. Andrus is standing at the left.

  8. Jüdischer Kulturbund Hildesheim

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains a correspondence concerning the establishment of a Kulturbund branch in Hildesheim. The exchange of letters is between the Kulturbund and Hans Hinkel, Reich Ministry for the People's Enlightenment and Propaganda. The Kulturbund Hildesheim presents to Hans Hinkel the new executive committee members of the branch and ask for permission to start the work. Besides a correspondence between Hans Hinkel and the Gestapo is attached. The correspondence regards a request about the new charmen of the Hildesheim branch of the Kulturbund. The Gestapo informed Hinkel, that there is noth...

  9. ["Judenangelegenheiten"- Bayern IV]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    This file is the fourth part of a collection of correspondence between the Gestapo Würzburg and various government bodies. Among them are circulars by H. Göring, R. Heydrich and H. Müller about the prohibition to deport Jews from Germany proper to Poland, a request for the exact number of Jews and their assets in Würzburg and a request by the Gestapo to send custom employees to various concentration camps in order to interview affluent Jewish prisoners about the whereabouts of their assets. Another circular by H. Göring deals with guidelines for housing of Jews, a ban for Jews to stay in pu...

  10. Jüdischer Kulturbund Dresden and Leipzig

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains a correspondence between the Kulturbund Leipzig and Dresden, represented by Kurt Singer, and Hans Hinkel, Reich Ministry for the People's Enlightenment and Propaganda. The letters are about seeking approval of Hans Hinkel for several theater plays and excerpts of the newspaper. Besides a correspondence between Hans Hinkel and the Gestapo is attached. The correspondence regards a request about a chairman of the Leipzig branch of the Kulturbund Dr. Konrad Goldschmidt. The Gestapo informed Hinkel, that there is nothing detrimental about Konrad Goldschmidt

  11. Jüdischer Kulturbund Königsberg

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains informations about the Jüdischer Kulturbund Königsberg (Kaliningrad) in 1934 and 1935. Letters revealing the difficulties to promote Kulturbund activities, proposals for perfomances and cultural activities, as well as a letter concerning the prohibitation of the performance of Schiller's poem 'An die Freude', are attached. Also programs of the planed events, adressed to Hans Hinkel, Reich Ministry for the People's Enlightenment and Propaganda, can be seen. Forthermore a correspondence between Hinkel and the Gestapo concerning the check of the chairman of the Jüdischer Kult...

  12. Jüdischer Kulturbund Scharzwald

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains informations about the Jüdischer Kulturbund Schwarzwald (Black Forest), in Germany. A correspondence between the Kulturbund Berlin, Gestapo and the Reichskulturkammer (Reich Chamber of Culture) regarding the establishment of the new branch in Schwarzwald can be seen. The Gestapo started investigation against the new chairmen of the Kulturbund Schwarzwald on the demand of Hans Hinkel.

  13. Jüdischer Kulturbund Kassel

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains informations about the Jüdischer Kulturbund Kassel. Kurt Singer, intendand and leader of the Kulturbund Berlin, infroms Hans Hinkel, Reich Ministry for the People's Enlightenment and Propaganda, that the establishment of a branch in Kassel is planed. Forthermore a request to approve a list of chairmen of the Kassel branch is attached. Hinkel forwarded the List to Karl Haselbacher, Gestapo officer, for further investigation. Nothing negative about the chairmen could be investigated by the Gestapo. Therefore the chairmen as well as the Kulturbund Kassel could start their work.

  14. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains the verdict of Franz Müller (born on 19 May 1897 in Jermer). The defendant met his then superior the major of the Czech Army Hlavín during his time in the Ministry of War. After the dissolution of the Czech Army Hlavín went on to participate in the Anti-Nazi resistance and was therefore wanted by the Gestapo since 1941. The defendant Müller was accused of meeting Hlavín on 10 occasions, the last time in 1944. Müller did not report Hlavín, knowing he was wanted by the Gestapo. The defendant was found guilty of failing to report an enemy of the state and was therefore senten...

  15. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Nazi Justice collection

    The file contains the verdict of Franz Müller (born on 19 May 1897 in Jermer). The defendant met his then superior the major of the Czech Army Hlavín during his time in the Ministry of War. After the dissolution of the Czech Army Hlavín went on to participate in the Anti-Nazi resistance and was therefore wanted by the Gestapo since 1941. The defendant Müller was accused of meeting Hlavín on 10 occasions, the last time in 1944. Müller did not report Hlavín, knowing he was wanted by the Gestapo. The defendant was found guilty of failing to report an enemy of the state and was therefore senten...

  16. 1) Berichte über die Vollstreckung von Todesurteilen des Standgerichts Prag vom 2.6.42 - 9.7.42 - - ...

    1. Gefängnisse
    2. Listenmaterial Gruppe P.P.
    1. Berichte über die Vollstreckung von Todesurteilen des Standgerichts Prag vom 2.6.42 - 9.7.42 2) Öffentliche Bekanntmachungen über vom Standgericht Prag ausgesprochene und vollzogene Todesurteile vom 31.5.42 - 23.6.42 3) Vorführungsbefehl der Geheimen Staatspolizei Prag zwecks Überstellung vom Polizeigefängnis Prag-Pankratz vom 10.4.42 4) Schreiben der Gestapo, Stapoleitstelle Brünn, Außendienststelle Olmütz, betreffend Antrag auf Einäscherung im Krematorium, vom 27.11.44
  17. 19 Ordner mit Unterlagen über jüdische Personen, die zu den umseitig erwähnten Konzentrationslagern deportiert wurden, wo bis auf zwei alle verstarben. Mit vollständigen Angaben zur Person. ...

    1. Registrierung und Betreuung von DPs innerhalb und außerhalb von Lagern
    2. Erfassung von überwiegend nach dem Krieg verstorbenen ehemaligen Verfolgten an unterschiedlichen Orten (AL7-Listen)

    19 Ordner mit Unterlagen über jüdische Personen, die zu den umseitig erwähnten Konzentrationslagern deportiert wurden, wo bis auf zwei alle verstarben. Mit vollständigen Angaben zur Person. Siehe Nr. 8148700, 8144500, 8001600 und Umschläge Buchenwald, Dachau, Neuengamme