Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,281 to 7,300 of 10,181
  1. Collective testimony of Abraham Tewie Chaimovitz, Sonia Grad and others, regarding the experiences of the Jews in Seduva

    1. O.71- Koniuchowsky Collection: Testimonies Regarding the Holocaust of Lithuanian Jewry, 1945-1981

    Collective testimony of Abraham Tewie Chaimovitz, Sonia Grad and others, regarding the experiences of the Jews in Seduva Sonia Grad: Life in Siauliai before the war. Outbreak of the war, 22 June 1941; escape with her husband in the direction of the Soviet Union; escape to Seduva, 25 June 1941; life in Seduva; German occupation, 26 June 1941; restrictions on the Jews including the yellow badge; deportation of Jews to a camp; abuse of the youths; escape with documents her husband obtained; escape to Siauliai; receives information about the deportation of the Seduva Jews to Panevczys. Abraham ...

  2. The Far Eastern Jewish Central Information Bureau (DALJEWCIB), Harbin, Shanghai, Personal files.

    This fonds contains individual files of potential emigrants applying to the Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland (Relief Organization of German Jews) for assistance in emigrating to Harbin and Shanghai, between 1938 and 1940. These emigrants were in majority German and Polish Jews, who lived in Germany, Austria, but also in other European countries, including Belgium. This fonds contains about 3000 personal files. The size and content of a file may vary, from just one letter to a rich correspondence, photographs, biographies, recommendations and forms filled in by potential emigrants (often...

  3. Eyewitness Accounts of the Holocaust. Collection, 1939-1945.

    This collection consists of over 1900 testimonies written by Holocaust survivors, documenting their experiences in occupied Europe in the years 1939-1945. The testimonies are often very extensive, numbering in the dozens of pages. There are three series, corresponding with efforts to collect testimonies undertaken in the immediate postwar years (Series I), in 1954 (Series II) and since the 1960s (Series III). Testimonies with reference to Belgium are especially found in Series I. These testimonies were collected in displaced persons camps in Germany, Austria, Italy and also in Poland and ot...

  4. Max Gottschalk Papers.

    The Max Gottschalk Papers almost exclusively consist of correspondence of Gottschalk with various individuals and organisations. We note: correspondence concerning Gottschalk’s relations with Belgian Free Masons living in the USA (folder XXXI-1; period 1941); correspondence with various individuals (folder XXXI-2; 1942); letters of thanks and various invitations (folder XXXI-32; 1942-1944); correspondence of Gottschalk concerning his son Robert i.a. regarding his admission into university, bar mitzvah, summer camp performances etc. (folder XXXI-4; 1942-1943); correspondence with regards to ...

  5. Collection of Historical Photographs.

    This is the largest collection in the world of historical photographs related to the Holocaust. It documents Jewish life before and during the Holocaust, the life of survivors in the post-war period, but also various activities and ceremonies commemorating the Holocaust all over the world. Searching for keywords such as ‘Belgium’, ‘Brussels’, ‘Antwerp’ etc. yields a result of over 1000 relevant images, from various collections. We find portraits and group photos (scenes of everyday life, Shoah victims, resistance members, partisans, rescuers); pictures of youth movements (i.a. Bar Kochba, H...

  6. Ofner family papers

    Consists of documents, day planners, photograph albums, and loose photographs related to the experiences of Curt and Betty Ofner and their son Peter, originally of Berlin, Germany. Includes pre-war family documents, education documents, and correspondence documenting the family's life and work in Berlin, Peter's emigration in 1939 to Stockholm and subsequently to Great Britain, where he reunited with his parents. Includes passports (Reisepass), Curt Ofner's paperwork to continue a teaching career in Great Britain, correspondence, family photographs, and Peter Ofner's 1939 and 1943 day plann...

  7. Frantisek Vohryzek family papers

    Consists of original documents, correspondence, and copyprints related to Frantisek Benno Vohryzek, originally of Hrdlovka, Czechoslovakia. Includes documents related to Vohryzek's emigration to Ecuador in 1939, his life in Ecuador, emigration to the United States in 1944, and related to learning that his parents and sister perished during the Holocaust. The Frantisek Vohryzek papers document the experience of a Czech refugee immigrating to Ecuador in early 1939. The collection includes his emigration and identity papers for the immigration, correspondence with his parents and sister remain...

  8. Sketchbook created by young Jewish girl in Nazi-Occupied France

    1. Elizabeth Kaufmann Koenig collection
  9. Sketchbook created by young Jewish girl in Nazi-Occupied France

    1. Elizabeth Kaufmann Koenig collection
  10. Sketchbook created by young Jewish girl in Nazi-Occupied France

    1. Elizabeth Kaufmann Koenig collection
  11. Sketchbook created by young Jewish girl

    1. Elizabeth Kaufmann Koenig collection
  12. Sketchbook created by young Jewish girl

    1. Elizabeth Kaufmann Koenig collection
  13. Sketchbook created by young Jewish girl in Nazi-Occupied France

    1. Elizabeth Kaufmann Koenig collection
  14. Sketchbook created by young Jewish girl in Nazi-Occupied France

    1. Elizabeth Kaufmann Koenig collection
  15. Sketchbook created by young Jewish girl in Nazi-Occupied France

    1. Elizabeth Kaufmann Koenig collection
  16. Sketchbook created by young Jewish girl in Nazi-Occupied France

    1. Elizabeth Kaufmann Koenig collection

    Sketchbook created by young Jewish girl in Nazi-Occupied France

  17. Cover pages of sketchbook created by young Jewish girl in Nazi-Occupied France

    1. Elizabeth Kaufmann Koenig collection
  18. Moses D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Moses D., who was born in Leipzig, Germany in 1933, the oldest of four children. He remembers their affluence; a maid caring for the younger children; separation from their parents when they were placed on a train in July 1939; adults from the kindertransport accompanying them to London; being met by an uncle and aunt; his younger siblings being sent to foster homes; briefly staying in a hostel; living with his uncle and aunt; close calls during the blitzkrieg; visiting his siblings; antisemitic and anti-German harassment; learning his parents had left Germany; his un...

  19. Lichtenstein and Tisch families photographs

    Consists primarily of postwar photographs of the Tisch and Lichtenstein family members and friends. Many of the photographs are associated with Jozef and Mania (née Tisch) Lichtenstein's stay in the Eschwege DP camp. Included is also photograph of Mania's rescuer Janina Zawadzka.

  20. Československý úřad pro hospodářskou pomoc a obnovu, Praha

    • Czechoslovak Office for Relief and Rehabilitation, Prague
    • UNRRA
    • Národní archiv
    • 313
    • English
    • 1943-1951
    • 28,5 linear metres from which 28,5 linear metres of documents are processed and inventoried and accessible.

    In the fonds there can be found lists and summaries of delivered suplies, reports about the economic situation in the Czechoslovak Republic, various reports from the proceedings of committees. There are also files related to the transport of supllies, another draft plans for relief and rehabilitation of the country (also for the Slovak part of the republic), bills or photographs. The Holocaust or Jewish related documents are in several boxes concerning the matter of repatriation of citizens from the Great Britain. There are lists of persons authorized for the repatriation in April and July ...